The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' Juesday, May '-Milter
tirhrU I Si,
Husher hurdle twins . . .
There comes a time when every
man likes to sit back and deliver
a fevf of his rocking chair musings
on topics both pertinent and im
pertinent. Quite along the perti
nent line is a bit of discussion
about Ed Weir's run and jump
proteges, Bill Smutz and Ralph
Smutz Is the veteran of the
combination and his name on the
roster of any race generally means
top flight competition. Newcomer
and apparently fine material in
the raw, is Ralph King. King is a
big, lanky chap who just keeps
plugging away and does that job
of plugging so well that he either
runs second to or beats fellow
Husker Smutz. . King has tallied
two firsts over SmuU in the last
two Husker meets.
It is our opinion that Ed Weir
must feel nice about this hurdle
situation when Smutz and King
are entered in the high and low
events. With a running combina
tion like that, the track mentor
and fans alike, feel that here is
one event that the Huskers are
sure of winning. You can count
on either one of the two to bust
the tape first against any com
petition that they might meet in
this part of the country.
From the looks of things, Willy
Smutz has it over King by a slight
margin as far as speed is con
cerned. This is given splendid sup
port by the fact that Smutz has
never been beaten in the low
hurdle event. This particular race
is one built more around speed
than jumping. King of the long
legs, on the other hand, finds his
calling in the high hurdle event
Nice to note about here is the
fact that both of these boys will
be back next year. Smutz is a
junior completing his second year
of competition while King Is fin
ishing his first year of competition
After a stiff bout
...pause and
Ll.NXUL. ivtA-n'
Husker nine
drop Kansas
tussel 4 to 3
A combination of errors and
screwy umpire decisions caused
the Husker baseball nine to drop
their game with Kansas, 4 to 3,
yesterday afternoon.
The Huskers took a 3 to 1 lead
early in the game but Old Sol
came into play his part when the
blinding glare of the sun in left
field caused errors of the Nebras
ka man at that post
Kansas sneaked in a run in the
fifth because of these fielding er
rors and the seventh inning saw
them in the lead. In the seventh,
the visiting runner on first base
was allowed to continue his home
ward course without returning to
touch base after the fly ball had
been caught. A bad Husker throw
from the field sent him in for the
winning Kansas score.
Ernie Swanson, who carried the
mound duties for the Huskers,
pitched tight- ball thruout the
game with the Kansas hits well
distributed over the nine innings.
Iowa State went down before
the Huskers Saturday afternoon.
It was the first win of the season
for the Huskers.
ontinued from Page 1.)
will go these highest of band
honors. Awarded by Gamma
Lambda in conjunction with an
other music honorary, Symphonia,
the key awards are presented to
band juniors and seniors for their
loyalty, integrity and musician
ship. Rose Bowl movies.
c .
On the program will be an ex
hibition of Rose Bowl movies, of
the parade and of the game. These
pictures will be displayed thru the
courtesy of Mr. J. B. Douglas and
Mrs. Harold Stebbins.
Skits portraying band activities
will be presented by members of
the . organization. According to
Gamma Lambda vice president,
Roily Urbanek, the accomplish
ments and 'escapades" of indi
vidual bandsmen will be "inter
estingly" presented.
and is classified as a sophomore.
And one can assume here that Ed
Weir won't be losing any sleep
worrying about his nuraie com
petitors for the coming year.
When you lift on ice-cold bottle
off Coco-Cola to your lips, you
can taste Its quality and feel It$
refreshment. Thirst asV nothing
more. So when you pause
throughout the day, make It
the pause that refreshes with
- Coca-Cola.
2 -
'42 Husker
Top competition from both
coasts will oppose the 1942 Corn
husker track team, an aggrega
tion that may prove to be the best
By Dorothy Martin.
It's been comparatively quiet
along the girls' sports front the
last few days but occasionally
there is a game or two being
played off. Ping pong is finally
reaching its climax as Kathryn
Kellison defeated Mildred Clymer
in the singles' league 1 finals, 21
7, 24-22. "Kelly" will now play
Merriam Mann, the league 2 win
ner, for the championship.
Howard hall 3's combination of
Lucille Miller and Virginia McNeel
defeated Gamma I'm tseias num
Coordes and Betty Fosbury, 32 to
12, in a second round badminton
All first rouna Daammion games
that have not been played off as
yet must be played this week or
be default games.
Two quarter-final games in
baseball will be played tonight
with Whitney meeting Raymond
hall and Kanna Aloha Theta 1 go
ing against Howard hall. Every
body is heping that the tourna
ment will be finished before the
field is torn up too much to make
room for the new library.
Don't forget about the WAA
cabin when you and a group of
your fellow students are looking
for an ideal place in which to
picnic. The cabin will give you
shelter and also a nice stream as a
warning against hitting the base
ball too far. Reservations should
be made through the WAA office.
The Intimate Story of
. ev,orW Lady
'A Woman's
Melvyn DOUGun-
A. Orchestra
BOB CHt-" -
... -til 6 P.M.
A Savage in Society!
Robert Montgomery
George Sanders
...ncnt orchertra
Tw Smash Hits!
" - - mi
I An eye on 5
Girls J
track slate
squad mentor Ed Weir has
Nebraska athletic officials an
nounced that the scarlet and
cream cindermen will travel east
next year to meet Army at West
Point, N. Y. on Saturday May 2.
Possibly Yale or Dartmouth or
other eastern schools may send
teams to the West Point meet to
make it triangular or quadrangu
lar competition. Other outstanding
teams which the Weirman will
meet next season are the Univer
sity of California Golden Bears,
the only team which has defeated
the Huskers this year, and prob
ably Minnesota and Wisconsin,
who may come to Lincoln next
spring for a triangular meet
similar to that held at Minneapolis
last month.
Nebraska will also compete in
the Kansas and Drake relays as
well as numerous duals.
m ., .... 1
; j2U B',hert i
1 V,OVe" Araen W'1,S- ..vy finish :
you-- .yS 1 t
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7 rnRW
DU nips Zcta
Beta Tau in
league battle
The Delta Upsijon club emerged
victorious over Ihe Zeta Beta
Tau's in the firtt game of the
league tie-up between the Zeta
Betas, Sig AlpTis, and D. U.'s.
Early in the first period, the Zebes
led off with two runs and held the
lead till the fourth inning when
the DU big guns opened up and
combined with ZBT errors, sent
in three runs. The game ended
3 to 2.
With exception of the first and
fourth innings, it was a pitchers'
battle from start to finish with
Bob Saalfield pitching for the win
ners and Joe Kirshenbaum was on
the mound for the losing team.
Highest rating ever scored by
a candidate for Th. D. degree at
the University of California on
written examinations was made by
Dr. Mose L. Harvey, assistant pro
fessor of history at Emory uni
versity, in 19 i6.
1230 "0" ST.
zizo u at.