The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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Government bureaus seek engineering grads
Sunday, May 11,1941
with Mary
Mothers day
an important
(Vibrations are
nut of the news tor me weeK-
J,'!, The YW breakfast early this
morning leads the list with the
annual May Morning breakfast.
The Sigma Kappas entertained
ii r mowers a 7
eariy ai
I ...... ,in vai iruv.
. i
I u i u in . - j
ni Phi honored the seniors Sat
urday when ninety were present at
the luncheon given by Mrs.
Charles Stuart at which the Lin
coln and Omaha alumnae were
Long expected
Is the pin from the Sigma Nu
house which Stan Trulson hung on
Kanna Ruth Hancy. Only thing
unusual about this was the tact
that Ruthie and Stan didn't ever
go steady and it was just last week
end that she went to tHe Sig Alph
Friday night witnessed some
very unusual combinations. Theta
M uge Jones and Sig Chi Bob Mc
Nutt. "Piker" Davis from the Beta
house with Max Fuller, the beau
tiful Pi Phi who joined the list
of free lancers not so long ago.
Must amazing coupling of the
evening was Pi Phi Georgia
Walker and Beta Bill Huffman,
cousin of Stan whose pin she just
gave back. Stan, turned up with
Shirley Woods, Theta. All of which
goes to show that all romances
don't start in the spring.
Senior steadies?
Is the query which goes around
about Dee Gee Lou Malmberg and
Senior Class Prexy John MacDer
mott. Though "Mac" wouldn't
admit anything when last quizzed
Tri-k, Block and Rridle .
Ag lionoraries hold annual
judging contests Saturday
There was plenty of competitive Francis Haskins; junior, David
spirit on ag campus over the week- Sanders and freshman, John Sau
end as the Block and Bridle and ter.
Tri-K clubs held their annual con-
Karol Briggs placed first in the
meat judging ana laenuncauou m
the girls division. Bernece Ander-
aon placed second
Keith Gilmore soared ahead of
all competition in the men's divi-
' sion of meat Judging contest. Ray
Crawford nlaced second.
Francla Haskins was high point
man in the Trl-K grain judging
contest. There were three divisions,
senior, junior and freshman. Con
testants were grouped according
to their previous experience. Win
ners of each group are: senior,
Modem donee
group continues
open practices
Any university woman who
wishes to learn modern dance and
to participate in creating original
dances is eligible to attend the
in OrantVmorlal.
Two nractice periods scheduled
for May 14 and 21 remain in this
practice session. The sessions are
designed especially for those
women who wish to become mem
bers of Orchesis and who have not
. , . i . i .
naa previous iraining. onic
techniques are the basis of train-
Women wishing to take Orthosis
for regular physical education
credit should attend the two re
maining sessions.
Djsingcr attends meeting
i. ,.f r t; t-..; nt !,
chology faculty took part in a
round table discussion at a meet-
ing of the Iowa Association for
Social Welfare in Sioux City, la.,
May 3
Adelaide Hansen
about this, we would venture that
casual daters don't see as much
nf earh other as these two do.
Burning question
t the minds of those who saw
Alpha Phi Janet Westover with
pni oelt Hank Green at the Triad:
what has happened to ner sieaay
deal in the Tau house :
To the Theta Xi's who have re
cently t pledged: Jack Calnon,
Hubert Seng, Wilbur and Hermfir
Schmall, Joe Krohn. Elmo Tnomp
son, Charles Kavahac and Ever
leigh Foster.
, . ,
Weekend festivities
Included Jimmv Lunceford at
the "Pike," the Tri Delt and Alpha
Chi house parties and the well
known Gold Rush party that the
Sigma Nus give about this time
every year.
UN student sings
on Joslyn concert
in Omaha today
Janet Regnier, arts and sciences
senior.. will present a voice recuai
at Joslyn Memorial in Omaha to-
day at 4:30 p. m. A soprano, Miss
Regnier is a student in the music
department with Miss Alma Wag
ner. Her accompanist will be
Margaret Lindgren of Lincoln.
The program:
Hlrthday. Woodman.
My ji!y Walk In l.ovHliw. Charl-.
A Srll-l-lHrr, 'anitbHI-TitMi.
4 arnlval, Koadratn.
vr U the Wind, MrFaydVn.
4H Fit Day iMimIbiiw Hattrrfly),
. .
Frances Haskins received a tro-
nhv for beine hiffh man. Winners
of the divisions will get their name
cugiavru uu a ihiicic... ...
the crops laboratory.
Slnnli'lnn cnlmsf
... 1'ioilPPr Slll
1,1 1
Taking nart in a special Moth-
er's Day program, Louise Staple-
ton. senior in the school of fine
arts will sing "Songs My Mother
Taught Me" in the Pioneer Sing at
7:30 p. m. today.
Elizabeth May will be accom-
panist for the song which will be
,i,v,...v u ... r. . t --
gram broadcast over KFOR.
Koehler presents
senior recital
Miss Betty Joe Koehler, pianist,
will appear in her senior recital
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in
the Temple theater. She is a stu
dent with Prof. Herbert Schmidt
of "" Pment faculty.
TlSZJ 58 l
Orcan I'relmle In O minor, Bach-Sllotl.
I'u(oiiil and raprlrf, 8e-rltu-T.iulK.
Hnniila Kroua, Op, SO. Marllowell: slow,
wuh notiillty; fat, passionately; ell-like;
U-mloil v ; fien,c!y-vcry last.
Alv Joys, Ohopin-I.ii.t.
Kchfi'zo In K-l!ut minor, Grlffm.
. ,
Prof. Bradford speaks
Kosulie, Logan, la.
Prof. H. E. Bradford, chairman
of the department of vocational
education at the ag college, will
give the commencement address
for the Rosalie nublic schools May
is. lie will sneak on "The Call of
Tomorrow." Prof. Bradford also
will be commencement speaker
for public school programs i at Lo-
gan, la., May 21, at Arnold, May
22, and at Tawnee City, May 23.
son wins
$100 Simon
Kenneth H. Elson, freshman in
the college of business administra
tion, has been awarded the Jo
seph Simon scholarship for 1941
42, according to announcement
Friday by Chan
cellor C. S.
Boucher. The
$100 award,
provided by rel
atives of the
late Mr. Simon,
former Lincoln
businessman, is
granted to an
o u t s t a n ding
man in the
freshman class
.h" dfem,
onstrated fine
qualities of
manhood, mor
al force, scho
lastic and ath
letic ability.
Konnrth Klso.
Elson is the
son of Mr. and
Mrs. C
R. Elson of North Platte.
He is a member of the freshman
basketball squad and entered the
university last fall on a Regent's
scholarship. He graduated from
the Nebraska school of agricul
ture at Curtis in June, 1940.
Members of the Simon scholar
ship committee are Dean C. H.
Oldfather of the college of arts
and sciences, Maj. Lawrence "Biff
Jones, and Dr. R. D. Scott of the
athletic board.
xrlcritl lwifl2
freshmen group
Alpha Lambda Delta
elects officers, initiates
Geraldine Nelson was elected
president of Alpha Lambda Delta,
honorary for freshman women, at
a meeting and initiation Thurs
day, Gertrude Lyons was elected
vice-president, Irma Tinglehoff,
secretary and Mary Fredenhagen,
' Margaret Allaway. Neva Bish
op, Merriam Mann. Frances Pay
zant, Bernice Prince, and Evelyn
Schulz were initiated. Sylvia Katz
man, outgoing president, presided.
Helen Elizabeth Claybaugh was
presented with the book, "World
Famous Paintings," edited by
Rockwell Kent, for having main
tained the highest average during
Dorothy Cook
rwothv Cook. Dorette Schlap-
haff, Jean Simmons, Jeanet Swen
son, Louise Wilke and Blanche
Larson were presented with
awards by the national office for
keeping an eligibility average for
three and a half semesters.
Oelrich beads
a j . T1,,,1
5cahl)artt. 13ia(ie
Succeeding Harry Seagren, Wil-
tori oelrich was elected president
of scabbard and Blade, military
fraternity for cadet offlters in the
MnurSUiiy .evening,
At the meeting, the following
were also elected to offices: Robert
Gelwick, first lieutenant; James
Selzer, second lieutenant; Richard
Yost, first sergeant.
Discussed were plans for the
awarding of medals to the best
company first aid teams. The
awards will be made at the annual
competition of the ROTC.
Orfield to inspect
('.dorado law M-hc
Colorado law school
Prof. Lester B. Orfield of the col
lege of law has been invited by
the national president and secre
tary of the Order of the Coif, hon
orary scholarship society in law,
to inspect the University of Colo
rado law school for admission to
the society. He will go to Boulder
this month for the inspection.
1M N. 1CMt
i i i'
i -
gives recognition
to UN seniors
Two seniors in the architecture
department, Paul Rader and Rich
ard Freeman, have been recognized
by the Beaux-Arts Institute ot Lie
sign in New York City for their
entries in a national competition of
drawings of "A Crematory and Co
lumbarium." Both men were awarded honor
able mention on their problems.
Students from virtually every ar
chitectural school in the country
enter Beaux-Arts competitions, ac
cording to Prof. L. B. Smith, chair
man of the university's architec
ture department.
Psych students
receive graduate
Four students have accepted
graduate appointments in psychol
ogy at various institutions for next
year, according to announcement
by Prof. Arthur F. Jenness, chair
man of the psychology depart
ment. Gordon V. Anderson, who re
ceived his M. A. degree from the
university last summer, has ac
cepted a graduate assistantship at
the University of Minnesota.
Frank J. Dudek, candidate for his
M. A. degree in June, will be a
graduate assistant at Brown uni
versity. Edith J. Omer, candidate for the
B. A. degree in June, has accepted
a graduate scholarship at Bryn
Mawr college. Kathryn E. Wer
ner, candidate for an M. A. degree
in June, will become an interne in
psychology at the Worcester state
hospital, Worcester, Mass.
BABW presents
two scholarship
awards at banquet
Barb Activities Board for Wom
en will present two new scholar
ship awards at the barb banquet
to be held next Saturday night at
6:30 in the Union. Dorothy White,
newly elected president, announced
that a cup would be awarded the
unaffiliated women's house of ten
girls or more having the highest
average for the past year. In ad
dition, a pin will be presented to
the freshman girl having the high
est average.
A picnic will be held by the
board next Thursday to which
both the new and old boards are
Cillaspie to he guest ,
speaker at bizad frat
Maj. Trev E. Gillaspie. in charge
of the draftee service at the state
house, will be the guest speaker
of Delta Sigma Pi, bizad commer
cial fraternity, Monday night at
the chapter house.
Beginning at 7:15 p. m., Major
Gillaspie will speak about selec
tive service.
roil plan U
Spring m
We Have
$1 to $7 -
Otfr ?ddiiuStitlonert .
1213 N Street
file at local
post office
Four agencies need nieil
for work on mechanical,
aeronautical research
Four government agencies ari
now seeking qualified aeronautical
and mechanical engineers who can
do critical investigative and re
search work connected with thrf
development of faster, safer, and
more powerful airplanes, accord
ing to word received Friday by
Dean O. J. Ferguson of engineer
ing college.
The U. S. civil service commis
sion his announced open continu
ous examinations in all fields of
engineering for recent college en
gineering graduates, and a senior
engineering student may file ap
plication if he will complete re
quired courses by the end of 1941
and within four months of the date
his application is received. Appli
cation forms may be obtained fiom
any first or second class post of
fice. Applicants rated eligible may
be certified at once to an appoint
ing officer and may be tendered
an offer of employment by wire
and be at work within a week of
Four hundred in air corps.
The air corps now employs 400
professional engineers at Wright
field, Dayton, O., in testing, check
ing, and developing latest advance
ments in airplane engine design.
The navy department has 185
aeronautical engineers charged
with all that relates to design, con
struction, fitting out, testing, re
pair and alteration of naval air
craft and aircraft instruments,
equipment, and accessories.
The national advisory committee
for aeronautics conducts funda
mental research on flight problems
with ito major laboratory at Lan
ley field, Va., and a second labora
tory partially completed at Mof
fett field, Calif. The present per
sonnel of 340 will be considerably
enlarged soon.
Dr. rVesf
Miracle Tuft
Tooth Brush
T 47c "
Box Candy
Mothers Day
$1.00 Size
Cashmere Bouquet
4 T 26c
Large Glass
Ash Trays
The Perfect Pipencr for
All Sparkling BrveraR
Stuart Bldg.