Thursday, October 10, 1940 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN New barb club to bold dinner Local unaffiliated men meet Monday night All members of the barb's new club, modeled after the Towne Club, are invited to be guests of the latter organization at dinner Monday evening, according to Blaine Sloan, Barb Union presi dent. "Purpose of the new barb club," said Sloan, "is to give unaffili ated university boys livin; in Lin coln an opportunity to have the social, athletic, and extra-curricular advantages of an organized club." "The most enthusiastic group I've seen this year" was the way Sloan described the group that met Tuesday evening in the barb of fice to organize the new club. Over SO unaffiliated Lincoln boys at tended the meeting, compared with the 18 who attended the original organization meeting of the Towne Club two years ago. Temporary officers, who are to serve for a month, are Bob Dewey, president, Mel Johnston, vice-president, and Frank O'Cennel, secretary-treasurer. Foundation to hold picnic The Wesley Foundation is spon soring a Friday Friendly picnic. Names of those wishing to attend should be left at the Student House, 1417 R. Transportation is provided, and ears will leave at 5 p. m. from the Methodist Student House, return ing around 9. Theta's, Phi Psis, battle on S street Excitement, battle, murder, and general mayhem ran rife on "S" street Monday night and while it might be a bit broad to say blood ran in the gutters, at least water did. The Phi Psi-Theta tangle which started when two chairs from the Phi Psi house disap peared soon developed into a "washerkrieg." The Theta pledges were dis patched en masse to secure the lawn chairs which were taken from their front porch in retalia tion for aforesaid Phi Psi chairs. Soon eggs and tomatoes were fly ing, hoses squirting, and loving cups borne in triumph back and forth across the street for a good half hour before a peaceful settle ment was reached, the terms were that each house should pay the damages done to the other house's property. Was your picture taken at 12? Would anyone take personal offense at having hit picture, which was taken around 12 p. m. on fraternity and sorority row, printed in the Awgwan Flash? If there is anyone, please call at the Awgwan of fice after 3 this afternoon. UN students star in movie about Lincoln Several Nebraska students played in the movies yesterday. It wasn't for Bess Streeter Aldrich's movie which is currently filmed on the campus, but a news reel being made in Lincoln about Lin coln. Shots of the university include pictures of the lounge and grill in the Union, ag campus, museum, and the stadium and coliseum. The film is being made by the cham ber of commerce and will be shown in Lincoln in approximately a month. Saturday the shooting crew will be at the stadium to film the In-diana-Husker game. Biff Jones will be shot as well as the Board of Regents, Tassels, Corn Cobs, Innocents, Mortar Boards and the bands. When complete the film will be in the form of a Travel-Talk or March of Time about Lincoln. Ap propriate music will form a back ground along with narration. Pre-mcd students take tests Nov. 8 Aptitude testa for pre-medical students will be given Nov. 8 in stead of Oct. 8 as was erroneously stated in the DAILY. Applications, however, should be turned in with in the next two weeks stated Pro fessor Otis Wade pre-medic adviser. &s nm gntittfs me o&sidBm saw wnmr& Definitely tMlder, Cooler -Smoking decidedly Better-Tasting, Chesterfield is one up on 'em cfl Smokers say that Chesterfield is the one completely satisfying cigarette. Everybody who tries 'cm likes 'em. Chesterfield's right combination of American and Turkish tobaccos is the best that money can buy. Do you smoke the cigarette that Satisfies 4- &t I'' I MTTW MAM FOR 1OTER SMOKINO tSftZe ' V' Ever Chotforfiold murt conform to tha on I tffit X J'''" right ondord of t!i ond ihopo for coolor, T ft Spktfs") SW-w J botfof-forting, dofinifoly milder fmoko, M'" I I mWAW'v V'- fA...nifh.B.rf("TOBACCOUN0U.$.A.'; :ijf : A, r0W ck V H ' Onite Flu Wrricbl 14, Litem Iiuua C. HELP "mi COMMUNITY CHEST ACENCItS if k 1 A IV 1 - ( 1 7$U &Z 95 Mow mM . BOxUa and blaeka ta soft toriurat wool, loraort d ror eropoo. ro wffl l mU tor- Dtf4 kip hm sad lr KillaoM lor tkert Govt ip,pD ' J $2250 vi J " cow h tk.t If j rBl I . u I I :z 1 . "lr M.rt ftt I J Wfl- I "d. T.,f f !" b.ta II II -'Mh, 41 J ?7f.., I Store Open Thursday Cveninf