The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, OctoKer 10, 1940
Daily Draculas9 Husker
Hooeys meet Friday
staff predicts
smasliiiig win
Cornhuskcr staff members are
proudly and confidently predicting
a series of smashing, ruthless vic
tories by scanning the line-up of
the All-Cornhusker football team.
A tremendous amount of beef
on the hoof, coupled with a pro
gram of extensive training on long
hours, little studying and much
"coking," has produced this 9
man threat to the DAILY NE
BRASKAN'S little discussed, and
less bragged about team of so
called football players.
The following lineup has been
tentatively announced as the
starting team by Coach "Raw
hide" Russell. This team, altho
known as the third team, will be
used so that the first and second
teams may rest for future games
of real contesting ability: Danger
ous Dalton, left end; Racehorse
Rydman, right end; Hackem Hu
waldt, left tackle; Roughhouse
Rundin, right tackle; Alka Selzer,
center; Axe-man Aden, quarter
back; Flatfoot Forke, fullback;
Snakehips Stewart, halfback ;
Manglepuss McDermott, halfback.
Other players who might appear
are Slug Sloan, Gunner Graham,
Mangier Meier and Cutthroat Cal
houn. On to victory is the cry,
that Is, if the RAG members will
show up.
By Morton Margolin
The old saw about how small
the world is after all at least the
show business world was borne
out last week when the new Fred
Allen show (KFAB) began its fall
It all started in 1925 when Allen
was playing Broadway in a show
whose hit song was "I Love Me,"
written by Jack Hoins. The song
made the show, but somehow Al
len never got to meet the com
poser. Li 1033 Hoins was hired
by 2Cth Century Fox to do the
publicity for "Sally, Irene and
llary," starring Allen, who
thought he would finally get a
chance to meet the old time com
poser. Yet, Uie meeting never
materialized, and they didn't meet
until last week when Hoins was
assigned to do publicity for Al
len's program after 15 years of
working together.
Two programs to watch, if you
are looking for novelty, is the Vox
Top program over KFAB at 7:30
tonight and the Ask It-Basket pro
gram immediately following it.
VVally Butterworth and Parks
Johrson will interview procpectiv
brides and bridegroo.r.3 in the for
mer program, which will originate
from Lewis and Conner's depart
ment Ft ore in New York. The
atore has Vx'tn sponsoring a clinic
or school for those contemp'ating
marriage for some time, and to
night the regular session will be
aired over the Vox Pop program.
Community singing will be the
big feature on the quiz program.
Ed East and Nelson Case will con
duct it.
130 No. 12U
Rag ruffians
claim line-up
A stray dog wandered into the
day with the Cornhusker lineup
for the game of the century be
tween the manglers of the NE
BRASKAN and the morning-glories
of the Cornhusker tied to his
planned a humane thought not
to release its lineup at such an
early date because it did not want
to scare the britches off the week
kneed Husker Hooeys. When the
boys in the cubby-hole read the
NEBRASKAN lineup there will be,
no doubt, a rush among them to
sign up with the draft, where a
war will be heaven compared to
the working over they'll get in
Friday's game at 3 p. m.
Nebraskan not egotistic.
The NEBRASKAN, not being of
an egotistic makeup, as is a cer
tain publication which manages to
come out only once a year, has
not spread misleading propaganda
over the campus. The RAG ruf
fians are much too Intelligent to
reveal the true greatness of their
Secret drills, well-planned signal
practices, strenuous work-outs
(the NEBRASKAN team takes a
brisk walk around a chair every
morning just before their break
fast of two aspirins and a "bromo"
chaser) have developed the Dracu
las of the DAILY into men of
steel they'll steal anything.
Coach does wonders.
Dribble-puss Duree, NKBRAS
KAN line coach boy, what lines!
thru these training regulations has
done wonders. When Hatchethead
Harris first came out for the team
he was a 97-pound weakling to
day, he's 100 pounds of fighting
nicotine and alcohol!
The rowdies of the DAILY fol
low: Emil-mouth Evinger, left end;
Blaster Bower, right end; Sizzler
Segrist, right guard; Avalanche
Abbott, right tackle; Hatchethead
Harris, quarter-back; Swishy
swashy Svoboda, right half; Psy
chopathic Petersen, full back; Kit
ten Kan ton, left guard; Mountain
chest Martz, left tackle; Lightning
Lewia,left half; Dynamite Dinnis,
left end; and Catastrophe Combs,
left over. Cavalcade Kerrigan will
be the inspiration.
Clean sportsmanship will be the
rule of the game. Brass-knuckles
may be used only on line-plays.
Pistols are outlawed except a
pass-receiver is open to a pot-shot
at any time. Referees and line
men will be chosen in nationwide
talent search of state prisons.
Ruffle 'era, RAG!
The University of Minnesota law
school has decided to continue its
three year course for Etudcnts who
enter with a B.A.
this COUPON S 15c"!
j Good for One Watch Crystal
, Main Sprint or Cleanlier $1.50 .
Fin Watch Reeilr Service .
143 So. 12 1923 O 1
' 1
What hair
Come in and 'et us prescribe for
you. The result will please you I
Gold O Co.
Willkie for president club will
meet Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in
room 315 of the Union.
Dr. Morris Fishbein will con
duct a forum at 3 p. m., Oct. 10,
in parlors X and Y of the Union.
Pre-social work majors lunch
eon will be held in the Union
Thursday. Misses Rhodes and Mc
Arthur will be the speakers.
Young Advocates invite all stu
dents considering law ns a pro
fession to an open meeting Thurs
day at 7:30 p. m. in social sciences
Tassels and Corn Cobs will
meet at the Union at 6 p. m. to
day prior to a speaking tour of
all organized houses. All mem
bers are required to be present
Religious Welfare Council will
hold its regular meeting at 5 p. m.
in parlors XYZ uf the Union. Sup
per will be served at 5:30 with
summer conference reports fol
lowing. Dancing lessons will be held at
7:30 p. m. in the Union ballroom.
Irving Kuklin is the instructor.
There is no charge.
Freshman and Varsity golf
teams will meet Friday at 12:30
p. m. in the N club rooms.
Kosmet Klub members will
meet at 5 p. m. today in the Klub
office. Workers are to come to
the office at 2 p. m.
Football salesgirls will meet at
7 p. m. in the east gym. All girls '
who have signed up to sell candy
and ice cream for the WAA at
the football games are requested
to be there.
Rifles to organize
first drill tonight
Pershing Rifles will hold its
first regular meeting and drill in
room 210, Nebraska hall, at 5
p. m. today. Fundamental drill will
be taken up, routine of the rifle (
reviewed, and temporary company (
organization worked out.
All active members and pledges
listed in yesterday's DAILY must
attend. The regulation ROTC uni
form should be worn, but a white
shirt must be substituted for tho
traditional khaki one.
YW has vespers
in Ellen Smith
YW Vesper services were held
in Ellen Smith hall Tuesday from
5 to 5:30. Virginia Gartrell, chair-
man tf V Voartsfki at a ff nfannal
tl 1 A. 1 .-1 A. 1 I
me snort metutauori penoo.
Rent a Public Addrai
Hicks Rcdo Co.
2-6113 We Repair Radio 1422 O
The fteheol ef lodKlduaJ Instnsettsa
tOMIi lineola Ub. Mfe RMg. t-Ill
tJust NrU of Gotd
style is
3rd Floor
rfh Daily ip Nebmskan
0icia Newspaptv 0 Moc Than 7.000 StuW
Subscription Rates are $1.00 Ier Semester or $1.50 for the College Ter. 12.50
Mailed. Single copy. 5 Cents. Entered as second-class mutter at the postofrice in
Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of CoiiKrcss, March 8, lKItt, and at special rate of
postage provided for in Section 110.1, Act or October 3, 11)17. Authorited January
20, Vri.
Day 2-7181. Mhtr - t
Member Associated
Member Nebraska Tress
Represented for National Advertising br
4,'0 Madison Ave.. New York, N. Y.
Chirage Boston Los Angeles San Eranrisee
Published Daily during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, rnea
lions, and examinations periods by Students oi the I'niversily of Nebraska under the
supervision of the Publications Board.
Alimini issues
football paper
A special homecoming edition of
the football tabloid will be issued
October 21, prior to the homecom
ing game with Missouri, the
Alumni Association office an
nounced yesterday. The tabloid
will contain 12 to 16 pages with
the program of all homecoming
activities and will be mailed to
approximately 20,000 alumni.
a,, w , st
" :rL company
seeing th naere t eet
W' .
I'nion Building
- 7lJ. Journal 2-S3S3.
Collegiate Press. 1910-41.
Association, 11110-41.
Earle Cox speaks
at ASAE dinner
American Society of Agricul
tural Engineers opened its year'i
activities with a dinner Tuesday
evening at which Earle Cox, presi
dent of the local group and secretary-treasurer,
gave a report on
his trip to Penn State college
where he received the Farm In
stitute Award.
the lute-
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