The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1940, Image 2

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Husker field goal downs Panthers 9- 7
Daily A Nehhasean
Official Newspaper Of More Than 7,000 Students
Vol. 40 No. 42
Lincoln, Nebraska Sunday, November 17, 1940
Alpha Sig, Phi Psi, Alpha Phi skits
win; Virginia Bergsten presented
t! w f til
hsJ wi(
opp, Francis
score in victory
PITTSRURGII, Pa. Nebraska's fighting band of Corn
buskers fought fire with fire here Saturday afternoon in turn,
ing back Pittsburgh's inspired Panthers. 9-7 before 25,XK) fans.
Hoth teams, showing a grand display of defensive talent,
held the sway of the game within their grasps until the final
seconds ticked awav.
Lou Breese scheduled
to play at Military Ball
Breezing along with Lou Breese
and his band will be the order of
the day for the Military Ball to he
held In the coliseum from 9 until
12 p. m. Dec. 6, Major Offley, of
, : ! Ay rw
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iniUMummimni' i Wf ' ii ii li v i it --'-irrmni i t
gram for the hall will be the crack
squad exhibition by the Pershing
Rifles, then the presentation of the
Honorary Colonel, followed by the
grand march. As in past years,
the plans for the presentation will
be kept secret until the final mo
ment. Lou Breese, whose band has
(See BALL, page 4.)
By Bill Palmer.
Kosmet Klub fall revue yester
day revealed Virginia Bergsten,
unaffiliated, and Ralph woraen,
Alpha Tau Omega, as Nebraska
Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet and
awarded trophies to Alpha F'hi
sorority and Phi Kappa Psi fra
ternity for the best skits and
Alpha Sigma Phi for the best
front curtain act.
To a fanfare of trumpets Vir
ginia Bergsten appeared in white
to receive the Kosmet Klub roses.
The Sweetheart was presented as
elected last Tuesday, Klub mem
bers having decided Friday night
not to hold a door election.
Winning skits were selected by
measuring audience applause on
an applause meter.
Alpha Phi's skit, "Joe the
Greek," written by Holly Shurt-
leff told of the origination in Joe's
grill of sororities. Dean of women
at the Parthenon approved the
sorority system when they agreed
to pledge her "goonish" niece.
Most of the credit for their win
ning act should go to individuals
Pat Herminghaus for her spark
ling acrobatic tapping and Mary
Frances Kies for her toe tap num
(See KLUB, page 2.)
Union presents
talent contest
today at 4
A Scotch bagpipe artist and a
super-salesman are two of the
unique performers who will com
pete In the Union's student talent
contest today at 4 p. m.
Also performing will be & trio,
a vocal soloist, a quartet, an ac
cordianist and two solo dancers.
Decisions will be made by an ap-plause-o-meter
and prizes of 6,
$4 and $2 will go to the three top
acts. No admission is charged.
Ring leader of the program will
be George Gostas, who will pre
sent the contenders. Bob Ells
worth, Cal Gorham, Smiley Gor
ham, Bob Rouch, Pinky Thorn,
Ardis Lyman, Nell Reece, Glenroy
Wallace, Gene Bradley, Pat Her
minghaus, Dorothy Lansing, Betty
iAnsing, Betty Sherwood and
Betty Barr will vie for the cash
And those final seconds of the
15th renewal of this intersectional
battle between the Huskers and
the Panthers enfold just about the
whole story of the difference be
tween victory and defeat.
What to do?
With less than a minute to go
the double chalk line only 5 yards
away, the Panthers took time out
to discuss the problem before
them. Here was the setup:
The Panthers were trailing 9-7
and had staged a sustained
march from their own 47 to the
Husker 11 for a first down.
Three line plays took the ball
to the 5.
The last down play with only
25 seconds left in the game re
quired some deep thought. So,
the Panthers took out time. A
five yard penalty was imposed
on them for too many time outs.
Crashing Clarence.
From the Husker 10, the ball
was snapped on an attempted
fietd goal by Pitt's placekicking
end Stahl. From the right side
of Nebraska's surging forward
wall came a ranging Husker.
It was Clarence Herndon, jun
ior tackle from Grand Island,
who slashed into the Pitt sec
ondary and rushed the place
ment so fast that the kick was
hurried and the ball went wide
of the goal posts.
And with that boot went
Pittsburgh's chances of a win as
Harry Hopp froze the ball on the
next play that the Huskers ran
from scrimmage and the game
was over.
Placement wins.
Recounting the scoring of the
game, it came to be that a third
quarter field goal by Fullback
Vike Francis provided the winning
margin. And this placement was
(See page 3, col. 3.)
Council orders new
election; appeal up
Two Student Council meetings,
one a short but stormy conclave
dominated by a turbulent crowd,
and the other a quiet gathering
with no audience, characterized by
hatchet-burying and unified action,
resulted Friday afternoon in a de
cision to hold a new election for
class officers and Prom committee
Unanimously passed was the
motion that due to irregularities in
last week's election, a re-election
be held Tuesday, Nov. 26. Ray
Murphy, barb floor leader, summed
up the feeling of the council mem
bers, saying: "We are all agreed
that this is one of the best things
Farmhouse wins Coll-Agri
skit trophy; ACBC second
Lou Breese
. . . will play at Ball
the military department, announc
ed yesterday.
According to the major, the pro-
Mu Phi Epsilon
will initiate nine
Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
honorary sorority, will initiate
nine members-elect Nov. 17 at 8
a. m. in Ellen Smith hall. The
ceremony will be followed by a
breakfast for initiates at the Un
ion. Girls to he initiated are Nellie
Forest Gaden, Mary Jane Cham
bers, Hester Whitmore, Neva
Bishop, Adele Wengloff, Cleo
Blackledge, Rosalie Gookey, Doro
thy M. Carlson, and Louise Ide,
By Marjorie May.
Adolph Hitler's arrival in Dog
patch as presented by the Farm
house kept the ACBC from get
ting the Coll-Agri cup for keeps
in the Coil-Agri-Fun last night at
ag campus. However, the ACBC
skit, "Radio Book Review" placed
First among the curtain acts
was a girls' trio, "Cory, Seedy,
and Cider -The Apple Sisters" by
Hackman House. Eiwin Klein's
saxophone solos won second in
this division.
Begins late.
Beginning almost a half an
hour late, the show finally got
under way with a slow-moving
skit, "The Widow's Mite." Loomis
Hall's presentation, "Loomis Hall
Behind the Blind," popped up the
evening with a clever shadow
play, and Erwln Klein's solos, next
on the list, were outstanding.
"Dogpatch Saves the World"
the Farm house'B winning skit
was a hilarious comedy depicting
Hitler's arrival in America, at
Dogpatch. Iil' Ahner, Indiana,
hiU-billies, and Hitler himself
helped create the amusing scene
In Dogpatch.
ACBCs "Radio Book Review"
gave a presentation or "Gone
With The Wind' entitled "Went
With The Breeze." Clever jokes
were apparent throughout the
skit, but a final crack by "Ma
dame LaZonga" failed to appeal,
thus giving the play a poor ending.
Theater try outs
start Monday
Tryouts for the third Univer
sity Theatre production, "The
Imaginary Invalid," a farce
comedy by Moliere, will be held
Monday and Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. In the Temple.
In yesterday's DAILY, It was
mis-stated that in "Double
Door," Victoria Van Bret was
played by Virginia Thede and
that Caroline Van Bret was
played by Mildred Manning.
Actually Victoria was played
by Virginia Thede and Caro
line was played by Mildred
Burnett gets
Kiwanis award
z. .r i"u .v- i
Dr. Edgar Albert Burnett, chan
cellor emeritus, received the Lin
coin Kiwanis club's award for dis
tinguished service, at the Kiwanis
club Friday noon.
A graduate of Michigan State
University, Dr. Burnett came to
the university in 1890 and became
chancellor in 1927, to serve until
1938, when C. S. Boucher assumed
the position.
Dr. Burnett received the highest
honors possible during his college
career by attaining Phi Beta Kap
pa honors and membership in Sig
ma Xi, The Kiwanis club's distin
guislied service medal is presented
each year to an outstanding Ne
braska n.
Two faculty members spoke at
the presentation program. Dean
L. E. LeRoHsignol, of the bizad
collekc, spoke on "Dr. Burnett as
Educator and Administrator," and
Dean W. W. Burr, of the ag col
lege, spoke on "Dr. Burnrtt as
Agricultural Leader and Citizen,"
that could happen for the unity of
the school."
But Saturday morning barbs Bill
Dafoe and Ellis Ruby filed
an appeal addressed to the
university senate with Dean
Thompson to the effect that tha
election of Nov. 12 stand with aU
ag votes counted.
The council also passed a recom
mendation to the Kosmet Klub
that they present the sweetheart
as elected Tuesday rather than
holding a door election.
Left to the next council meet
ing Monday, but generally agreed
upon by members was the need for
council actions prohibiting under
lining of names on printed matter,
passing of slates at the polls, and
collection of identification cards.
The council also expects to make
(See COUNCIL, page 2.)
Judges chose
13 for annual
UN Messiah
Twenty-eight uni student
soloists tryout for parts
in coliseum classic
Thirteen student soloists wera
chosen for the Messiah concert
December 15 by the judges on th
school of music faculty, Miss Alma
Wagner, Mrs. Lenore Van Kirk,
Hermann Decker and Earnest
Harrison, who are all members of
the school of music faculty. Twenty-eight
tried out this year, mora
than doubling the 11 of last year.
Since the judges chose a differ
ent person for each of the solos
to be used in the concert there will
be an opportunity for 13 students
to appear Instead of just four for
the four voice parts.
Names of the student soloista
and titles of their songs are aa
ClHthrrln Ttinliinn - "Come TInto Him."
Iliirolhy furliKin "Ilp)(iir.f firnHtlv."
Janet R!Knlir -"I Know Tlikt My Re
flenmcr Uvcth."
Tli'Btrr Whltemore -"He Sim II Fid FTM
Flock "
Nina ArmmrnnK - "Ho Wan rHjHplMWl.'
Richard John "Cnrm'nrt Ye."
Rlrdard Knuiial "f.very Vallny."
Aldcn Warvrl "Tliy Rulmke Rath
Brnknn Hl Heart."
Reiner Andrccnon "Behold and Be."
Charlea Old father" For Behold, Park
ties." Richard Morae "The Peopta Tht
Walked Jn Darkneaa."
Cleve CtanzllnKer "Thua Salth the
Jack Anderon-"Bul Who Mv AMd