i 4 Friday September 20, 1940 DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 Hello central, give me 2-5332 Aunt Fanny gives ... Loir Jouw oi hour dance W 1 A .-v m - sf 4-n tin HAf) I will, Jpauf JvoboJa Concerning women Women are women and that's all right To iay we could live without them would be trite, What would be the fun of going to the beach? What would be school without women to teach? They are funny, fickle, insane and cruel But men still enjoy them as a gen ual rule. Now the other night I had a date She told me she'd be ready just about eight. So I was Ihere at precisely that time Good Lord: She wasn't ready till about nine. On her hennaed curls she wore a hat A creation from Hollywood from Prefat. It covered at least one-sixteenth of her head And looked more like mother's flower bed. We went to the movies I've forgot the name It concerned a man that was going insane. She wept till her mascara was completely gone It was then I discovered her eyes were brown. I comforted her as much as I could But at that Rort of thing I'm not much good. If I stroke their hand they think I'm fresh If I stroke their hair it's one fine mess. When I took her home and ven tured a kiss I ducked real quick and thank Heaven she missed But women are women and that's all right To say we could live without them would be tiite. in t . HI; M f PlL - v L fi ' ); I .tjr7m .... f . " 1 ,fi : : '. I I ' V u ' f v : -' A.I fn-, I I U i, a-A iky. io downs to vv.wu, iivjjiiviu Dear Aunt Fanny: I am a freshman pledge in a fraternity and I keep hearing ru mors about hour dances starting this week. Tell me, dear Aunt Fanny, what is this hour dance business ? (Signed) Bewildered. Business is right, kid; it's a monopoly. Hour dances are inven tions of the devil and you'd better stay home and curl up with a good book. The whole idea is to trap you into the social whirl before you know what the gag is. It's called an "hour" dance because it usually lasts until the house mother starts dropping hints for the boys to go home, like throwing their coats in their faces and setting off alarm clocks. It's called a "dance" be cause it's really an endurance con test to see whether freshmen can take it. There are certain rules of eti quette to be followed and Aunt Fanny wants to see to it that you're wised up before the girls put the skids to you. For example, you should never grab the first girl you see and start dancing. You should wait until she says: "Wudja caretuh dance?" Then you say "Okay by me, babe" and let your impulse be your guide. However, it's best to wait until they turn on the phonograph. The chances are you'll see your favorite friend there and want to dance with her all evening. But the girls are trained to keep you in circulation. They'll get rid of you like you was the three of spades. Then you look at your watch as though you had to catch a train in ten seconds, mumble, "Wudja excuse me a moment? I ; gotta see a guy about ten bucks e he owes me." Then you beat it out the side door, smoke a ci garette, wait until your girl has a spare moment and return to the melee. Well, it's like war, kid. You don't know what's it Irke till you've been under fire. Your ever loving Aunt Fanny. ourtfsy uncoin journal anu Star. Pert and proper are Nancy Halligan, left, and Janet Moon, both members of Alpha Phi, as they leave for their first class, Thursday morning. Although they are upper classmen ,they both feel "thrill ed" with school begining once more. f The y"' $lophoppie$t, v. f tcrop-huppietl cocntdy V of young lovtl w i roro in a H r. A'""" ULO DPI I won porEii wV 1,:.;.. TODAY! Cloru D;tB r" r - I 25c T W, &'.ify VI Hamilton college is publishing a seven-volume survey of its educa tional set-up. Twenty-six percent of Boston university's students are the vic tims of problems arising out of our complex social and industrial or der. Forty-seven per cent of the Har vard iipperclassmen are candidates for honors at graduation. r 2nd Terrific Day!! "Covered Wagon" . . "Cimarron" "Union Pacific" . . . and Now Motion Pictures' 4th Big Epic:! Tyrone Power Linda Darnell m f I 25c till 6:00 lLliMr Exlrml! Phil Spit&lny iTS'iMi- Follow The Crowd to the LIBERTY BARBER SHOP Save the price of a package of cigarettes 35c LIBERTY BARBER SHOP 131 No. 13 Lincoln, Neb. f Now Showing! "A 2 Alt-Star Hits! tug mmi mum with Fat O'BRIEN Bolu4 CMympe BHAIA to Jill NEBRASKA " : ; ; a coming doom To the LINCOLN Halrh fnr Tbeac Top MIU! Gary COOPER ,. "THE WESTERNER" Mickey ROONEY Judy GABLAND Paul W'HITEMAN in "STRIKE UP THE BAND" RENT CARS Lowest Prices and Good Cars Always Open and "No Red Tape" Established 22 Years MOTOR OUT CO. 1120 P St. Phone 2-6619 for Reservations For STUDENTS AND ALL who enjoy HOME COOKED MEALS of popular prices Th ie CLOVER LEAF CAFE 1227 R" Street 1 Chicken nMTHt HOUGH 6u U Fall Opening Saturday, September 21 "CHICKEN in the ROUGH" and ii GLORIFIED HAMBURGERS Good Clean Food 320 No. 13th FOR LESS O BOOKS New and Used O LAB. SUPPLIES University Approved O ENGINEER'S, ARCHI TECT'S and ARTIST'S SUPPLIES O ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS $1.00, $1.75 and up O LAUNDRY BAGS $1.10 $1.25, $1.35, $1.60 O SPIRAL BINDERS 10c, 20c, 25c (red stiff back) O LAMPS 90c to $7.45 O LAW RECORDS 6 for $4.00 with name engraved. QNC5 Tort Books Student SuppllM QGQKSTC3E 2 The Department Store of Student ISeedi