Friday, February 7, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 A With a 1 to 233 ratio Male preponderance doesn't bother women taking engineering courses By Marjorle May. Engineers are usually men, any way that's what most people think, but two UN coeds are hav ing an enviable time among some 700 boys in the engineering col lege. What do they think about it? "Well, they're a pretty nice bunch of fellows," asserted Av lona Moyer, a senior. "But it's really no different than having women in your class. Russel agrees. : Shirley Russel, junior, agreed with her. "I can't see that it makes any difference whether men or women are our classmates. .f Both students are enrolled Jn f ""qfthe engineering college school of architecture. Also in architec ture is an arts and science junior, Mary Rokahr, who isn't bothered by the lack of women in most of her classes. The main difference between architecture in the two colleges is that in arts and science Miss Ro kahr majors in the subject, tak ing the usual four year course, while in engineering, architecture Daily Sleuths trail offensive odors from coliseum to music school ... a la Ferdinand "When Ferdinand swelled llie flowers, he was satisfied. But had he roamed Ihe halls of any of the university's build ings, his nostrils would probably have curled up. Here is a "smell-witness ac- .ount of the odoriferous situation on the campus, a complete survey of smells from the coliseum to the school of music. Even the "S" men, (Smell), the keenest nose wavers known, can- not agree as to the location of the most offensive odors. "Public Enemy No. 1", accord ing to many "S" men, is Avery lab with its gas filled air which has never failed to make a nose wrinkle. Others contend that the sweat and smell of the coliseum cannot be matched even by Bessey where a formaldehyde plus a hun- dred other zoological, biological, botanical, physiological, and mor- phological contributions to the world of aroma constantly fill the air. The musty moth-ball scent of Morrill isn't particularly often- sive, but can be easily detected Beauty editors final directions Candidates for Cornhusker beauty queens will meet today at 4 p. m. with beauty queen co editors Priscilla Chain and Betty Dodds to receive instructions con cerning the beauty queen elimina tion contest. The meeting will be held at the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house. The 12 girls selected Feb. 20 by a local judging board will be en tercd in the final contest which is fto be Judged by George Petty, famous artist and cartoonist. Come in and IJten to the I.nteM Columbia and Okeh Records I IIer Rlmptody Al Dtnahue Tonight IVrfidia Gene Krupa i t You Walk Ily tommy I ucitrr ' j So You're the One I i l.dtlie Duchin J f ; Tommy Tucker f" V it is the whole course, lasting five years. Want equalization. "We like to be treated the same as the men," stated one of the coeds. "And we are most of the time. One reason we like the col lege is because the students are so democratic. The laboratories are freer and we are on our own more of the time than in most classes." In architecture there is only one thing that makes a big difference. Next spring the seniors will take an inspection trip either to Chi cago or Kansas City and make short tours from there, but we are not allowed to do this . . Aw shux! One advantage. An advantage Miss Russel and Miss Moyer have over others is in getting out of school to at tend the Engineers Week held here the first week in May. Last fall Miss Rokahr and Miss Russel won mention in a contest to design the interior of a hospital waiting room, showing their abil ity in the field of their choice. As to the reason they chose by connoisseurs. Andrews gets its recognition from the fragrance of the anti- septic used in the dental school on the third floor smelled on all floors. Of course, that's putting it a little strong. University hall is so old that the perfume of decay can be sniffed by even the inexpert, while Dr. Lyman and his col leagues in pharmacy maintain the standards. No one knows how the school of music building affects the ol- factory nerves, for one s brain is so busy with sounds of squeeking strings and pounding instruments that operation of other senses is nil. Most of the other buildings on city campus are relatively inof- fensive, but the stench of the barnyards at Ag sends the "S" men fleeing for clothes pins. Mortar Board plans made for Founders Day Celebrating its 20th birth day, Mortar Board will hold its annual Founders Day ban quet tomorrow in the Union. According to Ruth Clark, who is in charge of the plans, prepara tions are being made to accommo date alumni from all over the state. Mrs. F. D. Colman, national president of Mortar Board, will be the featured speaker on the program. Mrs. Colman it a resi dent of Lincoln. Feature of the Founders Day banquet will be ; h e initiation )f members of Che Black Masque. The r g a n ization was a local honorary on this campus from 1904 until 1921 when it became nation al. The local or ? a n i zation of Black Masque became the ;welfth national : h a p t e r of journal. Mortar Board. Tmi strnbrr. Those mem bers of Black Masque automatical ly became members of Mortar Board, but many of them have never been able to see a Mortar Board initiation. They will be in itiated after the banquet. Pat Sternberg, president of the local chapter, will cpeak and Jean Simmons will play a piano solo. f 1 ' architecture, all three of the women said they had "always" wanted to be architects, at least since they were in grade school. And they all exhibit a great deal of enthusiasm when questioned about their career so men you'd better look to your laurels in architecture! This painting typifies . . Nebraska Art association exhibition The Nebraska Art association, which will open its annual show in March, is holding a preview showing in gallery B of Morrill, for many of the artists repre- sented in the preview will have pictures in the fifty-first annual exhibit of the NAA. The art de- partment of the university will hold the exhibit until Feb. 23. Paul Cadmus, William Palmer, Doris Rosenthal, Zoltan Sepeshy, Margit Varga, and S. Simkovitch .0 V For the Rircclcxl of Sweethearts choose a Valentine filled with Mm. Stover's delicious lliinjalow Candies. Assorted sizes 2"c to $".()(). We Mail or Deliver. 120 So. 13th Street Kent Slate U Enters our defense program with war economics course Kent, Ohio. (ACP). Designed to nation in manpower, raw mate- train those not in actual military service when the United States reaches a position of total emer gency preparedness, a new course in the economics of war will be inaugurated in February at Kent State university. The course is based on problems of economic needs of a warring Ji n V are some of the artists repre- sented in the February show. Features Cadmus. "Shore Leave" will represent paul Cadmus, who has painted several versions of this subject and rather enjoys shocking the public with his frank exposures of the life and customs of the times aq well as ironic comments on American manners and customs. William Palmer, from Des Moines, is a newcomer to Ne- The T. P. and the Cornhusker Ballroom will as usual be the center of social activity this week-end. Bob Sandburg and his date, Theta Harriette Costello will be there Saturday at the A. T. O. dinner dance, and Friday the Kappa Sigs will take over for their annual formal . . . If you want her to gaze into your eyes with love and appreciation as you dance, let Danielson's select a distinctive new rubrum lily corsage to flatter her personality call 2-2234 or visit 1306 N, and she'll swoon at least for an evening , . . "Nuts to her," and she won't be offended. Crisp cashews, flavorsome brazils, piquant pecans, and nuts of the world will insure her pleasant moments. They'll make a valentirjp that's different and if you don't think she'll appreciate originality wait and see. Remember The Nut House 118 No. 13 . . . Even if she isn't literary, she'll radiate thanks when she receives a best-seller from the Nebraska Book Store. And fur thermore you can best be assured of excellent bargains when purchasing new and used books, pens, and all student supplies. You have really missed a thrill if you have not seen the Valentines at the Eastman Kodak Store. There are loads from which to choose. For Family, Sweetheart, and Friends. All kinds from the ridiculous to the sublime. rials, facilities of production, dis tribution and finance. Particular background training will be given on the problem of substitutes for war-trimmed war materials, and on factors that tend to prevent wartime output from reaching a peak level. Economic psychology is a sepa rate division of the course. Lincoln Journal. braska art lovers. At present he'is an instructor at the Art Students league in New York and a mural painter of note, Doris Rosenthal enjoys paint- jng Mexican persons and scenes, and most of her pictures have Mexican children as their subject matter. Zoltan Sepshy and Waldo Pierce have represented many times in Nebraska and their work Js well-received. br Betty Dixon and Marian Linch