Wednesday, November 27, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN Simon's Galax) of Forma 1 Stars Rival The Brill ance of The Mi m i $ v t 7 :.'y. EVENT of events . . . when hearts beat high and feet trip lightly . . . when youth is tip-toe for "big moments" "The Military Ball" is motive and motif for the new formal fashions! YOU may reflect the gracious glamour of the Old South (thanks to Scarlett O'Hara) ... in deep decolletes, yards and yards of swishing skirts, tiny waitlines, ruffles galore. . . OR be a dashing sophisticate, today's most modem . . . pencil-slim or voluminous with draperies . . . express your whims and fancies as never before. WHATEVER your mood, you'll delight in the delicate manipulation of fabric ... the deft touch of metal or sequins or furbelow . . . that lifts each frock far out of the ordinary, an dmakes it a costume meant for conquest! 95 to $2950 THE FABRICS Brocade Chiffon Taffeta Lace Net Velvet THE COLORS White Qoid Toast Bronze Blue Champagne Pink Black EVENIN GWRAPS in Red, White and Black Wool or Black Velvet. 7 r r ' in "J W Av II' !; t '' ft V hi A 1 in i v 5 V . -'A 'A m' -V i.v i ft f ; , i. A I-1 U As 1. V vMkA. 4f M; r - V f 4 f; AV If - V r :-x. ; Vs InlMMlJNICab bequins Khine- Nv stones Gold Bands Beads and . V. Nailheads. FOURTH FLOOR ft ; ft 1 ' i ;-;! r m i . IV'l if e 4 V,