Thurs&ry, October 10, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN A 8 v. Huskcrs in lengthy workouts; Indiana passes scare coaches it Jim Lvinger i If this corner's hunch is right, the air over Memorial stadium on Saturday will be filled with flying footballs. . . Minnesota scored its winning touchdown against the Iluskera via the ozone last week. . . in Bloominqton, Ind., last Satur day, the Hoosiers threw 35 passes against Texas, completing is or ;he tosses for gains Totaling st vards. . . If that can be any indi cation of the type of game Indiana will play on Saturday, then the Huskers are going to have to work overtime to halt the aerial oar rage. . ti TTnrlin' Hal Hursh is one of the greatest passers in the Big Ten and even rivals Pitchin' Paul rrhristman of Missouri when It to flinffinir the pigskin. The Hoosier ends are sticky fingered and will bear plenty of secondary watching on the part nf the Huskers. . . There's a 14 year old fullback out Kearney high way by the name of Wavne Sands. . . This is his second season as first string line blaster. . . He weighs 172 pounds and also stars in defensive play. . . Not bad Tor a young n eh? ... At San Antonio. Tex.. Sunday St. Mary's college of Texas romped over the 23rd Infantry irom &am Houston bv a 100-0 score. . . The counting catch was that the score board went out or commission. Th board toDs reristerine at B9. . . There were seven promising Husker soohomores that saw serv ice with the GoDhers Saturday. . . Ralph Whitehead, Allen Zikmund, Willard Bunker, Howard Kelly, Rutch Wertman. Vic Schleich and Wayne Blue all were Scarlet-clad beginners. . . stnt riil(1pr took an A ideal" girl poll and brunettes were the choice for first place till Blondes (footballers didn't prefer f 1 them) were second, wnne oniy I three Wildcats chose redheads. A week from Wednesday marks the day when th: Kansas State basketballers will begin their fal practice. . . The Huskers 7 . Well, vou tell us. . . Nebraska Isn't the only team lackinc in veteran ends. . . Last veir Missouri had the Orf twins Blaine Currcnce and Ronnie King. . . . Tt.ey are gone. . . ouianoma had All-Amcrican Frank Ivy and Johnny Shirk. ... rhey, too, have graduated. . . Kii", however, died from a tooth infection last sum mer. . . Pigskin briefs: There was a drop of 25 per cent I.i football fatalities last year. . . From 1934 thru 1938, T:xas Christian was penalized 223 times while its opponents were fined 222 times. . . Add sport smiles: The greatest gambler of all time? . . . That was Lady Godiva sr? put everything l. am m tin... 1 .im I V T for irony? . . . Nihrn alt n s Hinrlrt.rl:il "Yrn. huskers are really getting an ex tra dose of football drills these days. Coarh Biff Jones has been sending his varsity elevens thru extensive practices now for the last two days. Wednesday, the Biffer had the whole varsity squad in uniform and working overtime in an at tempt to catch up on the extra duty mat needs to do clone. The freshmen, fourth and fifth stringers all absorbed the of fensive thrusts of the first three teams in the afternoon workout. Indiana nlavs were run off with the seconds and the firsts and sec onds attempting to decipher them. Konrig sparKs varsity. In the offensive drills. Hermie Rohrig, co-captain with Warren Alison for Saturday, was running in ereat form. His passing' was fairly accurate and was sparking me varsity. Bus Knight was in suit but did nnt tAk nart In contact work. The senior quarterback is still sunerinf from an injury sus tained last week in the Minnesota batUe. Rov Petsch and Theos Thomp son were handliner the sitmal call inr rin tip in the absence of Knight Vike Francis was taking things easy with a cnaney norse ailing him and Hank Rohn was dnine' the ful'.backinir for the firsts. Wayne Blue was at the same position for the seconds. Fear Hoosier passes. Freddie Meier, lunior. was still nt renter while Bob Burruss is remaining on the second team at the pivot post for the Hoosier game. Th Husker coacnes are rear inc the aerial attack that Coach Rn MrMillin and his Indiana Hoosiers will bring to town this Chamber honors 11 uni officers at public affairs meet Headed b Jol. Charles A. Thuis, Lieut.-Col. William F. O'Donog- hue, and Lieut.-Col. William Micn encr. 11 officers of the university military department were honored guests at the chamber of com merce public affairs luncheon yes terday noon. Members of city mili tary and service organizations were also present. Brig.-Gcn. Guy N. Henninger, adjutant general of the Nebraska national guard, spoke, of the se lective service act, national de fense and national guard mobiliza tion and Otto Schlaebitz, public affairs committee chairman, presided. weekend. And well they should, as the Hoosiers traveled some 240 yards by the air against Texas last Saturday. And the last and winniner touch down scored aeainst the Huskers last Saturday was by the aerial route. The Nebraska secondary is going to be worked overtime in this defense department this week, too. Wednesday's I-M games are crowd pleasers From the standpoint of close scores and spectacular plays, Wed nesday afternoon's intramural football games were definitely crowd pleasers. There were six ramcs nlaved. three in league 1, two in leatrue 2 and the other in league 3. Of these games five were close and the six in was a walkawav. In league 1, Farm House won by the largest score of any of the teams. 25-0 from Acacia. As usual it was Don "Houdini" Fitz who was the standout for the victors both offensively and on defense. The Phi Gamma Delta team scored on an intercepted pass to beat the Kappa sigs, e-u. nasen hart did the intercepting and ran the ball back ten yaras ana a score. Phi Kappa rsi nnauy broke into the win column by vir tue of its victory over Aipna Gamma Rho. 12-6. The feature game of league 2 between Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Tau Delta was the closest game this season. The Delts final ly won 1-0 in an overtime game, the winners made 11 yards in four plays while A. T. O. could gain onlv ten. Beta Sigma Psi out lasted Phi Sigma Kappa to win fi-o Both Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi failed to make an ap pearance in their game. T?pta Theta 1'1 put down aiKina Ainha Mu 6-0 in the only league 3 game. Thursday's schedule: league S. Zeta Beta Tau vs. Sigma Nu at 4:18. Vcarm 4. Alums over U.Sa listen to game Alumni groups at opposite ends of the nation were among anxious listeners to the broadcasts of the Minnesota-Nebraska game Satur day. The San Francisco Alumni club was entertained by Ruth Jamison and nay t'neips at a "listening-in" party. Girls' I-M slate Two soccerball games will be played in girls' intramural tonight at 5. Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 plays Delta Gamma 3 and Ksppa Alpha Theta 4 plays Raymond Hall 2. THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE Presents That Fast Moving Modern Fare Comedy fry Richard Malbanm ana Harry tiora 'SeefMawyer' Oct. f-H Wednesday through Friday TEMPLE THEATRE 12th and R Bta. 1:30 each evening Admission "iOc Only Call t-71l ask for TO t rings MAKE TOUR RESERVATIONS NOW ; ? s Biueoira ana v ! Victor Records 35c 50c Sweetheart of Sigma f Chi Freddy Martin v C & Pompton Turnpike Practice Makes Perfect - s ' - Bob Chester i 1 I h -a limit; r iiuirr -Tommy Dorsey 4 J SPECIAL With each regular 5c purchase of POPCORN This Ad and 3c Will Purchase a Second Bag Good Until Sat., Oct. 12th 329 No. 13th at EARL'S Slcma Alpha Epellon n. DelU TheU PI. at 5:00 p. m. PI Kappa Alpha ra. Sigma Phi Kp iilon, 4:13 p. m Theta XI vs. Delta Upsllon, 8:00 p. B. OCT. 11, 8 P. M. FALLS CITY JACKSON Adm. 33c VESLEYAN BOWL TOMORROW NITE ot 9:00 V-V III II PEP AMBOREE I f- U. Stoge SPia,,ies 1 1 A Stage-hJl oi PEP A 1 Lalb& oi CHEEK 1 ...45MOTWOF 1 ' SCREEN 1 TODAYJ 1 t-w the Musical hit that Tops 'em ALL! DOWN ARGENTINE WAY DON AMECHE BETTY GRABLE -STUART It Regular Prices, HOW CAN YOU EXPFCT TO "RATE HER IF YOU DON'T WEAR ALLIGATOR? JOHN JTLEV Sports Editor of the Lincoln Journal on the air every night with hii football shop talk. 7:30 P. M. Except Sunday mm htm top, frx I t4 ) II I Tht Knee Ltngth Coot (LKFT) AU ye turn to tins inarpy number stitching at Dottora snd cufl. Wawr rerellent IStormwind cloth lor ony kind of weather. Rat a date with your dealer today. $1050 (Will 8lU Fuimm Th "University Coochw (RIGHT) Not only is Oiiu AUigaUr Btyla l.gwler but it (p vp- the utnot protoctio. tnnl Ym ahaoluU-t rua. VI- tA mnntmrrnrJl That v.. i ' -v- r ciaily in-porunt tn rax at m ocAifcs mrwHtf THI AlilGATOI CO, Si. U. Us tos. -1 1 I I II I " II I A Him To Dinner ... I I ( nk' But... HE STATED 111 f I F0S BEEAETASTI I h A fV I,,,,,, - m V I I AH M ti X- ' I m W- v .--- M Si ) 17 mWMr MD4- 1 II I ml - rsTTi -rt '.f'fAl I nr Tart I I I .1 I III I EXTRA! LUm OssaaaKr Slag "CBOubt Hrrs' Wttk til KINO SsSTEU OIXTWOOB "New Prioes: I Utk r Si. nawbots M S TB i r. Sf I . ... . n... - t j in -k m m mat - -