The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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After Registration Muddle .
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Point Board
Calhoun. Wilkins, Corklc
(loinpelc for ('oriiluixkrr
llniiios Maiiiirrsliip
Business manager for tbi.s
year's I'nrnliunUer will be chosen
from three applicants when the
publications hoard meets Tuesday
Jit 3 p. in. it was announced late
Saturday after a special meeting
'f (lie point hoard declared two
jipplicants formerly said ineli
gible because of points eligible
for the position.
The three men who applied for
the position are I'M Calhoun, John
Cockle and Hugh Wilkins. Calhoun
jind Wilkins were said to he ineli
gible for the position when the
point and publicatios hoards met
at a joint meeting Friday.
It ruUir Guys
Paul Amen, new vaisity base
Vail coach, has issued a call for
all varsity men and upperclass
nicn who plan to go out for the
nation's greatest sport to report
Wednesday, Sept. 2-1, at the N
club rooms at 7:30 p. m. for their
physical exam.
Amen succeeds Wilbur Knight
as varsity ball coach. He will con
tinue in his capacity as end coach
for the vaisity football .squad.
'Amen was on the 1036 Olympic
team that traveled to Germany.
He later played first base on the
Houston team in the Texas league.
He is also assistant coach of bas
ketball. The meeting Wednesday is for
Varsity men and upperclassmen
only. Freshmen will not take a
part in fall practice.
(Continued from Page 1.)
the social fraternities and sorori
ties with Omicron Nu, home eco
nomics sorority heading the list
with an average of 3.336. Follow
ing closely in second and third
places, respectively, were Mu Phi
Epsilon, music group, and Phi Up
silon Omicron, also a home eco
nomics sorority. Wilson and Loo
mis co-operative halls were in the
respective fourth and fifth posi
tions, and Sigma Delta Chi follows
in the list of non-social groups in
sixth place.
Complete ratings of professional
fraternities: 1. Sigma Delta Chi;
2. Sigma Gamma Epsilon; 3. Al
pha Kappa Psi; 4. Phi Mu Alpha;
5. Delta Sigma Delta; 6. Xi Psi
Phi; 7. Phi Delta Phi; 8. Delta
Sigma Pi; 9. Delta Theta Pi.
Professional sororities: 1. Omio
ton Nu; 2. Mu Phi Epsilon; 3. Phi
iUpsilon Omicron; 4. Theta Sigma
Phi; 5. Phi Chi Theta; 6. Sigma
Alpha Iota; 7. Delta Omicron.
Other organized groups: 1. Wil
son hall; 2. Loomis hall; 3. How
ard hall; 4. Palladian; 5. Bouton
hall; 6. Delian-Union; 7. Raymond
Group average grade ratings in
the report are figured by award
ing four points to each credit hour
carried by members witff a grade
ff 90 or above, three points for
grades of 80 to 89, two for grades
of 70 to 79, and one for grades of
60 to 69. Incompletes receive zero
points, while conditions substract
one point and failures or hours
dropped in unsatisfactory stand
ing deduct two points. The total
grades hours are then divided by
the number of hours carried by
the group to secure the group av-
j (Continued from Page 1.)
Epworth, 30th and Holriregt.
Orace, 27th and R.
t. Paul, 12th and M.
Trinity, 16th and A.
.Warren, 45th and Orchard.
I Flint Presbyterian, 17th and T.
1 Second Presbyterian, 26th and F.
Westminster, Sherldnn ntid South.
CftMwell Memorial, 18th and M.
You can buy your drug neada here
M cheap at any place In the city.
Remember Our Fountain
for Quick, Snappy Service.
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Best time for picture-taking
is at the beginning- of school
before students' faces get wor
ried and drawn. Spotted en
joying the sunshine before they
enter social sciences to get
down to work was this group
of fellows. Pictured at right,
they are Bennett Clark, George
Townsend, Kenneth Peterson,
Richard McDaniel and Bill
The cameramen found UN
coeds in for an extra share of
registration muddle as they
sought to find gym classes to
complete class schedules.
Caught striving to get matters
straightened out (really trying
to find just any class in phys
ed they could conveniently at
tend) is this pretty group of
women, above.
ig Campus lias
Union Sponsored
Matinee Dances
Tat Lahr, union soeial director
announced yesterday that starting
Sept. 25, there will be matinee
dances every other Thursday on
ag campus in the student activi
ties building.
These dances are under the
sponsorship of the union. If there
is a great deal of interest and the
attendance is satisfactory, mati
nee dances may be arranged for
once a week.
erage rating. A rating of 4 then
shows that all grades averaged
90 or above, a rating of 3 that
grades averaged 80 to 89, a rating
of 2 from 70 to 79, 1 from 60 to 69.
Our Expert and Per
sonal Attention Will
Help Your Garments
Retain Their New Look.
56 Years' Experience
Jj Block Off Campus
L'.mrtcsv of Lincoln Jouiiinl.
MM? i'-
3 i' V
Country u( Lincoln Journal.
We give our earnest recommendation that furs
bought at the present time represent sound in
vestments. Since recent fur auctions in raw
furs prices have advanced considerably. For
tunately Hovland-Swanson bought early and
heavily and present prices will be maintained
until replacement forces prices higher.
Consider buying furs where quality fashion
and selection are as much to your advantage
as value. Our complete stock includes all your
fashion furs and priced from 95.00 upward.
NOTE: TMi advertisement It not Intended to urge anyone, not Already contemplating auch
purchate to buy a fur coat H la a atatemant of market facta praatnted for the Information
U tvr aua'.omar.
14 No. 14th . p