4 I t IT ft I k. I 1 I DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, May 18, 194F 1 ' DtPs Urn TT (i 4rt fm f ; c(si. Am Gr-JtU! - a mermaiu! if 9 I -J , Gaiety with this k f) &CV rfcTTi T.r 'N- i , K Rnr-Vi vnn'll pniov vour Bond for a cozv Dicnic. I i if)) ,ft (f'fffc 1 Smooth lastex rayon in clever candy stripes ... to make you look as trim as a mermaid! Gaiety with this brightly colored flowered print. Cool and daringly brief. Whether it's to Linoma Beach, you'll enjoy your swim doubly if you know you're looking smart. And these suits are priced right too! $1.95 to 7.95 Or whether it's to South Bend for a cozy picnic, it'll add to your fun to go swimming in one of these. Sizes 32-44 Third TIoot- 1