The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, October 16, 1941
Soph Touted
By Hoosiers
By Hob Millet
A new feature has been added
to the sports section of the Daily
Nebraskan for football season.
...Appearing today and every
week after throughout the Hus
ker's season Dennis Bruner will
draw the outstanding personali
ties on the team.. . .
A Bizad .sophomore, Bruner
draws from photographs of the
players and achieves amazing like
nesses of his subjects. .. .It looks
like he has something there....
But definitely. . . .
With the announcement that
Freddie Meier would captain the
moving Cornhuskers this week
against Indiana's team for home
coming, memories return.. . .Last
year Fred, then
playing behind
Bob B u r r u s s
was in charge
at the pivot
spot during the
gajne T h e
Husker offense
bogged down
on about the
Sooner pifht
J yard line and it
T was last down
x . and three or
s , - four yards to
bum go... Nebraska
no METER came out of the
Lincoln Journal. huddle and
lined up for the play that every
one was waiting for....
The ball was snapped and out
of the muddle emerged Fred, goal
ward bound.... He made it down
to the Oklahoma one before he
was stopped.. . .The play was a
center-around and did it set the
sports scribblers dizzy.. . .Francis
took it the last yard for the score,
however.. . .Meier has two major
letters to his credit. He weighs 190
and stands 5-10....
At last it has been solved.
For Sale
For Rental
Tfc Brl portable the Mori rtiit
fJcfcraska Typmitcr Co.
1M Ns. Uth M. IJbcoIb. Near.
Pbso t-Illl
How lo pick the best seat in class
Tick tome of our Arrow Snorts today to
wear at school. YouH lie sure of the most
comfortable seat in class.
Arrow Shorts have no center eearn to saw
your crotch . . . they have no buttons to pop
off, instead they have permanent Grippcr
nap-fastenerf. Sanforizel-Shru:ik (fahric
shrinkage lean than 1 l).
G5c up
Arrow Tops, 5.e
S 1i n'kii a". mil ti.j I
Howard Debus, "The Human
Howitzer," did bruise his back
and it was in the game Satur
day Chintz Herndon, the
casualty, has
a bad shoulder
but the
c o a c h e s'
usual, "At
full strength
by Saturday"
was h u,n g
S o m etime
during every
football play
er's life, this
comes to him,
"Is football
worth all of
this7" Well,
- Uni-oln Journal.
it whs worth a lot to Tommy Har
mon, Michigan All-Kverything
from last year. He has decided to
try professional ball. . .four games
worth this season... for the New
York Americans.. . .For these
games he will be paid 56,250....
That amounts to $1,562.25 per
game and $260.37 per minute....
And he won't play every minute
of all four games" in all probabil
ity.... Harry Hopp, last year a
Husker Luminary, was one of
the stars Sunday in the Detroit
Lions-Cleveland Rams pro game.
He crossed the goal for one
touchdown and drove thru the
opponents line repeatedly for
gains. .. Lloyd Cardwell, another
former Husker, got his leg
broken in the same contest....
Barbs Open I-M
Football Season
League play in the fraternity
touch football is rapidly drawing
to the playoffs while the barbs
have just begun intramural touch.
The barb lineup finds nine clubs
in touch competition.
Interfraternity play Wednesday
featured two closely fought games
with two other contest not being
much trouble for the victors. The
ZBTs fought out a 6 to 0 victory
over the Alpha Sips. The Dus
earned a hard fought 6 to 0 deci
sion over the Beta Sigs. ATOs
didn't have much trouble in win
ning a 12 to 0 victory from SAM.
Farm House got by Theta Xi by
13 to 0.
Scores for barb play this week
are: ACBC 6, Baldwin Hall 0; Ag
Cafeteria 7, Cornhusker Co-op 0;
Brown Palace 1, Pioneer Co-op 0
in an overtime period; Stratford
club 7, Tappa Nu Kegg 6; ACBC
6, Husker Co-op 0; Brown Palace
6, Stratford 0; TNK 20, Pioneer
6; Ag Cafe 18, S Street Owls 0.
f : " ' 5 f s
Zikimiud Makes Bid for Recognition
A FAST Motfrts m
A3&i art? &ar
W m
-me t at m & mm
OWtJf TO HAS Ms" Sd'-.
Shown abive is the Blond Bomber, Allen Zikmund, Ord's great
est contribution to the leather-ball sport. Al achieved fame in last
year's Rose Bowl show when he went over for the Husker's second
tally. He came out of the fracas with a broken leg which worried
the Husker followers no end. This fall he appears none the worse
for the injury and has been showing increased speed and endurance.
He weighs 186 and stands 6-1.
Former N Men Will Return
For N Club Lunch Saturday
To some 150 or 175 men of for
mer years, the Homecoming game
will mean just that since these
former athletic lettermen will trek
home to participate in all of the
gaiety that comes but once a
The N club as a kindness to
them will sponsor a meeting and
get-together for the entire group
Saturday noon before the game.
Look over this partial list of men
that will attend and notice former
greats that in times past monop
olized the headlines:
Wilson K. Anrlrw, Lincoln: C. L. A1
den, Kimball; Lwi R. Anderson, Lin
coln; Ir. W. C. Becker. IJnmln; Frank
R. Brs, Lincoln; John Renlley, Linciln;
Ijki P. Black, Lincoln; John L. Bishop,
Lincoln; Boll Benion, Atlantic. Ia.; Hu
bert Boxwrll, Ijnnoln; Milton Blaokrnxhip,
Ijncnln; Karl M. Boien, Ulyue; Wilaon
U. Brvsns, Omaha.
R. K. Campbell. Lincoln; Stu Campbell,
Waterloo; r. Frank 1). Carmen, Omaha;
Reed Carxtena, Cortland: Orville Chatt,
Tekamali. JMorria W. Coats, Stuurt; W. F.
thaloupka. BriiiKeport ; diaries K. Coatin,
Omaha; John I xiitn:ht, Fremont; Harold
Iners, Omaha; Wally OeHrown, Linciln;
H. P. Howling, Hmln. Ia.: Al Du Teau,
Lincoln, Hon l'mj;laa, Lincoln; Lum
Ifcnyle, IJmiilii.
K.irl O. :a,er, Lincoln; Merlin KuK-
Cemlrr Ort. tt
Artie Shsw and Hli
Great it Pieie Orch
to euro
-2a:; ase" kvs
no&cD our of
iue CAMS
land. Syracuse; Sam Francis. Fort Francii
K. Warren, yo ; (ieorve Farley, Unco In;
R. I). Fkry, Co.umbuii; K. H. Fair,
Omaha; Harry R. Follmer. (maha; Dr.
L. K. Finney, Lincoln; Kucene A. Follmer,
Oak; Rohert Graham, Norfolk; Jacob G.
Geler, Lincoln; Charles L. tiiililan. Hardy;
Max Oraham, Greenwood; Harry Garrett,
Beatrice; R. F. Greenallt, Ravenna.
Dean HiKCina, Broken Bow; Kvan A.
Hartman. Hebron; Roy JC. Hall, peteni'
burg; Glenn F. Heady, Nebraska City;
Elmer Hubka, Auburn; Wilbur A. Jones,
Omaha; H. S. Kmc. Omaha; John H.
Keriakedes. Lincoln: Sam L. KellocB. Per
cival, Ia. ; R. A. Krall, Oklahoma City,
Okl. ; Dr. Ivan John Klsh, Omaha; Gulden
P. Kratz, Lincoln; Karl T. IJiir, unouin;
Kdward K. Ijinphere, IJncoln; Dr. K. A
Leniar. Columbus; James C. Lewis, Lin'
coin; E. J. McCarthy, Ponca; Dwight J.
McVickers, Ijncoln; C. F. Mnulton
Omaha; Roy J. Mandery, Grand Island.
A. D. Montgomeryr, Oak; John Glenn
Mason. Lincoln: William MarKey, Dun
nine; Bob MrhrlnK, Omaha: Franklin
Meier, Kansas City, Mo; Rotert Mills,
Lincoln; K. K. Mockett, IJn-oln; Kelso A.
M or tan. Lincotn; Frank W. Mueller, Ne
braska City; Thomas R. Nelson, MiU'ltelL
8. D. ; W. A. Norris. Cheyenne, Wyo.;
Robert Neumann, Atkinson. ,
Fred Oetsen, Nebraska City; Harold L.
Praker, Council BMiifs, la.; Bill Pteiff,
Norfolk; Alfred B. Parks. Omaha; R. C.
Probst, San Pedro, Calif.; Thurston Phelps
Lincoln; U. T. Prrssly, (.'larttida. la.
James M. Patton. Omaha; John R Rhodes,
Blair; Dr. Jenit:e A. Racrly, Niobrara;
Guy K. Reed. Chicago; P. K. . Reeder,
Karsas City, Mo.
It. Hillenbraiul Assiiinoi
Role of Triplc-Tlirealcr
With Nebraska holding a three
pound weight edge over Indiana,
Huskers and Hoosiers alike
plunged into the last few days
of practice preceding Nebraska's
homecoming game Saturday.
According to reports of Scouts
Paul Amen and Lewandowski who
have witnessed the Indiana team
in action against both Detroit and
Texas Christian, the Hoosiers
were merely victims of bad
breaks in both contests.
Sophomore Star.
Hillv Hillenbrand. aoDhomore
backfitld star, will be the big
name on the lips of Nebraska
fans if the 190 pound quarterback
lives up to nis aavance notices
pnrl in Ihe oninion of the scouts.
he hns the goods to live up to
these rjinici-ups.
Hillenbrand was picketi oy
Francis Wallace as the back of
the year, starting into his sopho
more season. Billy is able to put
a scare into opposing coaches
since he is as good at lugging the
ball as tossing it through the
ether waves.
Nothing Stops Hoosiers.
News that assures that a lively
name will be in the offine Satur
day is substantiated by the fact
that Indiana cr.sregaraing a wet
practice field stayed out for two
hours perfecting offensive ma
neuvers. Everyone is pointing
toward Nebraska is the best way
to observe the Hoosiers determi
nation not to make the long trip
in vain.
Coach Bo McMillin is through
worrying about adding new plays
to tne noosier repertoire uui ia
niittine- in the week perfecting
the timing on the plays that they
now have.
Games Close.
nnrinr tbe five vears in which
relations have been continued be
tween the two schools, the games
have always been close. It seema
that Indiana is determined xo win
hi came everv vear regardless
of any others. In 1936. Nebraska
won again 7-0. ror tne next iwu
vonr in succession, the eames
ended in ties 0-0 and 7-7, respec
Last year the Huskers won 13
7 to prove that even a Rose Bowl
. . . a iu.
team can be pusneo ana nam. ure
seven points in '37 proved to be
th largest marein. So. watch out
on Saturday. Homecoming, Indi
ana and Cornhusker spirit should
combine to produce a classic.
The weight charts for the first
and second teams:
L K. Preston 1B ru n
LT. Srhletirh 23 Trimble 230
LG. V. Goeti 1I K. While 1S tC
C Meier GC) lt5 Tawener !
R Ci. Abel 200 Braalone 15
RT. Herndon 200 Huff 15
R E. Kathol 178 Smith 170
Q B. A they 190 1J
LH. Bradley 174 Hillenbrand 10
R H. Zlkmun 185 Jacoby 17S
F B. Francis 208 Doloway 10
Team averaee Nebraska, 1M 1 11 ; Jn
iPT,a. 191 3-11. ... ,
ljne average Neliraska, 1SST; In-
,iana. 13 2-J. .
w.kfield averaee -Nebraska, 1M , In
diana, 187
Tackle to tackle average Nebraska,
202; Indiana. 202 3-V
LK Thompson 171 Haaaws 1WI
LT. Hyler 212 .Bell
LG. Mvers Ift ttel 1K0
c Keliy 1W . .... .Jurklewici .'
Y n. IVviney 167 Deal 1j
R T. Martit; 210 Zimny 7ol
R K. Haien 1X2 KllHitt 1X1
y B. Vfthrny 173 Hertait 1HK
1, H Debus m.'i Ronwme lo.'
Kll Simtnntis 16.'i Swihart 17(1
F B. Blue 2US R. White 1W
Team average - Nehrask.i. IKS 6-11; In
diana. IS! 2-11. ... . - ,
Line averpr.e-Nebraska, 1M5-7; In
diana, U'i 3-7.
HwkOell average-NelirHska, 18ft In
diana. 182.
Tackle to tackle ave we Nebraska,
182-'; lncliana. lie.
LOST-A green Sliealer lifetime. en. Name
rngraved. Reward. 2-7K38.
Have a New
with the Latest Records
2-6118 UZZ O St.(