The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1941, Page 9, Image 9

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    Thursday, September 11, 1941
John D. Clark
becomes bizad
college dean
LeRossignol retires
under regents' new plan;
bceoines tlean emeritus
John Davidson Clark, former dl
rntnr and vice president of the
Standard Oil Co.. and author of
a text on the Federal Trust policy,
succeeded J. K. LcRossignnl a3
K )
4' -
no tJnrffj D.CLAfUC
Imtrnul and Mar
dean of the college ot business
administration on Sept. 1. Dean
Leftossignol was one of the first
to be effected by the retirement
plan recently passed by the board
of reeents.
Professor Clark received his
B. S. degree fuom this university,
his LL. B. decree from Columbia
university in 1907, and in 1931
he received his doctor's degree
with Phi Beta Kappa honors from
Johns Hopkins university. He then
became professor of economics at
Denver university, and in 1934 he
joined the University of Nebraska
As an undergraduate, he was
editor of the Daily Nebraskan ana
associate editor of the senior year
book. He is a member of the
American Car association. Amer
iran Economic association. Phi
DHta Phi. and Chi Phi fraternity
Professor and Mrs. Clark ere-
ntod the Jefferson H. Broady
scholarship in 192S in honor of
Mrs. Clark's father.
Dean IeKossignol. who was in
the bizad college since its organ
ization in 1919. will serve as dean
emeritus and continue as a pait
time member of the faculty.
Bullock receives
request for copy
of student survey
Secretary for the Federal Trade
Cnmmision Otis B. Johnson has
requested a copy of the survey on
the opinions of ebrasKa business
men on fair trade laws recently
completed by university students
in economics and business lav.
Prof. T. T. Bullock, under whose
direction the survey was con
ducted, received the request. An
equal division of opinion on the
question was reported among
business and professional men of
this state.
MUIC lia !. f
uates of the bizad college were re
ceived last month than for any
previous August in the records of
the colleges committee on place
ments, Prof. Bullock reported. On
the other hand, business concerns
are insisting upon higher stand
ard of qualifications among pros
pective employees than is usual
in demands received at this time
of year.
Ray Etonian graduates
from naval air station
Raymond Essman, of DeWitt,
whn attended the university from
1937 to 1940 was graduated fronii
the 'United states navai air sia
tion at Pens cola. Fla Aug. 5.
Essman will serve with th" patio.
squadron 22 at an Diego, cam
Mil mmKr C. VI 1-
(Continued from Pace 1.1
tr Board alumnae. She served
on the panhellenic advisory board
in Lincoln and was an aiumna
member of the student union board
in 1939-40. Last year she wa.s
chairman of the regional panhel
lenic meeting at Boulder. She is
a member of Westminster presrjy
terian church in Lincoln.
A shonn in vertical hm
Row 1
llclty V, Don Shelf, .M:nili;i Y ImIcIh'.mI, .lark
Row 2
Alice M,;ii.i)Im )1, Hene Wliil. lica-l, Lois Sc.ficll. .lolm r.-('aitliy.
Row 3
VA Knutli. Nick Douvas. .Mary IVml, I'.Hly Ann Cifnt.
Row A
Helly Kiause, Vt'ttuy Inuui. Alox Mills, Joe Kirschciiltaum.
Row 5
Ju ry Tlioinpson, J(lm Mackey, Mary Jean McCailliy, Marvin Alliey.
Campu Shop Coed Short Millinery . . . 4th f loor
Young W or J Shop . . . 3rd floor Camput Men . . .2nd Floor
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