The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1940, Page 10, Image 9

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Friday, October II, 1940
Pick I'M stars
TION! All fraternities are re
quested to keep a record of
outstanding opponents in their
Intramural touch football
games. There Is to be an all in
tramural football team chosen
In each league at the end of
the season by a staff reporter.
This record Is to contain the
particular fraternity's choice of
an opponent whom they consid
ered best in all nine positions.
The selections are to be made
of players outside the frater
nity. Here arc your winners
Ind. Mo. U. Okla. U. la. St. Kas. U. Pitt. Notre D. Iowa U. Ohio St. Mich,
vs. vs. ' vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
Nebr. Kas. St. Tex. U. Marquette Drake S. M. U. Ga. Tech. Wise. N'thwsfn Harvard
NEBR. Mo. U. Tex. U. Marquette Kas. U. S. M. U. Ga. Tech. wisc Ohio St. Mich.
NEBR. Mo. U. Tex. U. la. St. Kas. U. Pitt. Notre D. Iowa U. Ohio St. Mich.
NEBR. Mo. U. Tex. U. Marquette Drake S. M. U. Notre D. Iowa U. Ohio St. Mich.
NEBR. Mo. U. Tex. U. Marquette Kas. U. Pitt. Notre D. Iowa U. Ohio St. Mich.
NEBR. Mo. U. Tex. U. Marquette Drake Pitt Notre D. Wise. Ohio St. Mich.
Kdltor of DAILY m former MmrU rdllor.
America's newest game, goal-hi, comes
to Nebraska for test tryout, play
Goal-Hi. Ever hear of It? It's
a game and it's going to be a pop
ular sport one of these days.
It's a form of basketball as it
Is played with a regular cage ball,
but has only one goal and is played
on a circular court.
The Inventor? Well, it's our old
friend Dr. Forrest C. (Phog) Al
len from down Kansas way. And
now Nebraska is going to inspect
the game. Coach Charley Miller,
gymnastic director, has brought
the game to Lincoln.
A court is being set up in the
coliseum now and play will be un
der way by mid-week. Here are
the general rules and facts about
Play is concentrated in a circu
lar area. The court is in a circle
with a 30 foot radius (Nebraska
will use a 20 foot radius). An in
ner circle or foul line has a 15
foot radius (Nebraska will employ
a 10 feet radius). The inner circle
is always half the radius of the
outside circle.
Indiana possesses heavy team,
passing, running array of baeks
Floating down from Indiana
land come manv reports of the
preparation going on for the in
vasion of Lincoln by the Hoosiers
coached by Bo McMillin.
Biggest and worst worry from
the Husker standpoint is the scrap
. being waged for the blocking back
position. A hot three cornered
scrap is very much in evidence as
Tuffy Brooks and Red Zimmer are
showing signs of moving ahead of
Earl Doloway, young rookie who
started at that position against
Texas U last week.
Doloway was the prize find of
pre-season drills and a man of
whom big things are expected this
fall. Now we find not one but two
men fighting for the right of being
the key blocker of the team. This
is indeed a bit unusual and all
three men will see plenty of action
against the Cornhuskers on Satur
Another change due to take
place in the personnel is at the
tackle position. There we find
Jim Trimble has filled In for Al
Sabol. Both boys are on the large
side of life and both will undoubt
edly be in the thick of things when
the two teams move against each
other in Lincoln.
Qne of the McMillin worries,
centers around what to do with
big Earl Doloway. Ear! is one of
those rare players who does every
thing rather well. At present he
is in the blocking spot. But Dolo
way likes to pass and he likes to
NEW DEAL C ' Vlrril
1306 O St.
OCT. 11, 8 P. M.
Adm. 35c
Mounted on pole
In the center of this circle is
the basket mounted on a 10 foot
pole. Odd about this basket is that
it has no bankboards. When the
ball falls thru the hoop, it comes
down to a 3-way conical projector
which deploys the ball out one of
the three outlets.
These gates are so constructed
to prevent a ball being shot up
thru them instead of coming
down thru the hoop. With the
basket in the center of the court,
continuity of play is high because
of missed shots falling most of
the time within the playing sur
face. Because of the small playing
area, energies are not consumed
up as greatly as the case when
baskotballers run up and down the
long courts.
This is a game for all ages and
can be played both indoors and
out-of-doors. Regular basketball
rules imply as in the instances of
run with the ball.
And then with Tuffy Brooks and
Red Zimmer coming along so fast
at the blocking berth, "pore" Mc
Millin seems to have trouble let
ting them all play at the same
time. As a result Nebraska seems
very likely to have its hands full
keeping watch of these men. When
Hursh is on the sidelines Doloway
will take over the pigskin pitching
chore. And this he will do well.
Another obstacle in the Ne
braska path to victory will be
weight. Indiana has a line that
will tip the scales at a shade under
200 pounds. Its backfield will run
at a 191 pound figure. Also there
is that statement of Coach Bo
McMillin last week before the en
counter with Texas: "We're as
near ready as we know how to be."
If that was the case what kind of
shape will they be in this week
end T
The following is the lineup start
ing against Texas last week:
Harris and Rucinskl at the ends,
Sabol and Uremovlch at the
tackles. White and Smith guards,
Gahn center, and Doloway, Zim
mer, Hursh and Tofil in the sec
ondary. Parke Carroll, Kansas City,
will referee the game with John
ai iot and flix&U ai ijoux fcaij lfiozi
Blck and brown Softie ctf;
fouls, dribbles and other such
characteristics of the the regula
tion cage sport.
A goal from the outer circle
counts three points and one from
the inner circle, is two points. A
free throw is shot from the foul
line or the inner circle line. The
gratia toss is good for one coun
ter. Nebraskans will play according
to the above rules and on the basis
of the following time limits:
The game will consist of four
quarters of seven and half min
utes each in length. In between
each period, there will be a two
minute rest. The half is ten min
utes long.
The game will be introduced in
the physical education classes and
students will be invited to go over
to the coliseum and try their hand
and pass approval on the new
That's goal-hi, America's new
est Indoor and outdoor play-game!
Waldorf, Missouri, Perry Graves,
Illinois, and Ernie Vick, Michigan,
Coed designers
have opportunity
to make money
Are you a designing coed? If
you can turn that designing influ
ence to clothes you have an oppor
tunity to win $10 to $25 cash.
Campus Originals Guild is spon
soring a plan whereby clothes and
accessories designed by students
will have a ready market with
Seniors have an added opportu
nity as one senior from every col
lege will be selected to act as the
Guild's representative to keep the
organization informed of latest
fashion news on their respective
Senior girls interested in the
position should write to Campus
Originals Guild, 250 Park Avenue,
New York City.
Sinfonia conducts
Sinfonia, men's music honorary,
will take charge of the Harmony
Hours every Thursday at 4 p. m.
in the Union music room. The
planned record programs will be
organized by Dick Morris, presi
dent, and Keith Sturdevant, com
mentator. FIRST
uflnouEnnnEF test
vitol zone niuinvs spotless
Always clean and free
from goo no matter
how often you tmok
it Challenging higher
priced pipei
pipei .g
in briar q
ty and ra
at Gold's
Friday or
(Friday, 9:30 a. m. to
5:30 d. m.)
(Saturday, 9:30 a. m. to
ffame time)
It's become a tradition with
Cornhuskers to wear a red "N"
feather in your lapel or hat! No
purchase is necessary!
Men. . .Men's Store. . .11th St.
Women. . Kampus Korner . . .3rd
Get vA In $
Your : : I
1 : illarfiliUil I.I.I. 1
i i i in in i
Show Your
Colors . .
A Red,.