J DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, SeptemKer 2S, 1940 Socially Spsunkxnq. By Jo Puree Per usual Monday night tradi tion sweets and smokes were passed out... the Sammies had cigars from Norm Harris; Alpha Xi Mary Brian and Jim Smith, Acacia, did the pleasant duties... ditto AOPi Klaine Steinhauer and Howard Liston, Sig Ep...and the Phi Gams had Lake street in mind when they whisked over with Curt Gettman and rousingly searched for Betty Dutch, who. wasn't among those present at the Theta house. . .it seems not only Curt but pledges Charles Hardin and Al Artman also got slightly soaked. . . Formal plcdgings are beginning to place right along and the Kappa Sigs and Chi Omegas have taken care of that slight chore... Supposedly all cracked up were Theta Betty Jane Peterson and Sip-ma Nu Frank Day but some how they must have rediscovered that they had something besides law school in common tor mey coke for long hours together and look quite happy about the whole thig... Bob Sinkey, the vaguely anti social Kappa Sig boy who a lot of lassies wouldn't mind to date, has been seen not once but twice with Betty Holtorf... Tonight the Phi Delta are going to exchange dinner with the Al pha Phi's as are the SAE's and KKG's. . .wonder if the Phi Delts are still crowding the atmosphere with the smoke from those rather hayish but quite beautifully en graved Phi Delta Theta clgaretts of rush week . . . Reviving the friend ship of last year which had the phenomenal effect of a high school class ring exchange, are Chi Omega Bar bara Less and DU Ray Beethe. . . WARM PAJAMAS many are the chums of that cou ple who remember that rc-ex- change via postal messenger and cardboard placard last spring... Frosty Wilson, Sig Ep, has lus pin home again. . .while on a more cheerful note: more cigars came forth with Phi Gam Gene Schro der passing them for the home town sweetheart and Farm House Norman Devies, who passed with Marjorie Wight . . . Union sponsors second dance 'Matinee affairs purely informal' say officials The second of the weekly mati nee dances sponsored by the Union will be held in the ballroom Wednesday at 5 p. m. The dances were inaugurated here last week, and will be held every subsequent Wednesday afternoon from 5 to 6. "These are purely informal af fairs, so students need not appear dressed in theiT new Tall outfits," Union officials explained. Ordinary street clothes will be sufficient Music for the dances is furniflhfea by recorded programs. In order to obtain admission, it is necessary to show identification cards. Dances are open to all students. Grad lakes music post Lester H. Rumbaugh, graduate of the Nebraska school of music, has been appointed instructor of music in the Westwood, N. J, junior and senior high schools. Rumbaugh, a native of Lincoln, just finished ft year of graduate work at Columbia university, New York City. "J obs for Siege W omen anms &WL ism m. 4 & h the shivers W j ' K . Yy X y? .. WO'y. "Seventh Heaven" Cardigan sweater style of Brushed Tuck-stitch . . . keeps you warm as a kitten. The top has all the beloved touches of your favorite sweat er and can be worn with your skirt to classes. Neatly ribbed neckline and cuffs, with grosgrain ribbon facing. Aqua and Flame 2.50 jWf Wfff si 1 ( a practieal talk on ihe opportunities for college women in tlie buoiness world. by Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg MacGibbow (The Emily Post of the business uorW, a nationally known authority on business etiquette.) "Baby Bunting Open your window wide ... no chance for a sin gle shiver in this hooded pajama. Keep those chill winds from your ears and neck . . . tuck in your toes in the specially designed trouser legs and tie the satin ribbons . . . you'll be snug and cozy as a baby in its bunting. Red, Blue, Rose 3.95 I nrt J 6 il l i ''v- ' - . V r . - y-' - f f .;:i.lt In our 4th Floor A uditorium Tltura4aj Scfh 26 H:30, P.M. JVERY ambitious college woman will want to hear Mrs. MacGilthon'tt talk on liow to get a job, and how to hold a job, with special attention to the cob lege woman's opportunities. Friday Sept. 27, 1:00 P.M. "Appearance Your (Jrealcht AshetM Authentic advice on how to dre$i for the joh, Saturday Sept. 28, 10:30 A.M. How To Gel Yonr First Job" YOU ARE INVITED -NO CHARGE NOTE1 Mr MacCibbon it the niece of William C. Gregg, donor of the Willinm C. Gregg etching Collection al the University of Nebraska, !