The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, October 14, 1941
Uelcn Kelley, Society Editor
Phone Daily Nebraskan
Office or 2-7545
Happy Girl.
One of the happiest girls on the
rumpus Saturday night was Ruth
Miller, Chi O. She had been se
lected Queen of the Harvest Ball
and the thrill of it was that she
is the first affiliated girl to re
ceive the honor In 15 years. Con
gratulations!. . .Well, well. So the
Hiist cleared awav and Jodv Junge,
Fi Phi, and Bob Ferguson, DU, are
going steady. They nave ooen
seen tocether frequently of late. . .
Trto-Athpr pin. for a while at
least, are Dorothy Huffman, Al
pha Phi, and Hal Moore, Phi Gam.
Seems that Dorothy likes the way
Aubrey Tettit, Kappa Sig. dances,
so the Huffman-Moore affair is
off, then on, then off, etc. while
she tries to make up her mina..
Also Steady.
Also coinc steadv are Kay Dun
can, Pi Phi. and Stan Scott. Alpha
Sig. However, she didn't see
much of him last night, because
the Alpha Sigs were looking for
their pledges wno naa shuck io
Omaha. . .Other pledge groups
were celebrating in Omaha last
night. The Sigma IN us tinauy goi
to sneak after being kept in last
week because of pledging. The
SAK's, ATOs and Farm House
bovs had sneak nieht, too... Bun
ny Smith, Thcta. received a love
ly orchid from Tommy Crimes,
Phi rsi, Sunday on ner inmauon
day... Also initiated were Clucky
Roseboroueh and I'nyliis snaw.
Congratulations!. . .
Pin Hanging.
Otto Pfeiffer, AGR, hung his
pin on Sephyne Brandt, Chi O. It
all happened this weekend. . .A lit
tle girl who -wants a pin, just a
sweetheart one, please, is Polly
Ann Petty, Alpha Phi pledge. She
isn't nartieular what frat it comes
from, so if you get busy maybe
you can be the lucky one... Don
James, ATO, is having a time of
it trying to make up his mind be
tween Dorothy Thcisen, Thcta
pledge, and Je.mne Browne, Kappa
nledjre. He has a date with one
one dav. the other the next
Hume from the armv alone with
thousands of other soldier boys is
Hugh LeMasters to see the family
' x$ J)
and Helen Meyer, cow girl from
Wyoming . . .
Light Jobs Wanted.
The Phi Gams enlisted to take
out the rugs and move furniture
at the Alpha Chi house to help out
with the houseparty. Can anyone
else provide them with small jobs?
In appreciation a quartet from the
Alpha Chi house serenaded mem
last niuht at dinner. Kor furniture
moving, rug tutting, etc., please
call 2-7555. . .Howard and Wilson
halls pooled their resources Fri
day eve and entertained the Corn-
hukcr Co-op at an hour dance at
the union. A fine time was had ny
all... Also eniovinc themselves
were Johnny Stoddart, Beta of last
year, and Uecky wait, ineta. tie
whipped back to his old stomping
grounds to entertain Becky in his
new convertible...
Will Be.
SCOOP: King Spittler, Delt, is
on the verge of hanging his pin
on Virginia Hale of Omaha. We
were guaranteed that this preview
wouldn't stop anything, because
he loves the girl,.. So Nancy
Mauck. Alpha Chi, and Art Lin
coln, Delt, had a good time at the
Alpha Chi houseparty? Yes, in
deed. It looks like something
might come of it, too... A look
into the future, brings some Alpha
Xi Delt dates to the Corn Cob
Tassel party such as Mary Frances
Smith, pledge, with Wally French
Girls Dorm
Holds Open
House Sunday
The new Love Memorial girls'
dormitory on the ag campus held
open house to more than 200 visi
tors Sunday afternoon.
The girls learn home economics
at first hand, since each has her
turn at each of the six jobs within
her group - first cook, second
cook, first and second maid, house
keeper and hostess. These jobs
change hands every two weeks.
House business is conducted by
elective officers. This semester
they are Marian Swanson, Mead,
president; Marguerite Harvey, of
Gothenburg, secretary; and Irene
Leymaster, Aurora, treasurer.
Always present for consultation
and guidance are the house
mother, Mrs. Hallie Blievernicht,
and a graduate assistant, Miss
Thelma MCMUlan.
and Betty Klingle with Jack Nise
ly, Deltasig. . .
Early and Late.
A bit early were the roses Dick
Holm. Sigma Nu, sent to Carlene
Hohensee, Alpha Chi. He thought
she was to be initiated. Wonder
if he will do a repeat tomorrow
night?... Not early, but late re
turns from the Farmers Formal are
coming in from the Paladians.
Among them were Marjorie
Holmes and Bob Veach; Virginia
Mutz and Hugh Stuart, and Dick
Cast with Mary Helen Alexis...
Fellow sandhillers Phyllis Dodge
Judging Team
Enters Contest
College Representatives
Compete in Toronto
A dairy products judging team
of three men from the university
will be among the 20 college teams
from all parts of the United States
and Canada which will take part
in the 26th annual students' na
tional contest in judging dairy
products at Toronto, Canada,
Oct. 20.
The Nebraska team consists of
Donald Egly of Sutton, Homer
Van Boskirk of Lincoln, Burns
Woodward of Chester and John
Bay of Filley as alternate. P. A.
Downs, coach will accompany the
of the donn and George "Corky"
Abbott also took in the shin-dig. . .
A few of the Beta boys are going
pheasant hunting Friday. We
HOFE to see Ixwe Folsom, Tom
Woods, Larry Huwaldt, Stan Huff
man, Harry Rinder, Bill Edwards,
etc. return. . .
The Delta Gammas' pulled a fast
one while evading the actives and
serenaded the Phi Psi house...
Ruth Harvey, Pi Phi finally has
AGR Floyd Hansmire's pin after
several years of going steady.
Evangel ieal Student's
League Meets Tonight
Members of the Evangelical
! Student's league will meet to
I nioht at 7 n iii in room 316 of th
- t -
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