Tuesday, May 28, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN With final issue society reporters dedicate column to social would be's, has beens, etc. By Mary Jean McCarthy and Agnes Wanek. There's an old saying that all good things must come to an end, but good or bad, this is the last time you will read about the com ings .and goings of our socialites. And for the first time, we will make a dedication of this column ...to those future society writers and those future society doers, the would-be's, the has-beens, and soon-to-be's. Maybe we've exag gerated stories of engagements, candy passings, steady deals, may be we've been wrong, maybe we've been right, but whatever we've done, it has been because we thought you'd like to read it. If feelings have been hurt, we re sorry, and if you've been amused we're glad. In any case this is the end. And as all endings are sad, ' if you'll pardon the sentimental ity, we regret the passing of an other year, a year which has been fun for all and all for fun. AT THE RACES Midget autos at thtt, campusites are whiling away Mieir leisure hours of which there are too few these days. Thetas Toddy Ben nison and Ann beard and Sig Alphs Bob Ludwick and Lloyd Wright were peering through the dust at the racers, when Betas Harry Rin- der and Jack Hyland walked in vith Alpha Phi Mary Fran Kier nnrl Pi Phi Janp shaw. You mizht also have seen Don Fitz and Harry Pitcaithley, DU Ernie Weeks and Daul Engelhart and Acacias Har vey Minnick and Gordon Milligan. HANGINGS STILL OCCUR . f for our last bit of "who is it we might mention that of Kappa TBetty Burgess and Phi Psi Bill ample. Will this hold together Mfter Betty moves to Chicago? (And the pin that Pi Phi Ann Beth Ceith has been wea ring secretly tor over a week, sh? is finally wearing for all the world to see. It formerly belonged to Delt Bob McCampbell. Then too, Tri Delta r Ruthie Iverson is now flashing the star of Sigma Nu Curt Ralston. And over the weekend Pi Phi Georgia Walker acquired the pin of Beta Stan Huffman.. And for those of you who like riddles, you can try to guess what Kappa has secretly been wearing a Phi Psi shield since Christmas. PARDON ME IF I BLUSK but who wouldn't, according to Phi Gam Marv Thompson. The other night he was getting all set to hang his pin on AOPi Kay Hanley, then kerplash, it wasn't there (not Kay, the pin). It seems it got lost in the muddle of the Tussle, but Marv is once again wearing it. But for how long? TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN not even Sig Alph Joe Dye who was, all set to pull the biggest sur prise candy passing of the year with Kappa Molly Woodward, but at the last minute necessary ar ticles such as candy and a plaque were not available. Poor Sig Alphs, noor Kappas, poor column, for this .vould have been a fitting climax to the caperings of Cupid. PICNICKING at Crete Sunday were Betty Hill yer, Theta of last year, Florence Moll, Alpha Phi, and Delts, Dow Wilson and Paul Amen. Dow and Paul tried out the water but found it was a little cold for swimming. THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT A PILOT according to Alpha Xi Delta Dor othy Perrin, because she has di vided her time rather consistently between Darrel Hayes and a fly ing school cadet, who've both gone into a spin over her. CLIMAXING the roundabout affair of Sigma Nu Howard Marshall and Pi Phi Marj Barnett, now of Bronxville, New York, is the announcement of their engagement in Omaha and New York papers. The wed ding will .ol-? place in the early part of Augnst in Omaha. Jane Wiiscn end lluth Fox will be her soraruy s5 ste.'-bridesmaids. THE UNEXPECTED continues to occur... and now it is the breakup of the romance be tween Alpha Chi Mary Bullock and Smith Davis. . .end we wonder whether Sigma Chi Allen Leffer dink will make up his mind be tween AOPi Jane Pratt and Alpha Chi Marion Cooper. PINCH HITTERS in the way of society writing were Sigma Nu Paul Svoboda and Kappa Sig Chris Petersen whose efforts you read Sunday. Variety is the spice of life, but for them it is the end of such goings-on for they have resigned from writing such trivia and will henceforth limit their work to "Scrap Irony" and news editing. Panhel makes rush changes; chooses Clayton as president Election of officers for next year and changing rushing rules have occupied the Women's Pan hellenic council in its last few meetings of the year. New president is Jeanette Clay ton, Sigma Kappa; and the nev secretary is Shirley Epstein, Sig ma Delta Tau. Members of the Panhellenic board are: Miss Hor tense Allen, chairman; Dr. Ruth Odell and Miss Louise Alway, fac ulty members; Mrs. Ruth Schmel kin, member-at-large; and Miss Helen Hosp, dean of women. First change in this year's so rority rushing rules is the restora tion of summer rushing, which was not allowed last year. The first three weeks in August, from the first to the twenty-first, shall be open for rushing. There will be no restrictions except for a money limit of $200. This amount applies to all actives or alumnae sorority members or any person assisting in rushing. There is no restriction on the number of letters a sorority may write to rushees. Last year, groups were limited to one letter to a rushee. Formal rush week will start Saturday, Sept. 7. From that time until the end of rushing, Tuesday evening, Sept. 10, all rushees will live in the women's dormitories. There will be no telephone calls from soiorities to rushees except in the form of me' sages to be de livered to the rushee. There will be seven parties dur ing formal rush week, a follows: Saturday, 3-5 and 8-10 p. m.; Sun day, 3-5 and 8-:i0 p. m.; Monday, 12-2:30 and 8-10 p. m.; and Tues day, 11-1:30 p. m. Tho preferen tial parly will be Tuesday evening. 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