DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 22, 1940 By Jo Duree All the people who live for week ends were nearly dead when this one closed down and it was Monday morning. . .early Monday morning with several 8 o clocks KU, located in the great Amer ican Desert, proved green pas tures for many migrators who de clared in the excitement and hap piness of victory that they thought they d transfer at the se mester. . .anyway, it was a fine deal if we have concensus of opinion ... Many were those who found Omaha a good place for fun . . . among them, several Ak Count esses who whipped up for prc-Ball festivities. . .and incidentally. UNs reputation for pulchrtude is going to be aided and abetted for among those chosen as Ak-Sar-Ben prin cesses, are Ann Thomas, Joan Metcalf, Alice Ann Hascall, and Kay Tunison. . .while still chat ting about this week end before we put it away in mothballs and scrapbooks we'll add that some people left the immediate vicinity for further points... DG pledge Helen Matz, ex-Stephens Susie who wears the pin of an AGR at Law freshmen leave homburg for Texan felt Abandoning the traditional hard-brimmed homburg, the first year law school class chose a soft brimmed, light tan Texan felt as their distinguishing headgear. These hats are now sprouting over the campus on the heads of all law school freshmen. Custom has been partially pre served, however, for the brown derby will be worn as usual by the first student to pull a boner, and will be passed from him to the next one guilty of a howler." The freshman hat, Ed Kirby, class president, claims, signifies the superiority of the wearer over students of other schools on the campus. This year's class went against precedence in a effort to purchase a "truly distinctive" hat, Kirby said. Seniors will again carry their traditional canes, which as yet have not been ordered. Missou grasped the opportunity to see Columbia, Mo., the MU-Iowa State fracas and the AGR. . . Dorothy Dehner, Pi Phi pledge who is married to Lloyd Johnson is no longer with UN. . .Arrowites received Dorothy s verbal an nouncement in the last day or so ... ; With Ralph Reed back being seen around UN we might hazard a guess that that's a factor in our seeing that beautiful smile of Alice Marian Holmes, more fre quently. . , With the new outbreak of "We Want to be a Captain, Too" pins we're waiting for the pins that the Kansas girls sported ... "We Want a Captain" . . . Betty Jo Kious and Bill Louvitt are going steady now. . . The Kappa Sigma's feminine Alliance presented that buffet supper of Sunday evening and outside of the fact that people were still, figuratively, in Kansas we hear it was a real nice ditty. . Ruthie Yourd, AOPi, and Hal Schneidner, the lad with the Arf Arf habit from the Sig Chi domi cile... well, your guess is as good as can be . . . If you wonder at KKG pledges Barb Simpson's being really happy it may be all aticipation for next week end when with Missouri footballers and home comers will be her favorite SAE, a Missouri boy. . . Werkmeister8 book in new library list Among new books recently pur chased by the university library is "Philosophy of Science," by Pro fessor W. II. Werkmeister, of the philosophy department. Other books: Democracy Today, by Christian Gauss Saga of Frldtjof Nanaen. by Jon Sor eimen. Katrina, by Sally Snlmlneii. Fatherland, Farewell! by Goala Larsann. Education for Work, by T. L. Norton, statesmen of the Lost Cause, by B. J. Hendrick. Rconomlci of Soclallim. by H. D. Dlck- Inaon. M.in of Glory. Simon Bolivar, by O. J. Clinton. Jean Sllieliua. by Karl Kkmaa. Enellah Central Government, br H. L. Parry. Old Norse Poems, by Lee Milton Hol lander. Our Dally Bread, by Goata Larsson. Santa Anna, by Wilfrid Hardy Callcott. Inflation and Revolution, Mexico' Kxpe rtence 191M17, by E. W. Kemmerer. Tonite! 9:15 P.M. Jingle . . J'nBle! PROFESSOR SPELL-IT l Back To Make ,wlswiv Your Pockets Jangle! I You Spell 'Em! 1 He Pay You! Many Cah Awards! try cr. .. End Tomorrow! t GEO. RAFT ANN SHERIDAN IDA LUPINO Humphrey BOGART in "THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT" STARTING TMUKSDAY WORLD PREMIERE. It' Knee-Dep In Gorgeou Girl Sc Gain ft The Year'a Swinging Singing Dancing Romancing Hit! NO INCREASE IN PRICES! " -a. r. ftlCMARO raasirv SURPRISE! ! I Be In Front of The VARSITY THEATRE THURSDAY, . . . 12:45 P.M. Theater offers free premier tickets ,."r... . . TOO MANY GIRLS TUESDAY NIGHT ibai&h id arc is 20c Per Person 5 Miles East on "0" UN coeds who once envied the boys who could catch a foul over the ball park fence, and use it to gain a free admission to the biff game, will get their chance to earn a free admission for ball catching when the Nebraska-Missouri game captains and Barney Oldf ield movie critic of the Lincoln papers, throw footballs from the roof of the Var sity theater Thursday. Occasion for the celebration is the opening of the world premier of RKO's "Too Many Girls." At 12:45 p. m. the two footballs will be thrown from the roof of the building, and the two girls catch ing the balls will be allowed to bring either their sororities or 20 of their friends to the premier. As a compensation prize 100 balloons, many containine truest tickets to the show, will be re leased at the same time. Girls who come as guests of the football catchers will be given "beanies" skull caps with feathers, like those worn by girls in the picture. HEAR ORSON WELLES in person Friday, Oct. 25, 8 P. M. Coliseum STUDENT TICKET 25c Limited Number Available at STUDENT UNION OFFICE Available to Undergraduate only. STARTING FRIDAY! I w 10 $7 ' 7 f the Majar'i . Yv ' B'"1 Am,,'"r" ', 17 ,T - AC Mlnle I His M"T",t fY. Vl i Stag Show in y Yl Week ... W v5 The Prpplt.t ftliaw h U Major ha ever ha f ' I At Regular Price! j 25c 40c i Till 6 After .M 1 (Mai II. 8. Defence I , 3 Taa s lL-LJJj D rui On Sale Social Science Bldg. Andrews Hall Student Union 15c per Copy Subscription for 10 Issues $1.20 Qei Your Copy Now From Corn Cobs Awgwan Office Saturday, October 26 Coliseum LM UJU UuJoJ Advance Tickets $1.10 Couple At Door $1.35 Couple