Thursday, March 13, 1941 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Union to present Met broadcast of opera 'Carmen9 For students interested in opera, the Union music room will be opeu Saturday at 1 p. m. when the radio there picks up the Metropolitan Opera company's presentation of the opera "Carmen," by Georges Bizet. SrmemDer? 'oMuSSE The opera will be sung ln S? dsuThma?Cha0rf.eshKul.man9 French, and wiU be aired over Don Jose, and Olesio de Taolis, KOWH. KamfuuA. with Marion Cramer 1 1 When the Gamma Phis had their dates to dinner there was a great deal of clamor for a candy passing be tween Louise Eppinger and D U "Porkey" Neurenberger and the gals are waiting hopefully. Along the line of waiting, but not so patiently, are the Phi Mu pledges who are tubbing all the seniors, one every Monday night this semester. These same pledges took a little vacation during Fra ternity Education week and skip ped out one evening last weekend ner little radi0i to iisten to the with all the silver. news broadcast no doubt. A Is Your Formal Ready for the Next Party? Have it Sanitone Cleaned at the Modern Cleaners Souk up & Wcstover 21 A G and 127 S. 27 Phone 3-2377 Service FINAL PAYMENT '41 Cornhusker Due Saturday, March 15 After March 15 Final Payment Will Be $3.00 Last Chance To Buy Your '41 Cornhusker at $4.50 Price Will Be $5.00 Lost one Phi Dclt pin by Kappa Anne Craft who, when questioned about the absence of the pin said that all was well, except that she had lost it somewhere on the campus. Now that story will work for a girl but we have heard that it won't work so well for Thi Gam Gus Swanson who will be initiated in a few weeks. Those who know say that he will be "losing" his pin to blond Phil Anderson, Theta, shortly after he gets it. Farm House news tells of the pledging of Robert Ger loff, Phillip Miller, Calvin Dahlke, Ray Arthaud, and the Merresmiths three Frank, Robert and Ken neth. Music with your education is the motto of Pat Green who carries a little portable with her to her classes. The other day she interrupted Pro fessor Senning's poli sci class with ttrise marriage M t of Lila Meyerott who has been secretly married to Forest Englekmier since the 29th of De cember, 1939 Not serious they tell me is the affair between Tri Dclt Charlotte Kouba and Kenny Tyke, Chi Phi. who is now in med school. Yet Kenny comes down every wekend to see Char and brings with him candy, flow ers and all sorts of nice things. A miniature Santa, I'd say! Delta Gams turned to the ballots this week and elected Jo Ann Beltzer president; Bettv Ann Robert, vice president; Harriet Talbot, secretary; and Bettv Holtorf and Alyce Wykoff, treasurer. Congratulations, Dee- Gee girls. Two juniors at Princeton are operating a student radio repair service. D , S UNITE D . Books ELf FSZANY hi Books Books L ( ypJ Boolcs Books 'W ) Books Last Year's Besf Sellers PRICED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET Up to 80 Off on All Books See Us for All Novels References Biographies Trade Books See Us for Real Book Bargains taunts jDHC5 Txt Books Student SuppM DDSKiTEnE SPECIAL Jty3 1 , For Your St. Patricks Day Parties or Dinners Serve Fairmonts Ice Cream in Shamrock Center Bricks i 11 i -f . I I " '-"' i - Ml J ..MW.. i n n (t 0Vo THARIFY dRAPEWIN MARJORIE RAMBEAU h r.FNFTIFRNEY . WILLIAM TRACY Dona Andrews Slim Summerville Word Bond Regular Prices STARTS TODAY! SuTOED" Come Early! to"' i put mm After Saturday Fairmont Creamery Co. 2823 No. 48th