The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wecfoes'dgy, November 13, 1940
1 '' I
J (buuial
Knight, Muskin captain Buskers
A. A n,
jj,"- Jim Lvinger i
Tlere are very few teams in
this football-razy nation that
can boast of such outstanding
guards on their first string as
Nebraska can sing to the high
heavens about. . . .
Uttle Eddie Schwartzkopf, 175
pounds of compacked dynamite,
ana quiet warren Alfson, 188
ounas of rolling grid machinery,
'ho heads the interference, are
two guards that any coach would
De more man gratified to have
on his team. . . .
Alfson, senior from Wisner, is
the boy who Nebraska is tub
thumping for Ail-American hon
ors. . . .Quiet and unspectacular on
the gridiron, Alfson is still in on
nearly every defensive play and
is out in front of the charging
Husker backs to clear the way
for them ....
Schwartzkopf, Lincoln junior, is
the mighty-mite of the strong
Husker line.... He is one of those
watch-charm guards of whom
Knute Rockne would have loved
to start against any and all
foe. . . .
Both guards will not be in the
Husker lineup next year.... Alf
son, of course, will have his three
year playing time expired, and
Schwartzkopf will enter the Na
tional Guards for a year's serv
ice. . . .
But in back of these two first
itring euards. there are four lads
who can handle their own in any
body's company. .. .George Abel,
lunlor 10 second 100 yard dash
man. and Raich Whitehead
sophomore comer, are first class
subs of first team caliber. . . .
Third stringers are Bill Bryant
and Lynn Myers who can capably
upnoia Nebraska tradition at the
guard posts for the next two
The University of Tennessee has
iwo guaras wno nave gained na
tional recognition in the past two
years In 1938, Bobby Suff ridge
was creoueo witn All-Star honors
while Ed Molinski carried the
torch for the 1939 Vols This
year, both Tenn guards are bac:
and Nebraska's duo are the only
ones to compare with the Volun
teer greats....
Larry Owens, the first string
Iowa State quarterback, is play
ing his first and last season in
Cyclone moleskins. .. .He is a
senior and has never played ISC
football before but is still good
enough to crash the Cyclone first
string lineup. . . .
There are five state universi
ties on the Texas schedule this
year They are Colorado, Indi
ana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and
Florida Altho the New York
Giants are badly in need of young
players, they got only one minor
leaguer from the draft. . . .
P:M T .1 A
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Go Well
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Thursday and Friday Only
November 14 and 15
118 South 13th
Pitt plots halt
Nebraska aim
of repeat win
Varsity forced inside
to drill for Panthers;
Kracum leads enemy
George "Bus" Knight, senior
quarterback from Lincoln, and
Leonard Muskin, senior tackle
from Omaha, have been named to
co-captain the Comhuskers In
their battle with Pittsburgh in the
Panther lair, Saturday afternoon.
Pittsburgh offers a strong threat
to halt the Husker streak of five
straight wins. For long, a power
in the football world, Pitt still
remains a team to be feared.
Altho the Panthers have shed
some of their sharper claws, they
can still cause anxious moments
for teams with high ambitions.
And Nebraska will be no excep
tion. Huskers win In 1939.
The Panthers are still smarting
from the 14-13 verdict the Huskers
walked off with last year In the
Panther bowl and seek revenge.
Another thing the Panthers are
out to stop is a repeat victory or
two revenges in a row at the hands
of the Huskers.
Such "double trouble" has never
happened before and the Panthers
are out to protect that record of
never having lost to Nebraska in
two consecutive years.
Heading the Pitt array of Pan
ther backs is George Kracum, 200
pound senior fullback, who can run
with the speed of a prize halfback.
Also outstanding in the Pitt
backfield is Edgar "Special Deliv
ery" Jones, the lad of whom fans
say, "Here comes the mail Jones."
Bob Thurbon, Jones' halfback
running mate, is also a triple
threater, while Mike Sekela, 200
Pickle the Panthers
Co-captains . .
Lincoln Journal and Star.
pound quarterback, can block with
the best of them.
Standouts in the Pitt line are
Captain Ted Konetsky, tackle,
Rudy Gradisek. guard, and Ralph
Fife, the other Pitt guard.
Work indoors.
Nebraska's practices this week
have been in dire need of fair
and warmer weather. But so far
no break in the cold spell. Since
Monday, the Huskers have been
forced Inside and the drills have
been sorely handicapped.
The Huskers have been holding
their drills in the East stadium on
the slim center of the onlong in
door track. There is no room for
passing, punting, or any other
space great enough to provide for
such phases of prepping for a big
football game.
Working on the first string Tues
day night were Preston and Pro
chaska, ends; Royal Kahler and
Bchm, tackles; Schwartzkopf and
Alfson, guards; Burruss, center;
Petsch, quarterback; Hopp, left
half; Luther, right half, and Fran
cis, fullback.
The only second team change
was Don Rubottom at the fullback
post. Wayne Blue and Hank
Rohn were working on the thirds.
Rounding out the second team sec
ondary were Hermie Rohrig, Allen
Zikmund and Knight.
Pickle the Panthers
x V
Hi1 C 1 tw .rrxr-
Tigcr-Sooncr tilt
Saturday may pick
Big Six ruimerup
NORMAN, Okla. One of the
season's biggest football battles
may have only second place as its
prize. The University of Okla.
homa plays host to the Missouri
Tigers here, Saturday afternoon.
The Sooners will nftAmnt tn
keep the Bengals from knocking
themselves from second place in
the Big Six conference standings.
Nebraska appears to have the
top rung solidly within its grasp,
needine onlv victories over Tnua
State and Kansas State to clinch
If the Huskers rin foil in tripos
remaining conference contests, the
Sooners and Tigers could share
in the Big Six championship. So,
mc wiviaiiumLri3 ana uie jvussoun
ans have something worth while
Hosp attends panhel meet
Miss Helen Hosp, dean of
women, will attend the regional
panhellenic conference at the Uni
versity of Iowa in Iowa City, Nov.
15, 16 and 17.
fighting for come Saturday.
And it should prove a whale
of a game, what with Paul Christ
man matching passes with Jack
And it should prove a whale of
a game, what with Paul Christ
man matching passes with Jack,
Pickle the Panthers
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