The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 26, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, November 26, 1940
: U
im Evinger
Whew! . . . There's an old
eport axiom which reads: "The
champion wins the close ones."
Well, If that's the case, just
write down In your little black
book that Nebraska is the cham
pion. . . For in the last three
games, the Huskers have escaped
"serious injury" to their football
record by the closest of margins.
Trailing Iowa State at the end
of the first half Saturday, the
Scarlet-clad gridders had to stage
a comeback, that would warm the
hearts of any Cornhusker follower,
to triumph over the inspired Ames
eleven, 21-12. . .
The week before was just about
as bad, but the final score was
closer. . . Pitt held a 7-6 lead be
fore the angle field goal of Vike
Francis made it 9-7 and then they
had to fight tooth and nail to pre
vent the Panthers from adding a
last minute fielder of their own.
Iowa's Hawkeyes went down
14-6 three Saturdays ago but
caused the Husker fans many an
anxious moment before the clos
ing minutes were up in that game.
. . . Oklahoma went down 13-0,
but the safe side was only when
that battle was over. . .
Missouri's 20-7 loss to Nebras
ka still was not too far fetched
as the passing of Paul Christman
was ever a threat. . . Kansas 2,
Nebraska 53, well, the score there
speaks for itself, but even in that
one, the score at the end of the
first quarter gave the Huskers
only a 7-point lead. . .
The second game of the year
was another one of those neck
and neck battles with the Huskers
finally winning out 13-7 over In
diana. . . Any team a touchdown
behind could spring a man loose
on a long jaunt and break up the
game for anyone formerly lead
ing. . .
Then, remember the season's
opener against Minnesota. . . If
that offside piny on the 60-odd
yard run of Butch Luther's had
not been called back, the score
might have read a lot different
than the 13-7 defeat that stands in
the record books now. . .
So, Nebraska, you are cham
pions, we don't know quite ex
actly what you are champions of,
but you can come up with the
close ones. . .
Only one team stands in the
way of you before nestling that
old Big Six crown away for an
other year. . . But if you are to
become champion of the confer
ence, you can count right now on
having another tough and close
battle here in Lincoln Saturday
against Kansas State. . .
Incidentally, this corner ought
to bill the athletic department in
care of the Nebraska football
team, for the Indirect ruination of
a good pair of pants. . . Sliding
back and forth on the wooden seat
In the press box, last Saturday,
during the last half used up the
last few threads covering the
ARENA'S southern exposure. . .
But if it is the close game that
decides the championship, we'll
still pull for those and count on
wearing corduroys (two pair)
from now on out. . .
'YEHUDI' knows
But Who's
Lowest Prices and Gcod Cart
Always Open afd "No Red Tpt"
Eetabllahad 22 Years
1120 St.
Phono 1-6819 for Reservation
at 3
K-Statc primed
topple Huskers
in final battle
Harry Hopp, Forrest
Bchm lead Scarlet as
co-captains Saturday
The Biffer can now safely say,
"I told you so" without anyone
strongly objecting.
All last week, the papers were
full of "bowl talk" and the easy
"breather," Iowa State. . And all
along, Coach Biff Jones "kept tell
ing them down at the office" how
dangerous the Cyclones would be.
But we just answered back, "We
know, we know." And now, the
Biffer says, "I told you so."
And rignt he was, for those Cy
clones proved to be just as tough
as he had been afraid they would
be. But all that is a past story.
The Biffer is sounding another call
of warning.
It's relative to the Kansas State
Wildcats. The Aggie record may
not be very impressive this year,
but they are capable of dumping
any over-confident team that hap
pens to let down a bit.
That is what Jones is warning
his boys against now. No Big Six
team can be taken lightly. Espe
cially is this true in the case of
K-State. They will have had two
weeks of rest by game time Sat
urday and are pointing to knock
the Huskers out of the running for
anything by a victory.
Behm, Hopp captains.
Coach Jones named the Husker
co-captains for the final game of
the Nebraska schedule. Forrest
Bchm, of Lincoln, and Harry
Hopp, of Hastings, will lead the
Scarlet in battle against the Ag
gies in Memorial stadium Satur
day. Behm, altho hampered by a bad
leg in the last two games, has been
outstanding all year. Last Satur
day, he was listed on an NEA AU
American football eleven at
tackle. Hopp was the leader of
the drive to victory in the second
half surge last Saturday that gave
the Huskers a 21-12 win over the
Monday afternoon, the squad
looked at pictures of the game
(only the first half) and then went
out on the South practice field for
a light warmup. The players that
saw action last Saturday were in
sweat clothes. Injuries were at a
(Continued from page 1.)
couple of lines from the "old man"
which said something like "my
first game in a couple of years.
I'm wanting so much to see you
men but faced the 30 some
men. Some say his message was
something like "I don't mind see
ing Nebraska beaten by a great
team such as that of Minnesota
but when an Iowa team comes to
our field and beats ."
On that word, Harry Hopp
jumped to his feet. "That's good
enough for me!" he shouted and
the rest of the team took up the
cry. They rushed for the door,
eager to get back on the field. As
each man passed through that
door, he stopped for just a second,
time enough for him to give that
famous horseshoe over that door
a good luck pat.
Inspired team
It was an inspired team that
came onto that field. Its enthus
iasm seemed to spread into the
stands, stands filled with people
who forgot the cold, forgot the
Iowa team had a 12 point lead,
for they were seeing the true
Husker team, a team that
coaches knew they had all the
The game ended. During that
period the Huskers rolled up 21
points to win by a safe margin.
And perhaps "Pa" Schulte smiled
and said, "I knew It all the time
ASuDe Cleaoiers
223 No. 14th
;Best Husker team
I've seen' claims
Coach Jim Ycager
Add quotable quotes:. "That
Nebraska team is the best one
I've seen in my three years of
coaching at Iowa State."
Thusly spoke Coach Jim
Yeager in a brief interview
after the Husker-Cyclone clash.
His words of praise toward
the Husker football team was
divided with the praise for the
spirit shown by the Scarlet fol
lowers in the stands, Saturday
"I could tell as soon as th
Nebraska crowd started whoop
ing it up at the beginning of tho
second half that we were gon
ners. That old Husker fan spirit
really won that ball game,"
continued Coach Yeager.
Woodward accepts
new position
Edwin G. Woodward, former
university professor, has been ap
pointed director and dean of the
college of agriculture at the uni
versity of Connecticut.
Professor Woodward came to
the university in 1913 as an in
ictor in dairying and continued
.i the faculty four years, being
promoted to the rank of professor
of dairying.
(Continued from page 1.)
Since the first days of occupation
other occupied countries. Even
tually those countries will rise all
together and crush nazism and
dictatofship in Europe."
The archduke, who is descended
from the House of Hapsburg, ex
plained that the following methods
will help accomplish this: First,
there are many Czechs in the Ger
man army who have modernized
weapons and can create a lot of
trouble in Germany.
Next the Germans have also lost
men and weapons in France. Al
though the revolting nations will
fight without tanks and airplanes,
because these cannot be collected
secretly, the efficiency of German
tanks will be reduced because the
countries will not attack in one
line as one body.
"All these reasons give me great
faith in the future: England's mili
tary strength, confidence, national
unity and eliminated fifth
Impossible immediately.
impossible immediately after this
war because there would be so
much hatred of races and nation
alities. "What we lack is a balance of
power in Europe. A solution to
this is to unite the smaller nations
who can be united without
hatred into sections: Central
Europe, Austria, Czechoslavakia
and Hungary; Second block, Bal
kans; Third block, Baltic States
and Poland; and the Fourth block,
Scandinavia and Finland.
"The big nations such as Ger
many will remain as they are.
This arrangement will foster eco
nomic and cultural- relationships
between the nations and thus will
bring friendship to the people. It
may also be the beginning of
bringing about a final great
United States of Europe."
What may prove to be the most
important contribution to raciat
drama was launched last Monday
night when the Negro Playwrights
company launched Theodore
Ward's "Big White Fog."
Tho School of IndUWfaaJ InntnKttaa
Mi ill Mn Ufc IJfe RMi. t-tlll
tint Nortk of Onid'at
Aggies point
full 2 weeks
for Huskers
MANHATTAN, Kas., Nov. 26
With Nebraska, one of the nation's
football leaders, next on the scheds.
ule, Kansas State's Wildcats are
making the most of the two weeks
they have in which to prepare for
the final game of the season at
Lincoln, Nov. 30.
A two-day rest followed the
Iowa State game. But last week
the Wildcats again were hard at
work, remembering that Kansas
State has been known to give the
Nebraska club some of its hard
est battles.
Coach Hobb Adams voiced the
hope that his club would be in top
shape for the final contest with
the exception of Gene Fair, who
was lost early in the season when
he suffered a leg fracture.
The cripples who may be back
in the lineup are Kent Duwe, hard
smashing quarterback; Frank
Barnhart, promising junior end;
and Charles Fairman, a senior
guard. All are lettermen and
regulars on the 1940 K-State ball
club. Duwe has been out with a
leg injury since the first quarter
of the South Carolina game. Fair
man has been inactive since the
Kansas university contest because
of a bad ankle, and Barnhart has
been out with a knee injury since,
the Wildcats played Oklahoma.
Phi Psis, Kappa Sigs,
AGRs, Sig Eps, DUs
lead I-M volleyball
Leaders are finally emerging
from the common run of volleyball
teams in fraternity intramural
volleyball. Each team has several
games to play before the schedule
is completed. Several teams are
practically assured of a place how
ever in the final standings.
In league one Phi Kappa Psi has
cinched at least a tie for first
place, having won four and lost
none. Next in line is Sigma Alpha
Epsilon with three wins and one
loss. There is a two-way tie for
dominance of league two between
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Up
silon who have won two and lost
none. There is also a tie for the
next place between Sigma Nu and
Delta Sigma Phi with two wins
and one loss.
Kappa Sigma is the big gun in
league three having won three, lost
none. They are followed by Phi
Delta and Zeta Beta Tau who both
have won two and lost one. Alpha
Gamma Rho is having its way In
league four winning three out of
three while close on their heels is
Phi Gamma Delta.
( Continued from page 1.)
marking him of royal birth, but he
was as polite to reporters as if
they too were blueblooded.
I like to watch football games
very much," said the archduke in
connection with sports. "I have
participated in tennis and skiing."
American colleges are, according
to His Highness, "very well organ
ized. The campus of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, is a marvelqus place."
Predominant among American
characteristics is the deeply rooted
feeling of democracy, he said.
Will not only improve
your Ilat-i-ludo but
your appearance
well. It's not the Mm
Id bat. Tho mirror
tell tho story.
Makers of tho Ae
Iiwarod IIat..i$3.50.
t. . a mtiki ormet
Barb footballers
closing campaign
Beginning Monday afternoon
and continuing this afternoon
and Wednesday afternoon, the
barb football games that were
postponed on Oct. 28, 31 and
Nov. 5 will be played in re
spective order. The game to
decide the league 1 champion
ship will be played this after
noon. The other games will
affect only leagues 3, 4 and b.
As soon as these games arc
played the round robin tour
ney between the winners of the
respective leagues will be run
off and a barb intramural
champion will be determined.
All barb players are requested
to check to see if they are to
play and on what afternoon.
This is important so that the
barb champion can meet the
fraternity champion for the
school championship.
Bullock named sponsor
of recognition banquet
Prof. T. T. Bullock has been
chosen by the bizad council as the
sponsor of the annual recognition
banquet. The banquet will be held
in the Student Union tomorrow.
Our Firtt Big "Month of of
knows, "S
Eve'-y Gal
Would Like
Husband I , - )
She A J
Dei... ' I
'A 111... --"-m
Rosemary in,.
a improve
Prltei! I
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All Day!
Tarn Inell
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