' Friaay, 'April 25, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Cornhusker nine meets Missouri baseballers Fifteen Cornhusker baseballera left yesterday with Coach Wilbur Knight for Columbia, Mo., and the second try ot Big Six competition. Last week Nebraska lost the league opener against Kansas State 7-5. Leading hurler for the Missouri Tigers is Passing Paul Christman, the Ail-American grid iron great. In three games against Washington, St. Louis and Drake, the boys from Columbia are as yet undefeated. Take a lesson from Arthur Murray's Dance Teachers , Cl1 $l Wor,h JreCfl Arthur Murray I Lttten In Murray Dane Book " Cnwa 'out Jar of Odorono Croam t .u jm.:m iflMnirtiAM in thi 1 IIIC UB"Vli'l, ' " ... .- --- new Arthur Murray Dance Book wero Riven in hij private studio it would cost 1 10! See how easy it is to lern! And see how emsy it is to hoM your partner when you use ODORONO CREAM1 """"" THE ODORONO CO., INC. P. O. Box C New York, N. Y. , ' Send me the new Arthur Murray Dance Book and generous introductory ir of I ODORONO CKHAM. I enclose 25 to cover printing, mining auu uiuuuuj. Name- Address- Gty. State (pADpJDAahu Bhlp'N'Shore or narbizon shirts. Cottons or rayon silks, long or short sleeves. Your choice of colors and patents. J w i, vXv'i vv All wool, flannel and Junto cloth skirts, pastels and dark colors. Third Floor, Diamond players making ths trip to Columbia are pitchers Ernie Swanson, Angelo Ossino, William Green and Oscar Tegt meier; catchers, John Fitzgib bons and Clarence Herndon; out fielders, Warren Gableman, Ervin Klein, Sid Held and Joe Ryan; in fielders, Ray Griffin, Dean Jack son, Bernard LeMaster, Bob Sauer and Julius Woite. Minnesota will offer the first home competition for Neebraska when the Gopher nine plays here next Monday and Tuesday. Kappa Phi holds annual banquet tomorrow at 6 Eileen Hunt will be toastmistress of the annual Kappa Phi banquet to be held tomorrow at 6 p. m. in the Union. Approximately 100 actives and alumni members of the Methodist sorority are ex pected to attend. General chairman In charge of the event is Ruth Surber. An ac tive and a pledge will present toasts, and the program will in clude a trio. Mrs. Drew, patroness, will also give a toast, "Fruit to the Spriit." After the banquet a dance will be held in the Union. The Daily Ncbraskan FORTIETH I EAR. Hnrjariintlnn Katra re $1.00 TrT 8rme tn or (1.60 for tbe Collrte Year. $Z.fi0 Mallrd. 8lnle ntpy, l'nU. Kntred a arrond-claaa matter at the pontoffke In Unroio, Nrbraiikn. under Aet ol Coo Kreaa, K'arrh S, 1879. and at apeetal rata of fMMtaxr provided for In Kertlon 1103, Ae of October 1, 1917. Aotnorla4 8ea lember JO. 1B22. filr iTi "" - -lm,'l m3 imiiiiii HI" 1,1.' 1 I BhiqhL SdsucL Combining Separates" Shirts 1 to 1.95. Jerkins 2.95. Skirts 2.95 to 3.95. All wool and flannel Jer kins. Pastel shades. You'll w&nt one of these sleeve Icrs pull-overs! 1 U r 1 K UfafY 1 i 1J I ff LvIa1 ,'Jfl jktj&tvs&isvMsxjm fi . . . m a Bean ball bombast . . . In the baseball world, our nomi nation for the team that is hard- est hit by badly thrown ball is the Brooklyn Dodgers. The chaps tabbed ud another iniurv on that tabbed up another injury on that count Wednesday when outfielder ieie reiser taugia u wnu ywi on the right cheek. This brings the total to three this season. Reiser was knocked unconscious in the third and was rushed to a hospital. X-rays showed his only injury was a bad bruise. Philadel- phia pitcher, Isaac Pearson, tossed the ball hard enough that the stitches on the ball left an im- print on the cheek of the Brooklyn hitter. The club has tried to fight down this jinx. This season, the Dodgers adopted a policy of wearing pro- tective headgear but precaution seems to be as fruitless as look- ing tor Durgiars unaer a ioiuing oea. Broadjump acme . . . Trackmen at the Drake relays today and tomorrow who will en- ter the broadjump contest will have a tip top mark to shoot at. World's record holder in that par- ticular event is the famous Jesse Owens, Ohio State colored boy, who in 1935 became the third man in history to better 26 feet. His tabbing at these same meet was 26 ft. 1 in. A month later, he followed up with the world record leap of 26 feet 8U inches in the Western conference meet. Few will question the assertion that this world mark will not be sur passed in this generation. Outstanding contender, accord- 1 i nr:i.u ft : t tv.A fil ing U) VV1UUU OIIUUI, Ul LUC Wll- cago Tribune, is Louisiana's Billy Brown who already holds two Drake broad jump titles and is the 1940 national collegiate cham pion. Brown won last year with a leap of 24 feet 1 inches but he has consistently bettered 25 feet. He won the Southeastern conference championship last year at 25 feet 7 inches. Dr. West Miracle Tuft Tooth Brush 47c Whitman's Box Candy for Mothers Day 11.00 She VITALIS 79c Cashmere Bouquet SOAP 4 Bfor8 26c Large Glass Ash Trays 10c Sodamizer The Perfect Dispenser for All Sparkling Beverages 1 00 W SSL. 3 Tennis, golf teams vie at Oklahoma Saturday Varsity tennis and golf teams try club, Byron Adams was unde- will enter their first competition feated. Adams defeated Mac Dow, of the season as the two squads 2 and 1; Dow defeated Frank journey to Oklahoma for meets Vette, 5 and 4; Dow set down Don Saturday. lbin 8 and 7; Adams conquered , . . . , Vette, 5 and 3; Vette defeated The Norman lada nave had the iv: ' ..l. V i... i . a a , , evnpripnrp nf twn mppts nlrpadv r" - - -- " - - - this year ,and the advantage of considerable outdoor practice over the scarlet and Cream golfers. In tryouts for the golf squad Wednesday at the Lincoln Coun- Jmti Jl(l(lrCSSCS . 1 YOUIlff AtlVOCatCS D L. J. Marti spoke last night be- . ra o mootin " f tllo Vn,inr Arl- w p -"he 1 w'yer tte income Tax Law." - The meeting wa3 ncld in social sciences. T Cin onfviOd J -i . (1UG lOniOrrOW Entries for the Ivy Day Sing are due tomorrow at Mrs. West- over's desk in Ellen Smith, Janet curley, chairman of the Sing, an- noUnced yesterday. All organized women's sororities and barb groups are eligible to contend with the ex- ception of honorary societies. Nohle- (Continued from Page 1.) anj the band, the coliseum floor, S0Und system, band shell, and lighting system are being reno- Vated. . Tickets may be secured from Corn c0bs, Cornhusker staff mem- hers. Union board members. Sen- jor Council committee members local stores, See Us for Your New Spring . . . LEE WATER-BLOC hat AYERS nd HAYS "TAILORS OF INDIVIDUALIZED CLOTHES" 1233 N 2-4566 Improve Your HAT-I-TUDEt with a New LEE Water-Bloc THE UNIVERSITY-GAB If hats could talk, The University Gab could boast, MIt takes three times as long to make me I'm a Lee Water-Bloc and I have a gab ardine Land and binding to match ahcm-all for five bucks!" LEE also makes : Aetna, "The Insured Hat," J3.50. Look Jor the Lee II at sign LEE OATS 3S8 tl. U.S. PATENT OP. mtm v SATURDAY APRIL 26 With His Orchestra POPULAR PRICES A1U1I1, JL uy H.I1U AUUII19 UCilU Al . . . . nin a. nnn Defending Big Six champions on . tJ-1. ,5V , . A "'V v ousnni meets this season. ' O A Your Drug Store Spring means Fishing. We han- fiaie an types oi iisning lacKie.i OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & F Fhone 2-1068 0 o WOODY 0. 0 and the O O S0UTHERNAIRS 4 Featuring A aaukikinnk vocal charmer T)lr from iha J A mj ii . v win iiiv FABK TLAZA HOTEL, St. Lanii 4 Adm. 45e Ea., Tax IneU S Comlnj: WED., ArRIL M Wody HERMAN ana BII Sensational Orchestra o ii mm i f Fifth Avenue, New York Added Attraction! FLOOR SHOW lnPrr.n TONIGHT w : j. .aw km w 1 BOYDENS PHARMACY Stuart Bldg. Before "T After 9:30.. 40c Admission 9:30.