The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1940, Image 4

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Wednesday December 11, 1940
Jo Dure 3
On the special bulletin angle
did you know that DG Marg
Krause, super little Mortar Board
and SAE Bill Wellinger have
chosen Dec. 22 for their wedding
day... and another yuletide wed
ding is that of the DAILY'S busi
ness mgr. Chi Phi Ed Segrist and
Tri Delt Martha it'a
all sorts of special congratulations
for special people. . .
And the Betas and the Delta
Gams have a brand new pin hang
ing to celebrate during this sea
son of celebrations. . .Ed Huwalt
and Bobby Schuff . ..
We are silly... but we can't
keep from wondering whether if
Barb news sheet
features co-ops
One of the features of the latest
Issue of the "Barb," weekly pub
lication of unaffiliated students is
the story "I Live in a co-op" with
illustrations. It tells the experi
ences of a woman student who
lives in one of the progressive
houses, enumerating the advant
ages of such a system.
Other articles are on the pre
sentation of Maurine Malster, new
Honorary Colonel, the change of
staff on the paper, and the story
of the barb's appeal to the , Uni
versity Senate. The paper will ap
pear on the stands and at the va
rious houses Wednesday.
Square (lancers
present show
The ag college square-dance
demonstration team presented a
dance program for the teachers
college high school yesterday aft
ernoon at 12:15. The first part of
the program consisted of a cos
tumed demonstration of various
dances by team members; the lat
ter part concerned the teaching of
western dancing, including the
waltz, two-step, schottische, and
polka, to any interested in learn
ing them.
The University Theatre
The Imaginary Invalid
Dec. 11, 12, 13 Wed., thru Fri.
Temple Theatre
12th & R Sts.
7:30 Each Evening Adm. 25c-50c
a lad gets a down slip he can still
be an eligible bachelor. . .it works
against the footballers that way
. . .not tnat people like ATO John
Mason, Sig Nu Bus Knight, or say,
SAE Bob Burruss would have to
worry about that... but did we
say bachelor. . .Burruss is matrl
monial minded these days if we
can believe our ears about Wis
consin. . .just last week he was
north again . . .
We don't get it but there's a ru
mor that KAT Martha Bengston
has a white monkey, Jumbo by
name or anyway that s what she
calls it. . .
Pete Hagelin, varsity swimming
coach with the SAE affiliation,
and Tri Delt Alice Blackstone are
being frequently with each other.
Tour Cornhuaker pictures can be made
in a distinctive ityle for Christina, gifts
order now at TOWNSEND STUDIOS. Adv.
Darlington speaks
at Farm Bureau
county meeting
"Most of our problems grow out
of change, and just as we get ad
justed to conditions as they are,
the present standard of living and
the present social environment
change making us adjust ourselves
to new conditions," said Prof. G. M.
Darlington of the bizad college,
who spoke to more than 600 peo
ple at the Dodge County Farm
Bureau meeting last Saturday
night at Fremont. He spoke on
the subject, "Economic Change."
"Our two greatest changes con
sist in the conflict between de
mocracy and dictatorship, and the
change in regard to population
Barh Union picks
committee to aid
establish co-ops .
To facilitate the establishment
of university co-op houses, the
Barb Union Tuesday appointed a
committee of presidents of ex
isting co-ops to confer with the
housing committee of the Student
Other business of the meeting
Tuesday included a report by Jim
Young, business manager of the
"Barb," with an open discussion
of circulation problems.
Sports Arena-
(Continued from page 3.)
placekicker and signal caller."
Ex-Omaha Central footballers
Leonard Muskin, tackle, and Bob
Burruss, center, are looking for-
Leap Year Ends in 20 Days, Gals
Here's Your Last Big Chance
Catch .Him
wofrfa an Invitation
to the
Sway to the rhythm of
and His
See Nebraska's Most Eligible Ilachelors
$1.25 per Couple
Friday, Dec. 13 ColJseflnu
Glaude 'S. Brommage
Interior decorator describes
craft at meeting of architects
Mr. Claude S. Brommage, man
ager of the interior decorating de
partment at Miller and Paine
spoke at a meeting of the Student
Architectural Society Tuesday at
7:30 p. m, in v chamber Y of the
Union. Movies on the "Use of
Antiques in Interior Decorating"
were shown.
Mr. Brommage stated that all
interior decorators should take a
good architectural course and
these decorators should be good
salesman. "Interior decorating is
good as a hobby, and is a useful
occupation," stated Mr. Brom
mage. The next meeting will be held
January 21 at which time a
speaker will talk about fireproof
ing. President Sidney Campbell pre-
ward to renewing an old athletic
companionship when they go to
the Rose Bowl. . . Bob Robertson,
University of Southern California,
backfield star, is a former high
school teammate of both Burruss
and Muskin. . .
... 10c Per Line . . .
LOST Black zipier purse. Identifica
tion card inside. Call 2-4630. Reward.
sided at the meeting and stated
that the group, composed of 50
members, will have their picture in
the Cornhusker.
We Design mnd Mmke ffW
Dresses mnd Coats
The Buttonhole Shop
Poris Cleaner
1242 M 2-t518
For Your
available in the following special flavors
Cranberry Sherbet Egg Nog
Nessefrode Pudding
and a variety of individual molds
suitable for the occasion
Fairmont Creamery Co.
Phone 6-2326
If Til
ft. ft" AS
1 M J V. V.V.
fie cigavffe
fJtaf Satisfies
A carton of
Chesterfields with their
give your friends more
pleasure than anything
else you can buy for
the money.
. Ml.. IT'
ifcr W
. 5
esterrie ds
in the attractive Gift carton -i .-yw
CrH,l.t 19M, Uscm Mrau Twmq O.