DAILY NEBRASKAN .Wechcs'day, December 4, 1 94(1 Jo Dnree 17 Welcome back to colleee... which is a distinctly fine place to be... the horizon is less rosy and much more livable... The light in Howard Debus' life seems to be hiding under a cloud . . .the lad claims that tihs playing the field doesn't work for him and that no one'll take & date with him anyway... do you really sup pose he believes that rot or have we tripped across another line... Re: people. . Frank White, Phi Gam, seems to really have the Ne braska idea of a sweetheart... Virginia Berg st en, of Towne Club and UN Sweetheart fame is fre quently with the Fiji... Thl Delt Lester Buckley Is lik ing both sides of 16th street if seeing him with both Chw Mary Chase and Theta Teggy Ros borough is indicative... Remaining happy... and some how we're thinking they'll stay that way. . .are KKG pledge Clara Marcy and Gene Reese, Fiji pledge ...one of tho.sa high school two somes that's carried on to higher education . . . Ruthie Fox is, again, wearing a Phi Psi pin with her Arrow... Monday evening found the Al- Eha Omicron Pi's eating choeo ites when Betty Bergner and Headlines- (Continued from Page 1.) which began July 1. November de fense expenditures of over 365 mil lion dollars continued the steady step-up in spending taking place in each of the preeeeding months. Even so, the total defense spending for the five months was far behind the 5.5 million dollar rate budgeted for this fiscal year. Of interest locally was the news that Nebraska definitely would lose a seat in congress as the re sult of the 1940 census. The census bureau, in giving out the figures, reported a continued westward movement of the population. States, in addition to Nebraska, losing a seat are: Arkansas, Illi nois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. Those gaining a seat were: Arizona, Florida, Mich igan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee, with Cali fornia making a gain of three. The apportionment worked out by the census bureau will become a law in 60 days unless congress should decree differently by law within that time. CORSAGES for The Military Ball Smartly designed Carefully arranged Reasonably Priced. Phone 2-3285 .lA'6 CP" 120 No. 10 Your Evening will he a SUCCESS if your earning clolke have been properly cleaned and pre nurd. Idiea formats and men's drens irt a well as dre liir1 re eeive our earefol at tention. SEND THEM NOW fa Ivan Spurlock did those pleasant duties. . . Peggy Elliott and Don Albin are getting along awfully nicely these days and plan to take in among stellar parties coming up, the Sigma Nu's oh so super Ptgge Dinner and the Alpha Chi's for mal . . . The Delta Sigs say that Ashley Westmoreland is very impatient waiting for initiation and the Delta Sig pin that accompanies it . . . all for the benefit of one Dorothy Payne... Bob Ruby, Delt, is singularly waiting for more and more rallies ...the lad likes them. . .seems he had the absolutely novel expe rience of being locked in Carrie Belle Raymond Hall. . .trying to make a phone call... who'd want to make a phone call at a rally. . but Bob is different . . . Housemothers worry as Coeds rally after hours AWS court ponders what now r9 It was Romeo and Juliet, ala 1940, Sunday night. There were fair maidens on bal conies. There were gay young blades beneath with ladders. And there was the element of separa tion keeping youth apart and thickening the plot. Fair maidens were coeds, f.o.b. organized house, complete with paint jobs. Young blades wore be pajammaed students on a hades raising rally celebrating Nebras ka's Rose Bowl invitation. And it was midnight and the AWS, the element, says no women out of houses after the 10:30 Sunday curfew." Housemothers, between two fires, the highburning desire of their girls to join the rally and the stringent AWS rule, gave up the ship. And outside, the men were insistent for men can't get along with or without women, but Sun day they couldn't get along with out them. When front doors were latched 59 , mm) 2120 C !m. There is something delight ful about the clean, exhil rating taste of ice-cold Coca-Cola. The minute it passes your lips you know it for what it is, pure, wholesome, delicious. And you welcome the refreshed feeling that follows. 4USE THAT REFRESHES Botded voder tucbority of The Coo-Col Co. kf uncoi.n xx:a-tol bottijnc company Ph. 2-SS37 We are able fo furnish ihe laiesf styles in flowers ORCHIDS GARDENIAS VIOLETS SWEETHEART ROSES SWEET PEAS BOUVARDIA ROSES ' CAMELLIAS CARNATIONS DAMELSOn FLORAL CO. in the girls' houses, faces that were coeds appeared at the win dows and on balconies. They were dressed and ready to go, join the celebration if only they could get out of their houses. And soon solu tions to the problem, in the form of ladders appeared, seemingly from nowhere. And it was the great emancipa tion as the feminine element was liberated. The rally crowd swelled as housecoats, fur coats, and blan kets, all with yelling voices inside nf them came down ladders and out through windows to become case like this?" part ot th 2,500 people below them. Woman had made up her mind to rally and nothing could stop her. In the majority of the houses as searchlights played over the upper stories pointing out the way for escaping coeds, housemothers re alised that it was useless and lifted, the latches to loose the lassies. And in those organized houses where the housemothers stuck to the AWS guns, the mob launched baby "blitzkriegs" as they swarmed about, pounding on doors and win dows, removing screens, and mak ing avenues of escape for the women within. And perhaps even now In a corner somewhere, is the AWS court, tearing its hair and won- denng, vvnai aoes one ao in a nHOVlAND-SWANSONg1! Life that are SO important to complete your ensemble for the Military Ball l i - Above-Elbow Length Formal White Gloves K are a fashion must for that new "covered up" look. And you can launder them yourself. Exclusively here. 2.95 Gala Handbags of g'Tii or ilrer kid m .h rhineslon el Te. lam seed pearl 2.95 Sheer-Beautiful Stockings Townwear 2 thread chiffons-sheer as a cobweb yet long wearing propor tioned lengths. 1.00 pr. Something for Your HAIR A aequine cap or bow a saucy gold butterfly - or demure gold kid bows. An extensive selection 50c 1.00 1.95 FORMAL JEWELRY Rhinestone or metal earrings bracelets necklaces -to add that bit of sparkle and glam our. 1.00 1.95 -V 1 (It C 8 BRIGHT CHIFFON SQUARES To tie around your curls or carry as a briclH accent id yuur gown. 1.00 FORMAL WRAPS Wlihe lJumiy wraps-full .Mirtli velvet or wool w raps-all narmly interlined 12.9516.95 m No. 12 2-6961 1306 N 2-2234