The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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    September 16, 1940
NU prof writes
philosophy hook
Dr. W. H. Werkmeister, asso
ciate professor of philosophy, is
the author of a new book, "A
Philosophy of Science," published
Aug. 17 by Harper Brothers,
New York City.
The book is described by the
publiHhers as "a thoughtful and
scholarly presentation of a well
reasoned philosophy of science,
aiming; at two objectives: the es
tablishment of an epistemologieal
point of view -implied by the
sciences themselves; and the inte
gration of the various fiekis of
scientific knowledge."
The Scientific Book Club Re
view in its August number says
of Dr. Werkmeister's book, "In
spite of the many excellent his
tories of science that have pre
viously been recommended. . .we
venture the opinion that never be
fore has there appeared in one
volume so sweeping and at the
same time so searching an ap
praisal as will be found in the
present book."
In his preface, Dr. Werkmeister
explains that the subject matter
of hi one-year, senior-division
course in philosophy of science at
the University of Nebraska "pro
vides in all essentials the contents
of this book, and my hope is that
the book may be found useful as
a text for similar courses dealing
with the philosophical aspect of
the sciences."
Appointments- '
(Continued from page 8.1
Larson, J "fen Bteinhaua and Frede Strand
(kov. Tn the bureau of instructional rfwftn-h.
Theodora D Richert graduate assistant
for 10 months from Sept. I.
In chemistry. SaQiuel Avery Fellows for
U months fnm Ht p1 1 Include (ieorge
rV Mueller and ljiuren- F. Transue;
Pxikc OavM Fellows are Kmmett R. Bar
num, Robert 1 Clark. Elbert I.. Hallcld.
Oacar H Johnson, Jack F. Morgan and
Fred J. ftosrhmann graduate assistant for
1(1 montrta from Sept. 1 are Raymond J.
Andrea. Robert B. Amrier. Chariea F
Brix-kwy. Kdmairl J. Cragoe, Jr. Neil
C Davis, Ohver ImtBrmii. Harold H Khv,
Gordon S .Fisher, Francis H. fterhardt.
William K. GlHSsmm Richard J. Coheil,
Charles K. Harr J amen S. Iawhead.
Robert D Ijpscomb, Karl W. Malmberg.
Gregory C. Meyer, Albert C Mueller.
Homer W PaMun, Oerge W. Steahly, and
I Van H Will.
In classics. Inland th bainhosl and Kl
lan M. Skaff, f:raliiat assistants for 10
montha from Sent 1.
In dairy husbandry, graduate assis
tant for K month trutn September 1
are Keanefe H Btrkiey and Robert U.
In engmaariiit.' me banc, fnartos W.
Haynoa. graduate awtstant from from
July 1 to June 1, lt-41.
Km assistant lr Irishman lecture. Aulton
Roland, form February 1 lo June t, 1M1.
Winner of a senior college acbolarship.
Hugh D. Bryan, scholar from Hebron Jun
ior ToUeae, for usm vear from Septem
ber 1.
Aa a (traatiM College Fellow, Norbert
Mahnkea, for IV months from Septem
ber I
la hiMory, graduate assistants for 10
ninth from 1 inrlude Helen
C Schneider. Samuel V Baker. Aaron
M. Boom, Helen K. Brooks. Kenneth 8
Cooper. Lawrence V. ';riffing. Rolf W.
Ordal, Oorothy F. Kos, and Kmmett K.
Van d Vere.
In borne eoonomics, Thelma McMillan,
fradwata assistant fur ( montha from
September 1.
In law. Breta Peteraon lecturer on legal
bibliography, from September 15. Milt
Peterson, a Ihw graduate of 1939, will also
be,. ime legal lecturer In the liraduat
R'htMt of Soi'iHl Work, and library asaistum
In charge ot the College of Ijiw llhrar
until June 1.1, 1941.
In the library, (Have Hoover, assistant
from July I In place of Kltiahclh Kuhen
call, and Marjorie M. Johnston, assistant
from July 1 In place of Marjorie H. stuff
In mathematics and aatronomy. grad
uate assistants for 10 months from Sep
tember 1 are Ilelbert I,. Chnatensen.
George 8. Mapea, l.awrence A. Rife, and
nayle D. Rippe.
In medicine. John C. Burke, fellow In
physiology and pharmacology lor 1
months from July 1: Iun J. Cogela ami
Karl g. Pederaoo, graduate assistants in
anatomy for 10 months from Septembei
1; and aa interns In hospital lor i month
from July 1. Joseph H. Barr. Herman It
Hnnkman, Robert M. Cochran, Harry A
Knauff, Stuart J. McWhorter. tierdon M
Martin, Robert E. Nuernberger, Slanle
Srhonberger, Alfred H. Shamberg. Howard
S. Slaughter, Merlin lee Trumbtill. and
Krancis V. Veseiy.
In the museum, graduate asaistants for
10 months from September 1 are Kdson
Ktehter and Paul Fuenning.
In physics, as graduate assistant tor 10
months from September 1, Robert H
Brown Carroll 1.. Moore. Matthew I,
Sands. I-eRo 5, Schnls, and Raymond H
In political science, graduate assistant
for 10 months from September 1 are Milan
K. Hapala. Peggy K. Nixon, Joseph R
Slevin. Otto H. Woerner, and Carl R
In b.ttany, Alfred K Clark. Robert I.
Fowler. Samuel I. r"ticnnin. and Howsn
C. Reynolds, graduate assistants for li
months from Sept. 1.
In educational psychology and measure
ments. John Hath and James McWhorter
graduate aeistanta for 10 months from
Sept. 1
In Kogltah. Dorothy M. Campbell
t;vendolyn h Thompsoa, and Harold N
White, graduate a.tlants for 10 month'
from Sept 1
In geographv. Byron K. Barton, M:ii
patet t:. Pale, and Joseph P. Hereforo
graduate assistants from Kept .1.
In geolog, l'aul Burkholder, giadua'
assistant for 111 months from Sept. 1.
In history and principals of education
giadoate assistants for 10 months fnm
Spt. 1 are Maunne Poage. Ienel I
Smith and Maivtn M. Kink
In home economics. Haxet Ingersoll
giaduaie assistant tor month fron
Sept. 1
in the tumor division, William J. Arn
old. Wayne h,. t rui-e. and Kudolphla H
lunmire, graduate assistants lor H
months trtm Sept. 1.
In nndcin lnngiiaKCi, Frank K. Wal
and William J Weierheuser. graduate ss
sistants lor 10 months Irom Sept 1
In philosophy. Ivan l.itt!e. Wolle Fellow
for 10 mon;hs trom Sept 1: Paul C
Buchanan. giaduate assistant for If
months Irom Sept. 1: and Martin Iean
giaduate asiiant for in months tron
Sept. 1
In psychology Kdmund K. Dudek am;
Hertert 1. Mcer, giaduate assistants fo
10 months Irom Sejt 1.
In sociology. JoIhi H. Burma. Jr.. and
Kdward A. c.aston. Jr.. graduate aa
aistants for 10 months from Sept 1
In speech and dramatic art. John H
Ciaetli as assistant tor lo months front
Sept. 1.
In aisiiogy. giaduate assistants for 10
months trom Sept. 1 are Klmer W.
Hertel. len P. Nywall, Iav H. Petri,
and Barn v Hes.
AplKiititn.c ntc of administiative. tech
nical, and clerical assistants were as
follows :
In agricultural extension. Agnes I.
Art baud, extension assistant in home
economics, heme agent. Geneva . from
June 1 In place of Florence Kmmett.
Mildred Camp, clerk, from June 1 In
place of Kva lmlav. Mildred Hanson,
stenographei trom June 1 in place ot
Ann Rodney. Iceland K. Johansen. ag
ricultural extension assistant county
agent. Center, from June II in place of
tillbert Kn.kson. translated to Sarpy
county. Fric Thor. assistant county ex
tension agent from June 1.
In dair husbandry. Marvin W. Hofl
man. assistant herdeman trom June In
place ot Ivan Ft ami
In the 4ilfce of the dean of student
affairs Virginia Oister as stenographer.
In the editorial and publicity depart
ment. 1-estine Carson, proof clerk, and
Chaisrs B Russell, editorial assistant,
both from Jui 1.
In the College ol Medicine Ikm-is
Braden. clerk in dispenai from July 1
in place of Kisie Hammond, and Sally
A. Wir'l.. sienogiapher In maternity and
chtld health department.
Intl.e registrars office. Ruth Knrson
as stenographer and clerk from July 1.
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