DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, May 7, 1941 10- Jiapsihinqj j I S ,citn Mry Adelaide Hansen This column will no doubt be quite dull to all freshmen, and perhaps to upper classmen too, as my journalistic efforts, as it were, have become a little queered, along with campus acquaintances. After two super-beauteous sere nades by the Sigmas Nu and Chi Monday night, came the howls from various shrubs of a few of the boys, some identified as resi dents of S st. Whatever their con dition, it was the closest harmony heard for some time. Perhaps now is a good time to amend a little quickie I dashed out about the Sigma Nus two years ago (and it's not about the Pigge Dinner, boys, I still stick to my story about that). The little out house, so conspicuously set up in front of the Union with the letters 'Phi Delta Theta" doning it, was done by the "Two-Innocents-a-Year" DU's, so I heard the other night Saturday night at the Phi Rho party seemed to be old home week for a few of our illustrious grads Sig Ep3 John Bishop and John Scoff ield; ZBT Howie Kaplan; Sig ma Nus, Dick Ryan and Jim An derson (with spouse Evelyn Hop kins Anderson); Pat Leonard; DU's Elwood Pankinon, Bill Nie hus and pin and active "six-year bizad course," Dick Young; ChiO Marguerite Young; Phi Psi Bud Yoder (with his third date for that evening. Likewise present were some of the prominent campusites celebrating Innocent tappings and some were just plain celebrating. We understand that after five years and four summer schools, Butch Luther has decided that he must have his de gree. He ran into Sam Francis who is working on his MA at Iowa, not long back. Sam started relat ing to Butch just how much a de gree meant, and must have done some strong convincing, for Butch was telling the boys that he'd be coming back to get it... ah, yes, nothing like a degree for Butch. The profs will be waiting, no doubt, but we hope they don't hold their breathing apparatus until... or maybe around this exam time it would be a good idea. Of course, that isn't bothering me anymore. Neie officers elected Monday night are: Zeta Beta Tau: President, Leonard Goldstein; vice president, Jim Lipsey; treasurer, ' Stuart Simon; secretary, Joe Kirshenbaum; and historian, Irving Malashock. Sigma Delta Tau: President, Shirley Epstein; vice president, Anne Arbitman; treasurer, Rose Goldstein; secretary, Sylvia Katz man; historian, Miriam Rubinitz. Alpha Tau Omega: President, Dick Stastney; vice president, Bob Norton; secretary, Harold Lar mon; historian, Bill Rist ATO Wendell Bayse, and Tish Trester, KAT, were also decidedly dam pened Monday night in front of the Thcta house for refusing to come thru . . . and speaking of The tas, seeing the "gardner" chop pinng down some of the under growth on the east side, reminds one of the times when Oolie An derson used to die dandelions and mow the lawn for nuthin' . . . ChiO Zoe Wilson is now going steady wiin fcigma Nu Bob Krause, and is spending her time worrying about her Gold Rush Partv cos tume, as the Sigma Nus politely miormed her that all dates are re quired to wear short skirts three of the soldiers boys returned to Lincoln for a quick visit this last week-end Sigma Nu John Bailey Beta Sid Hardeman, and Glenn Reynolds- Plan to Lunch or Dine in The New Pah American ROOM (Formerly THE CAFETERIA) OPENING MAY 12. STUDENT UNION PLAY CLOTHES that come from California, the sun ny land where fash ion designers un derstand just what folks like for fun in the sun. Seersucker Play Dresses Seersucker Play Suits Flax Spun Play Togs Rayon Slack Suits Sportswear Second Floor. Owl 0 Sbwt Window. i Professors attend Brandeis exec Chicago meetings Attending the 30th annual meet ings of the Society for the Ad vancement of Scandinavian Study at North Park college In Chicago, May 2 and 3, were Prof. J. E. A. Alexis, chairman of the modern languages department, Prof. A. L. Elmquist, Dr. Lydia Wagner, and Dr. A. C. F. Scherer. Dr. Alexis is secretary-treasurer of the society and Professor Elm quist is associate editor of the publication "Scandinavian Stud ies." Dr. Alexis addressed a North Park student assembly May 2 on "Contacts Between Scandinavian and America." interviews seniors vi xur. Lma, general superintend dent of Brandeis store in Omaha, will be in Prof. Bullock's office to day to consult with seniors and graduate students Interested in any phase of merchandising ex cept advertising. Appointments for interviews may be made at Mr. Bullock's office. Your Drug Store Get your Mother's Day gift at our candy department. We feature Whitman and Gobelin Chocolates. OWL PHARMACY 14S No. 14th A P Phone 2-1068 SiL JimsL to BloMom out JUL cl BELMONT GABARDINE No. 1 Choice of Vf A Well-Dressed Men X. v .'" .-.- V 1 Smart in appearance Distinctive in styling Coat wearable with slacks Tailored by Clothcraft's experts For day-in and day-out smartness Step In and try a Belmont Gabardine In your favorite color.... In Gold'i Men's Store! ' . -v:.:.. - i 4 i v :. i :-: ) a if IP INDOOR OUTDOOR Magic In One Easy Lesson Witness the Arrow Donbler shirt, neatest, oulck chanre outfit of the season! With the collar open KMt"portshl,i M you'll find. With the coUm 'battened (and an Arrow Tie added) It looks perfectly at borne amid hlfh society or hlfh finance! Arrow Donbler has the trim "Mltoa-nwre-ilt. . f, SanforUed-Shrunk (fabrie ahrtnkafe less than 1). y m goo aOLD'S...Ma,i Star. Styled enl . '... ' 7 ft- ' "V . I A Roblee Raglans 00 For tprlnr strolls and iprlnf e porta under the sprint sun, you'll be rltht In Roblee "EuUns." They're those cainally-smart shoes with the rut t ed look and the lltht-on-tett feeL OOLD'I...Ma'i Star. I J