The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, September 11, 1941
Engineering student . . .
Millard Carlson w ins $100 award
In srarlet and .7 roam . ,
W hook makes its annual
. 1 .ft
for design appearance to educate trosli
V i
A draftboanl, a few pencils and
an idea won a $100 scholarship in
the architecture department for
Millard Carlson, a senior in eni
neerinp, 'whose design for a wom
en's residence club won him the
prize offered by the Nebraska
chapter of the Associated General
Contractors of America.
Carlson's design was made es
pecially for the women's division
of the Lincoln Chamber of Com
merce which is planning to erect
a club for business pirls in Lin
coln. The contractors grant the schol
arship annually to some outstand
ing student in the university
architecture department, and this
year it was decided to base the
award upon the best design sub
mitted by students on the prob-
Hainil directs
UN school
Hastings Tribune man
succeeds Gale Walker
Harold Hamil, former managing
editor of the Hastings Tribune,
was chosen to succeed Prof. Gayle
C. Walker as director of the school
of journalism. Hamil will also
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Miiidny liiuriml nnd Mr
MILLARD CARLSON, Phillips, senior in the University of Ne
braska architecture department, was awarded a $100 prize by the
Nebraska building chapter 'of the Associated General Contractors of
America for his design for a women's residence club.
Center: Carlsons entry in the competition.
Judges in the contest were, left to right: Cilery Davis, jr.; Miss
Harriet Towne of the Lincoln chamber of commerce women's division,
sponsor of the club project; V. J. Haggart, Omaha, secretary of the
Nebraska building chapter; Miss Gertrude Hoagland, also of the Lin
coln women's dnision; Everett Kingcry, Lincoln, and Ervin Vrana,
president of the chapter.
lem of a business girls' club.
Carlson's plans tall for a
brick and glass structure in a
modern design featuring a glass
enclosed lounge on the front. It
will include a basement and two
upper floors and have a housing
capacity of 80 girls, with room
for two equipped with two single
beds, two dressers, a table, two
closets and a lavatory.
Judges were Ellery Davis, jr.,
Line )!n architest, past president
of the: Nebraska building chapter
of the contractors' association,
Ervin Vrana, Omaha, president of
the chapter; V. J. Haggart of
Omaha, chapter secretary; Miss
Gertrude Hoagland of Lincoln,
chairman of the housing commit
tee of the women's division of the
Lincoln chamber of commerce;
and Miss Harriet Towne, board
member of the committee.
if ''"v
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all-university museum.
Duties of the new committee
will he to handle the policies of the
museum which previously were
handled by Dr. harbour," former
head of the geological department.
im.r.uil anil mr
. . . leaves Tribune.
serve as director of university pub
licity. According to an announcement
by the board of regents thru
Chancellor C. S. Boucher, Walker
was relieved of his duties as direc
tor because of ill health, but will
continue to teach in the school.
Hamil received his 13. A. degree
cum laude from Hastings college
in 102S andjoined the staff of the
Hastings Tribune as reporter im
mediately after. grauating. In 1929
he became city editor and in 1931
was named director of sales and
promotion for the Tribune's photo
engraving and photograph service.
He became managrng editor of
the paper in 1932 and was closely
identified with irrigation promo
motion and other enterprises of
general interest in southwest Ne
braska. In 1940, under his direc
tion, the Tribune rated first in
general excellence in the national
better newspaper contest.
Brilliant with scarlijt lettering'
on a cream colored coyer, the new'
"N" book will be on j?ale Friday.
The book is isshd anmally to ac
quaint incoming strident s with the
university. "N" book cards will
be distributed following Friday
morning examinations.
The book is issued by the uni
versity YMCA and YWCA and is
edited by Louise Frolich. Assist
ant editor is Carol Champman,
and business manager, Uobert
Mizera. A new feature added was
several organization pages not in
cluded in last year's book.
"N" book cards and five cents
for new students or twenty-fivo
cents for all others may be ex
changed for one of the books.
They may be secured by men stu
dents at the university YMCA in
the Temple, and women students
may get them at Ellen Smith Hall.
Contents of the book include a
greeting from the chancellor,
maps of the campuses, a page de
voted to each major organization,
a list of university pastors, calen
dar of the university year, yells
and songs, and a list of the or
ganized houses.
Regents appoint
15 new advisers
for freshman elass
Expert advice for the class of
'15 will be plentiful and easy to
get during the coming year as a
result of a recent action of the
board of regents. They nominated
27 full time and 18 part time ad
visers to work with the Junior
Advisers are T. T. Aakhus. M. A.
Alexander, Esther S. Anderson,
L. A. Bingham, F. C. Blood, L. K.
Crowe, G. M. Darlington, Hazel
Davis, David Fellman, Kenneth
Forward, E. A. Gilmore, T. H.
Goodding, D. H. Harkness, B. C.
Hendricks. F. D. Kirsch. A. L.
Lugn, C. E. McNeill, E. J. Marmo,
Marcella Mason, Ruth Odcll. J. A.
Pfanner, L. L. Pike, Mrs. Harriett
Piatt. E. F. Powell, A. L. Pugsley,
C. H. Rosenqurt and E. B.
Schmidt, all full time.
I'or Sale For Rental
The Ito.vHl piirlnlile (he ideal ninrliinf
fr HtudritlM.
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
ll'.ll Nil. iLMh St. l.lnr.ilii, Ni-hr.
I'honp 3-11.17
Committee plans
committee stated Tuesday that
fiteps were being taken to change
the present museum, which now is
Prof. C. B. Rehultz, head of the more or less under the policies of
newly formed museum advisory the geological department, to an
museum cliaug
When garment problems
arise, don't hesitate to call
the Modern Cleaners we
will help you.
This is our 37th year in
Lincoln . . . We probably
cleaned garments for your
mother and dad if they
went to Nebraska.
Modern Cleaners
Soukup & Westover
21st & G Phone 2-2377
W V mW
mm m
4 Corn Crib
Main Dining
Music Room
9 Game Room
tlmijlhSL all ipWiL at
Book Nook
9 Commuters Club
Ping Pong
9 Lectures
Variety Shows
9 Dances