The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tuesday, September 30, 1941
Helen Kelley, Society
Phone Daily Nebraskan
Office or 2-7545
Society Editor ft
Effective Tubbing!
The tubbing must have been ef
fective because Liz Clark, Carrie
Belle, passed not only candy, she
gave the girls creampuffs, lolli
pops, and then the chocolates
plus roses... Jean Porter, Pi Phi
gave her Delt pin back this week
end. All of which should make
Bill Longman, Sig Chi, very, very
happy .. .Yesterday George Soud
ers left for the army. Poor Pat
Patched Up?
Helen Matz, DG, was at a lit
tle party with Max Wieland, DU.
Maybe they have patched it up...
At the same party, which inciden
tally started with a supper at the
home of Milt Myer in appreciation
of the singing done by the Pi Phi
trio during rush week, there were
12 guests. . .After the supper
everyone went down to the DU
house and they really held a jam
session. . .Still of interest are some
of the combinations seen dancing
over the weekend, such as Theta
Marie Anderson with Leonard
Dunker, DU.
New Combination.
A new combination is that of
Bet Leon Davis and Theta Louise
Temple. . .Another that comes un
der the same category is Ann
Craft, Kappa, and DU Dean Allen
...We hear that Jim Lindberg,
Fiji pledge, gets a certain look in
his eve when Tri Delt pledge,
Barbara "Eeep" True is around. It
looks mutual. . .Among those who
attended the brunch Sunday were
Marie Ardctson, KKG, and Kenny
Holm, S gma Nu prexy. . .Bob Mil
ler, Fiji, would like to neglect his
sports fcr one Opal Johnson,
AOPi if she would give him her
Correction, and something to no
ticc -Pefcy Jones, Alpha Xi Delt,
Kent the diamond back to Hawaii
but she c'i n't go with it. Instead
she is veiy much here and wants
it made clear that she will be here
...Eddie Tollefsen, Phi Gam. has
been hitUng the road between
Omaha and the Pi Phi house. Vi
vacious Bcidora Cochran, Pi Phi,
is the reason, and in the words
of a brctno, "what a reason."
laxes ...
Continued From rage 1)
sporting goods; they'll all be
taxed the regular 10 percent.
Bridge Fiends Get It.
If some of you bridge players
think that the game is expensive
now (for arious and sundry rea
sons), then stock up on a few
decks quickly. Playing cards will
bear an ixtra levy of thirteen
cents a pack.
And oh brother, if you own an
automobile, x better alter your
budget rlans considerably. In the
first place the car manufacturer
will pay a seven percent tax
which rrans that you will pay it
also. In the second place you will
be requiied to pay five dollars for
a federal car owners license, in
return you will get a sticker or
some kind of a tag. We're not
through yet. It will cost you five
cents a j-ound tire tax and nine
rents a pound impost on tubes.
Happy T
Those Extra Pleasures.
If yon like to wield a pool cue
or bowl a few lines, you will prob
ably have to dig just a trifle
harder to pay for these pleasures.
The man who owns the bowling
alley or the pool hall is going to
be taxed fifteen dollars a year.
Travel will be more expensive
from now on. Transportation by
rail or bus for which the fare is
In excess of 35 cents will be taxed
five percent.
But here, for some people we
know, is the killer of them all:
The liquor tax has been upped
from three to four dollars a gal
lon. That's fifty cents a pint in
tax alone and that's definitely not
hay. But console yourself, there
will be no raise in the price of
When and if these added taxes
bother you, remember that the
USA has to pay for its tanks and
guns and airplanes. Perhaps it
would help to know that every
time that you spend ten cents or
more for a bottle of perfume,
you are personally buying the gov
ernment one, nice, new bullet.
YWCA vespers, Ellen Smith
hall, 5 p. m.
YWCA tea, Home Economics
building, ag campus, 3:30 to
5:30 p. m.
Magee's Style show, Magee's,
7:30 to 8:30.
Riding club, west end of
Grant Memorial, 12:30 p. m.
Alpha Chi Omega tea, chap
ter house, 3:30 to 5:30 p. m.
WAA party Student Activi
ties building, ag campus, 7 to
8 p. m.
YWCA cabinet meeting, El
len Smith, 7 to 8 p. m.
Alpha Chis Give
Tea for Dean
Boyles Tomorrow
Alpha Chi Omega will entertain
with a tea in honor of Mrs. Verna
Boyles, dean of women, at the
chapter house Wednesday from
3:30 to 5:30 p. m.
Mrs. Willard Folsom is in charge
of the tea. In the receiving line
will be Mrs. Verna Boyles, Mrs
Cushing, Mrs. John G. Mason and
Jean Woltz.
Invited guests include presidents
and housemothers of the sororities,
housemothers of the fraternities,
presidents and members of all or
ganized houses and members of
Mortar Board.
Presiding at the tea tables will
be Mrs. Ada Westover and Mrs.
T. T. Bullock.
Barb Council,
Union to Meet
Barb Union and Interhouse
Council will hold a joint meet
ing at 7:30 tonight in the barb
office of the Union. All mem
bers are requested to attend
by Dave Marvin, Barb Union
Men students interested in
working on the social program
are also requested to come to
the meeting.
UN, Wcsleyan
Students, Staffs
Attend Brunch
A. Q. Schmmel acted as host to
about 200 guests at the annual
brunch given by the Hotel Corn-
husker Sunday. In the receiving
line were Mrs. Scott, Mrs. A. Q.
Schmmel, Mrs. Al Lew,' and A. Q.
Guests included Chancellor and
Mrs. Schwartz, Chancellor and
Mrs. Boucher, Mae Pershing, the
deans of women and the deans of
men from the University of Ne
braska and Wesleyan with their
staffs, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schmel
kin, Mrs. Ada Westover, Miss El
sie Ford Piper, members of the
faculty from the university and
from Wesleyan, editors of campus
publications, presidents and social
chairmen of all organized campus
YW Entertains
At Ag Tea Today
Ag college YWCA will give a
tea this afternoon from 3:30 to
5:30 in the social parlors of the
home economics building. All stu
dents, both members and non-
members of YW, are invited.
Women's Pep Group . .
Tassels Select Committees;
Prepare for Ticket Campaign
The annointment of committee
chairman highlighted the meeting
of Tassels, women's pep organiza
tion, yesterday at the Union. Plans
were also completed for the Uni
versity Theater ticket sales cam
paign. ,
Jean Christie was named cnair
man of the Tassels. Corn Cob
homecoming party, which will be
held Oct. is. Liiia noweii arm
Miss Lockett
Speaks at First
YWCA Vespers
Mary Lockett will speak at the
first yw vpsnpfs meptinff this aft
ernoon at 5 p. m. in Ellen Smith.
. . . .. .
Her suoject win concern a iaiui
for campus living. The vesper
choir will sing.
Ag WAA Entertains
All Women Students
Ag college WAA will hold a
party tomorrow night from 7 to 8
d. m. in the student activities build
ing. All women students of ag
campus are urged to attend. ine
purpose of the party is to ac
auaint freshman girls with the
work of WAA and to stimulate
interest in WAA on the part of
uDDerclassmen. The party com
mittee consists of all members of
the ag WAA council.
Bettv Jane Toothacher will serve
on the balloon committee for the
Dorothy Weinch was named as
publicity chairman and rally com
mittee chairman. She will be as
sisted on the rally committee by
Betty Bonebright. Ann Craft was
elected notification chairman at
an earlier meeting.
Luncheon Given
For Mrs. Aden
Anne Kinder entertained with a
luncheon honoring Mrs. Marion
Cramer Aden at the University
club Saturday at 1 p. m. The host
ess presented Mrs. Aden with an
original etching. Invited guests
were Flavia Tharp, Shirley Rus
sel, Mary Adelaide Hansen, Dor
othy Weirich, Helen Keiiey ana
the guest of honor, Mrs. Aden.
Students Check
Directory Lists
Students whose surnames be
gin with a letter from A to K
should check the lists of names
today in the lobby of the Tem
ple, so that their names, ad
dresses, and affiliations will ap
pear correctly in the Student
Swimmers Have
Access to Pool
In Free Periods
Students at the university who
are interested in swimming have
an opportunity to use the pool lo
cated in the coliseum at no ocst,
according to an announcement by
Tom Leeke, swimming instructor,
several days ago.
Only requirmeent to get into the
pool during free hours is a swim
ming permit from the student
health office. It takeB but a few
minutes to get this permit. All
the student has to do is to go to
the student health offices in phar
macy hall and ask about obtain
ing the permit. The doctors take
care of the rest.
Each student who is not regis
tered for a course in practical phy
sical education must pay a $1.50
fee for basket and towel service.
That is the only cost for the se
mester of swimming. The fee is
paid at the activities office, room
106 in the coliseum. All roads
to v ol are then oren to the
. Leeke, the new instruc
tor, would like to see any who
has any desire to swim or any
ability at all to turn out for the
team. He claims that a school of
this size should have at least 75
trying out. He can be found at the
pool any time.
Free hours for men at the pool
Mon.. Wed. and Frl., 11 to 12; Mon
through Fri., 12-1; and Tue. and
Thur. from 3 to 5. Women may
swim Tue. and Thur. at 9; Mon.,
Wed. and Frl., 4 to 5; Mon. eve
ning from 7 to 9; and Sat., 1:30
Motion picture actor Dana An
drews is a graduate of Sam Hous
ton college.
ReaftonuMe Ualen and Cood Carg
2.1 Years in lluines
Motor Out Company
1120 P Si. Ph.2-6819
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it f n 1
and 111 give you back 15 seconds
well-known radio announcer
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Others pick it up.
Soon the whole country's whistling it. It's a hit.
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Likes it Passes the word along.
Soon the whob country's smoking it
The big thing that's pushing Chesterfield ahead
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Copyright .941, Litem ft Miim To.acco C.