The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, April 8, 1941'
UN art gallery
Painting to appear in South,
Central American exhibitions
Marlz, Scgrist
judge Jones'
thcalre conlcst
v '.
with Marion Cramer
Kappa Phi
announces the pledging of Alleen
Brooks, Iris Lane, Ardis Lane,
June Morrison, Loralne Beans,
Barbara Manning, Ina June Bu
row, Jane Thurtle, Arleno Kcllen
bargcr, Janice Hagelin, and Neva
of various types were notived over
the week end. For instance that
coupling which is becoming more
common every week, Sigma Delta
Tau Anne Arbitman and SAM
Norm Veta, was joined by a third
party last night when Jerry Bern
stein played with them in the eve
ning. When last year's Beta Bob
Clow came down for the week end
and the "Crud'' party, he discov
ered that the NU campus had sev
eral very nice attractions, mainly
one Nancy Halligan, Alpha Phi
beauty queen candidate. But Tom
Woods wasn't at all in favor of
this and removed his oft tossed
about badge from under Nancy's
days it will be before this many
days it will be before this whole
thing is settled?
Broken romances
are popping up here and there
despite the fact that spring is
supposed to take care of little
things like quarrels etc. Kappa
Betty Bongardner and AGR Max
ton Laughlin are not getting along
as smoothly as might be expected
from consideration of the solid
KoamH Kluh aHlvlUea will awt Wfd
djr at 7. Koanw Kraa warfcrn will
worrt today al .
Th Israr f KvanrHlcal Stadmti will
wt today at 7:U la the I'toa, room Sit.
rlnlnn dancing rlam mortal tonight
I nfcw ballroom at 7. Advaaord
dancing rlam wil not moot thl Thnrnday.
Tho B-Tt mrrllnK Kill b tat flrat Tbai
ay after varatioa.
Corn Cob artlvrt and workon win mrrl
room 3IS of the Into at p. m. today.
As rollrrr WAA 1U mrt today In at.
Vnt arllvlllr at t p. m. Arrhrrv WU h
Um artlvlty.
Ac mllr-p. recreation nlrtt will br hold
tonight la mndrnt artivitea at :4S p. m.
Charm Srhool meet la KJIra Hmlth han
at 7 Ion I ulil. I In iiii Korr Smith will apeak
on "(irnwlnc t p."
(Continued from Page 1.)
than the system that permits op
erators to use improved water
ways without payment of tolls to
profit by lower rates thus made
As for what transportation
agencies ought to do for them
selves in the future. Palmer ad
vised that they "be more aggres
sive than they have been in press
ing for legislation in their own
and the public interest"
Eastern purchasing power.
Purchasing power in official
territory, in the industrial region
east of the Mississippi, is greater
than that of all the other terri
tories put together, Lilienthal
pointed out. This means that the
largest national market is concen
trated there and industries in
other regions must sell a part of
their output there if they are to
have a strong development.
But, he continued, under the
present freight rates, producers
here must pay a higher rate than
manufacturers in eastern terri
tory who are actually farther
away from many of the markets.
The present industrial expansion
In connection with the defense
program will influence the eco
nomic pattern of the United States
for many years to come, the
speaker said, and the nation will
lose out unless defense production
dating which has been taking
placo. Tho this is not definitely
on the rocks, rumor has it that
vacation will settle the whole
thing one way or another.
Budding romances
are more the usual thing this time
of year and we pause to note one
couple who haven't called it
steady or anything, but they sure
ly do see seem to be having a
good time together. . .Pi Phi Mar
garet Owen and George Mc
Murtrcy. Romance in the rain
between DeeGoe Pat Knuth and
Sigma Nu Ken Ebzrey who were
seen in a long conversation on
the street corner with no apparent
regard for the rain which sent the
rest of the student body scurrying
for cover.
is used to decentralize industry
throughout the country.
"A change in the rate situation,
however, is not a panacea for the
problems of the Mid-Interior and
the South," Lilicnthal concluded.
"We must be ready with indus
trial knowledge generally, with
skills, and the backlog of indus
trial research upon which modern
industry so greatly depends.
"The South and West could well
join hands in preparing and pre
senting the case for I believe that
you will find their fundamental
interests the same."
J. A. Little, director of trans
portation for the Nebraska State
railway commission, has called
two meetings dealing with prac
tical aspects of the problem dis
cussed at the transportation con
ference. The meetings will begin
In the evening session David E.
Lilienthal director of TV A, told
members that the industrial fu
ture of the Midwestern interior
and the Southern regions of the
United States depends upon re
storing economic equality between
all regions of America, conserva
tion of human and natural re
sources, and fullest development
of power and water assets.
"Man-made rules and not the
limitations of nature are respon
sible for acute economic problems
in both our regions," Lilicnthal
stated. "The interterritorial
freight rate structure is one of
the major causes of our inability
to develop our resources to the
fullest measure.
"In many respects the Mid-Interior
is faced in the early stages
with some of the very conditions
which in their later and acute
stages we find in the south to
day," he explained. "The tenancy
rate here is not nearly so high
as in Georgia, Alabama, and Mis
sissippi, but the alarming thing is
that it is increasing rapidly.
Southern, northern problems.
"The draining of our human re
sources from both these regions
is another grave problem in com
mon. . .But the chief similarity be
tween your problems and ours in
the South lies in this: that we are
both lacking in an adequate indus
trial development to balance our
reliance upon agriculture."
Industrial development has lost
ground in the mid-interior in thi
past geenration, Lilienthal be
lieves. If Nebraska had grown in
dustrially as fast as the whole na
tion did from 1909 onward, its
manufacturing income in 1939
would have been 70 million dol
lars greater, or double what it ac
tually was, he said.
The speaker showed charts il
lustrating how freight rates are
higher in all parts of the country
than in eastern or official terri
tory. As an example of how this
works against this territory, he
pointed out that a 10,000 pound
order of shoes in Mansfield, O.,
can be shipped there much cheap
er from Brockton, Mass., than
from Topeka, Kas., altho the dis
tance in rate miles is the same.
A oTpeka company would have to
pay 40 percent more for the same
From the Jones boys and girls
who enter the contest being spon
sored in connection with the Lin
coln premiere of the "Devil and
Miss Jones," judges Clyde Marts,
DAILY editor, and Ed Scgrist,
DAILY business manager, will se
lect seven Joneses and one pair
of Jones twins, (if any enter), to
be the guests of Jean Arthur, star
of the picture, at a dinner party
before the premiere.
Contestants must have Jones
for their last name, must be a
regular student at the university,
and enroll with A. W. Hendricks
at the Varsity theater before to
morrow night.
The judges will select these in
dividuals, to whom Miss Arthur
will be hostess by remote control,
tomorrow night after the contest
closes. They will choose the tallest
Jones; the shortest Jones: the
Jones with the best scholastic
standing; the Jones who came the
longest distance to enroll; the
most freckled Jones; the best
Jones athlete, and the prettiest
Jones twins.
Professor wriles article
Prof. Linus Burr Smith, chair
man of the architecture depart
ment, has written an article de
scribing the philosophies underly
ing the teaching in the depart
ment which appeared in the Feb
ruary issue of the Octagon, jour
nal of the American Institute of
. . this year
A picture selected from the uni
versity art galleries will be in
cluded in an exhibition of contem
porary American painting to be
sent to ten leading cities in South
and Central America this year, ac-
For Family Sweetheart Friends
Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc.
1221 O Street
(Continued from Tnge 1.)
all countries in the world in scien
tific knowledge and technical de
velopment of medicine, it lags in
the social organization by means
of which this knowledge can be
made available to all the people
who need it," she added. This sit
uation is especially apparent in a
rural state such as Nebraska
where good medical and hospital
services are frequently not avail
able and where, because of long
drouth years, there has been sri
ous delay in the development of
public health services to protect
the peoples health.
Miss Anderson has come to Ne
braska with a wide background of
experience. A native Canadian,
much of her training and expe
rience has been carried on there.
Rural health, social research, race
relations and labor problems are
her fields of major study and ex
perience. Her book, "We Amer
icans," which is a study of na
tionality groups in Vermont, won
the John Anisfield award as the
best book on race relations in
cording to a request received by
Trof. Dwight Kirsch, chairman of
the art department
The exhibition is being prepared
by the advisory committee on art
in the Washington office of the
co-ordinator of commercial and
cultural relations between the
American rDublic, all under the
council 'ional defense. Tho
committ . s asked the univer
sity fo- oan of "Afternoon
Skiing" by Zolton Sepeshy.
Cities to which the exhibition
will be pert from April to Decern
ber are Havana, Rio de Janeiro,
Montevideo, Buenos Aires, San
tiago, Lima, Quito, Bogota, Cara
cas, and Mexico City.
Cultural exchange program.
This project is the initial un
derstanding of a broad cultural
exchange program in the visual
arts between the American repub
lics, which we hope will begin a
new era of close intellectual un
derstanding between the North
and Latin American peoples,"
states John E. Abbott chairman
of the advisory committee on art.
Tictures for the exhibition have
been chosen by the curators of
amcrican painting In the Metro
politan, Whitney, and Brooklyn
museums, and the Museum of
Modern Art under the direction of
Mrs. Helen Appleton Read. A
handbook in Spanish and Portu
guese will accompany the exhibit.
(tar first boiomon
Cincinnati Rodt.' see the clean white
Chesterfield pack
on every side
Every smoker who enjoys a Cooler
smoke that's definitely Milder and Better
Tasting is a Chesterfield fan.
The can't-be-copied blend of the
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Enjoy the game with Chesterfield
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