8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, Octob'er 24, 1940 By Jo Dure It's amazing what dispensing with one lone line of type can do to hash up what is fundamentally supposed to be true... for' last night the Kappa-Phi Psi dinner Helen Coyne's interest was How ard Humphreys and it's Anne Craft who's seeing a lot of Homer Rogers ... sorry ' about the hash, people . . . More and more are the happy thoughts about Homecoming... Alpha Phi's Pi Phi's and DG's are holding open house after the game and a big deal for Phi Gam's will be that annual Pig Dinner at the Lincoln. . .strictly stag, darnit... Corn Cob-Tassel party still keeps the main line of interest in the social line with a few people like DU Porky Nuremberger and Gamma Phi Louise Eppinger, Phi Psi Bob Rydman and Shird Hoff man, KKG; Beta pledge Bob Mun- Boss of stamp sales reveals top salesmen According to Natalie Burn, in charge of the "N" stamp sale, Catherine O'Connell, Aline House man, and Louise Frohlich are the salesmen leading in the drive. The money from the sale of the stamps is used for the benefit of students thru the activities of the AWS board, such as publication of "The Women," a news sheet put out weekly for all university wom en. A check-up meeting for sales men will be held today at 5 p. m., in room 316 of the Union. son with Theta Phi Shaw... also making plans along with the other millions to be out amongst them. .. Friday night some of our very fairest gals will be far away in Omaha... in fact Thursday, Fri day and Sunday is going to com prise the Ak-Sar-Ben weekend... Keeping that record of seeing his lass from Omaha each week end Norm Harris will be squring the little red-head around Lincoln come the weekend. . . Why, with these lovely summer evenings, doesn't some lovely fra ternity or sorority or somebody follow the lovely precedent of the Teael lcrs- on "South American Observa tions." UN staff. University professors anil in structors participating in the an nual teachers convention are: Miss Elsie Ford Piper, Dr. W. H. Mor ton, George W. Rosenlof, Dr. Harry L. Bradford, Dr. James Reinhart, Prof. O. H. Werner, Dr Fred T. Williams. Dr. W. K. Beggs, Norma C. Allertz, Dr. K. O. Broady, Earl Piatt, Mary Freden hagen (student), Esther Ander son, Leona Mae Failor, Dr. Frank Z Click, Merideth Darlington, Dr. Galen Saylor, Dr. N. S. Hiskey, Miss Eliza Gamble and Dwight Kirsch. Novelist Sinclair Lewis has joined the University of Wisconsin faculty as a teacher of creative writing with the rank of professor. It's No Catch Line "Meet Me At The Cornhusker" LET THE TASTY PASTRY SHOP BE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Where delicious food and luxurious atmosphere combine to make a de lightful epot for relaxation. Meet your friends for a bite and a chat in this gay and friendly rennez- vous. HOTEL CORNHUSKER UNDER SCHIMMEL DIRECTION CORN COB TASSEL HOME-COMING PARTY ADVANCE TICKETS $1.10 AT UNI DRUG BEN SIMON & SONS ATO's and Sig Chi's who gave forth on some elegant seranades following the precedent of years . . .how about that? Whee, another year, another date... we mean that one of DG Maxine Kingsbury, campus best dressed, with Kappa Sig Bob Flory. . . Law freshmen are getting quite like cow hands these days won't you agree ... surely you've cast your orbs upon the ten-gallon jobs the would-be lawyers are sporting. Column- its institutions more workable.' To qualify for being an agent in the FBI, named by Hendon as a "great field for adventure," a man must have a law degree or be an accountant with three years of experience. Applicants must measure up to naval qualifica tions and must be between 23 and 35 years of age. There are also positions open in the FBI for clerical workers, laboratory tech nicians, and finger print experts. Fingerprinting, both of law abiding citizens and criminals, is one of the most technical and in volved but interesting activities in the bureau of investigation. "The filing cabinets in our offices," Hendon said, "would cover three city blocks and contain fourteen million finger prints. Yet in these fourteen million prints, one of our fingerprint men can find the fin ger print corresponding to his copy in three minutes." Hendon explained that criminals are never identified by their description or picture in the FBI, but always by their finger prints. No two per sons have finger prints alike. Hendon received his bachelor of arts degree in journalism and his law degree from the University of Montana, and while there was president of the student body. Be fore he became administrative as sistant of Hoover, he was special agent in charge of offices in Des Moines, St. Paul, and Philadelphia. 00 YOU THE CfG4R I COOLER. ..MILDER BETTER-TASTING Chesterfield has all the qualities that smokers like best that's why it's called the SMOKER'S cigarette. Smoke after smoke and pack after pack, they give you more pleasure. Chesterfields are made of the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. 1 :(ihteifiMid"" SUSANNE TURNER MARY STEELE and JEAN DONNELLY members of the Women Flyers of America Ll.'.rr A My l tuu L. MORE AND MORE... AMERICA SMOKES THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES C 0 R N C O B T A S S E L uu JUL nn lm 1) u WITH OJ) n u rsn $1.10-$1.35. p E P Q u E E N P R E S E N i A T I 0 N 1