The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    Sunday, October 26, 1941
Bradley Drives
In tKe first quarter the Huskers threatened when Dale Bradley carried the ball to the Missouri
11 yard line on the play pictured above which netted five yards. After four plays the Tigers took the
ball on their own W- after a Husker pass flew into the end rone, unheeded.
Council Judiciary Committee Announces
Interpretation of Rules for Fall Election
Ed.'s Note:
These are the rules governing
student election proceedings.
They were formulated by the ju
diciary committee of the Student
Council and will be rigidly en
fcrcad in the coming fall cam
paign. The committee agrees on the
following definitions and interpre
tiiti'.ns of Article IV of the nile.s
of student elections:
Article IV.
No vote shall be solicited at the
P"!l:' or in the building in which
riection is being held during elec
tion d.iy. No money shall be spent
in behalf of any candidate. No
prated, mimeographed, typed, or
otl 'Twise published material in bo
hnl! of any candidate shall be per
mitted except the impartial an
nouncement;) of the candidates ap
jC"ting in the press. Any candi
r1?," violating these rules either
i" nerson or thru his supporters
b)i;ill thereby become ineligible.
No Sol'citation of Votes.
"No vote shall bo solicited-'
h:-1 1 mean: No person eligible to
vote for uiy candidate shall be
influenced in any way at the polls
or in the building in which the
tl lion is being held by means
of the spoken or written word or
any other nieaaa, t cast his or
he- vote for any particular candi
date; nor rhall any such person
be influenced in any means to
vote at all.
"At the polls or within the
building in which the election is
being held' shall mean: Any
pluce within said building or with
in one hundred feet from any pail
of the building. Kxeeption: Any
regularly unsigned offices on the
third floor of the Union for In
tel fraternity and Barb Council.
The phrase "at the polls" shall
man: At the place, or places,
where passing out of ballots to
voters, marking of ballots by vot
ers, and placing of ballots in the
ballot boxes is taking place.
' During the election day" shall
mean: Shall be exchanged at any
time from 12 midnight of the day
preceding the election to the time
that the polls are officially closed.
Money Interpretation.
"No m(u?ey" shall mean: No
cash, checks, mail orders, drafts,
stamps, credit or any other article
of value.
"Shall be spent" shall mean:
j rtrinr Ibtt capa 4 SS far a watch I
' crjglal lmt4 la ar watHk. I
14S So. Uik rkoa MUI
to 11 Yard Line
-A J -
I Shall be exchanged, traded or giv
en away in any manner.
I "In behalf of any candidate"
shall mean: No money shall be
: spent which would in any way
influence the results of the elec
tion, or in any way influence a
; voter to cast his vote for any par
i ticular candidate, or candidates,
, whone name or names appear on
the ballots. The term candidate
shall include both persons whose
names appear on the ballots, and
also the political parties with
which they may be affiliated. Thu
j definition of candidate shall be fol
lowed wherever the term appears
in this article. A person whose
name is to appear on the ballot
shall be considered a candidate
; from the day of his filing for of
j fice.
"No printed. mimeographed.
typed, or otherwise published ma
1 terial" shall mean: No handbills,
posters, papers, newspaper or any
i other type of materials or adver
i tising on which appears any writ
ings, typing, printing, cartoons,
drawings, photographs or any oth-
er type of pictorial representation
j of thought, which material is
I to any voter by any means what
I ever or is posted in any place ex
! eept the inside of a private home,
j boarding house, rooming house,
j fraternity house or soroiity house,
i except the official posters of the
elections committee of the Student
I Council. Any such material posted
i in the university residence halls
. for women except official publicity
of the elections committee shall
, be considered "published mate
. rial."
Ink Must Be Same.
"Impartial anno u nee m ents"
shall mean: A list of all candidates
foi all offices to be filled by the
elections, in which list the candi
dates' names must all appear cor
rectly spelled, in the same kind
of type, in the same color and
shade of ink with no extra mark
ings of any sort beneath, over,
around, or beside any particular
names which markings does not
appear in the same way by all the
names in the list. Such lists may
contain the political affiliationa of
all candidates but no other infor
mation about them. Official post
ers by the elections committee t
the Student Council shall be con
sidered impartial announcements.
"The press" shall mean: Any
publication which has the approval
of the University of Nebraska
publications board. In all cases the
editors of the publications shall
be held directly responsible for
what appears in the publication.
"Violating these rules" shall
mean: In any way causing the
rules of this article to be broken
or infracted.
Ignorance N Excuse.
"Either in person or thru his
supporters" shall mean: Either by
, a personal action or by the action
1 f v '
Courtcay Bundar Journal Star
of anyone of his supporters or by
any member of the political fac
tion with which he affiliated, no
matter whether or not he knows
such action will be taken, is be
ing taken or has been taken.
In considering the definition of
the term candidate the penally of
violation of a rule shall apply only
to the individual with whom the
violation is concerned. If the vio
lation is concerned with a politi
cal party, then the penalty shall
apply to all nominees affiliated
with that party.
Ignorance of this article and its
interpretation shall not be consid
ered a valid excuse for the viola
tion of the rules of this article
either by an individual, a group of
individuals or a political faction.
Regular news items appearing
in the press (defined alove and
concerning any candidate shall not
be considered as violations of this
article unless they contain edito
rial comment about the candidate
or unless they are not impartial.
UN Religious
Group Takes
Campus Study
In an attempt to learn more
about the religious life of univer
sity students, the faculty repre
sentatives of the Council of Reli
gious Welfare will contact as
many as possible in a two week
survey upon the suggestion of
Chancellor Boucher. Freshman
students will be contacted in their
orientation classes while upper
classmen will be reached through
the organized houses and groups.
It is requested that the question
h aires be answered completely and
truthfully as the information re
ceived will be considered imper
sonally. Religious beliefs, church
relationships and ethical activities
will be the basis of the questions
Tho Millsaps college is sup
ported by the Methodist church,
its Baptist union, only denomina
tional organization, on the .campus
has a membership of 108 out of
student body of 600. ' '
Motion picture actor Dana An
drews is a graduate of Sam Hous
ton college.
LOST One amaJl colrl Bulava watch ar
twean Raymond Ha and Grant Me
morial. Loulat atatater, 2-7371.
INTERE8TKD In parcfcralng reflex type
camera, h.ivinc Carl Z.'le len. 8peclfy
camera and price. Add reus K. Cretman,
2?tt fckuU 3tth St., Omaba, Nebraska.
Husher Throng Takes Part j
In Lusty Display at Mizzon
By Paul E. Svoboda.
bia, Mo. (By Special Wire I. The
citizens of the "show me" state
were really living up to their repu
tation of taking a look, this time
at the annual grid spectacle be
tween the Missouri Tiger and the
Nebraska Cornhuskers.
Fans from the entire midwest
with a goodly smattering of Husk
er rooters streamed into this little
college town of Columbia by car,
bus, train, anything, creating one
continuous traffic jam from Fri
day night until kickoff time at
2:30. Fraternity and sororjty
houses resembled the lobby of the
Waldorf at convention time.
Twenty-seven thousand vocal
giants made their way with elbow
and shoulder into Memorial stad
ium where the Golden Clad Mis
sourians made a 70 some odd yard
touchdown dance and eked out a
6-0 win over a struggling eleven
from Nebraska.
At the half time Fredrick A.
Middlcbush dedicated the game to
the boys in the Khaki and Blue of
Uncle Sam. Following his short
address the University of Missouri
mentor presented Governor Forest
C. Donncll of Missouri and former
Governor Roy L. Cochran of Ne
braska, who also spoke briefly.
Immediately after the dedication
the two senior honoraries of Ne
braska and Missouri met at mid
field where the president of Qebh
presented the traditional victory
bell to the Innocent's society for
the 20-7 win of the Huskers of last
Taking up the cause of the Scar
let and Cream were- the blue
coated cadets from Wentworth
Military Academy who lent their
voices to the appeal of Husker
rooters who were doing everything
they could from thj stands to erase
the black mark on the Nebraska
record put there by the Husky
A few of the more ardent root
ers in the stands for Nebraska
were Mary Aileen Cochran, Betty
Klopp, Dorothy Weirich, all from
the Theta house. A former Ne-
6 l
Revised and Presented in
Vaudeville Drama Music
at the
' Dept. of Speerh, School of Fine Arlt
OCT. 29, 30,
8:00 P.M.
Res. seats 50c
Tax 05c
Total 55c
Gen. Adm.
braska student and a Kappa
Kappa Gamma Mary Ella Bennett
came up from the University of
Arkansas to watch the game and
cheer for what would have been
her Alma Mater.
Phi Psi's and ATO's came down
in bunches. Making the trip from
Phi Kappa Psi were Ky Romans.
Jim Selzer, Jim To'vnsend and a
host of others. A few of the
ATO's were Bob Sandberg, Ed
Calhoun and Jack Higgins. Jean
Porter, a Nebraska Pi Phi, took
in the gridiron festival with her
companion Jack Stevenson, UP
correspondent and Missouri Delt,
whose job it is to report the hap
penings of such events.
Hiding Chii Plans
Picnic at WAA
Cabin Tuesday
The WAA riding club picnic,
which was postponed because oir
rain, has been planned for Tuesday.
October twenty-eighth at 5:30
p. m.
Transportation from the Alpha
Phi house and plenty of food and
fun at the WAA cabin are includ
ed in the 25 cents charge for the
affair and students should pay
at the WAA office in Grant
Memorial or contact any of the
club officers.
Harmony Hour
Features Verdi,
Wagner Operas
L! A I . t
oeieciions irom me orwrraa i
Wagner and Verdi will be fea
tured in Monday's harmony hour.
The program, sponsored by Phi Mu
Alpha-Sinfonia. will be held in the
Union music room at 4 p. m.
Planned music programs are ar
ranged by Dieter Kober, sopho
more from Baton Rouge, La. He
also prepares program notes.
mimeographed and distributed
the listeners.
What did Grandpa
go for?
What did Grandma
like too?