THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, April 21,1940 Blitzkrieg of . . . Picnic weather ends fight; it's no use trying to study By Mary Jean McCarthy Picnivating weather has envel oped the old but young campus. Outings seem to be taking the place of almost anything that happens. Boy says to girl 'What will we do,' and she replies -'let's go on a picnic' ... or vice versa. Of course, other things do happen, but not very often. Congratula tions are due the ATOs and SAMs who had their initiation yesterday. HAVE YOU SEEN a good looking, well built, inex pensive trailer? If you have, Theta Marion Kidd and ATO John Smith would certainly appreciate it for they have been searching the city in vain. Makes rather nice traveling equipment cause John, aiming at engineering, will be doing a great deal of moving about after their marriage some time this summer. BASHFUL IS HE? is the question the Sig Alphs are asking brother Bob Burma, for it seems like he was very much en thused and anxious to ask Kappa Jeanne Newell to the "N" club dance but was rather leery of the idea seein' as how she is on the "goin' steady" list. SWEETHEARTS will be honored at the dinner given today at the Kappa Sig house, when the fellows ask 'those nearest and dearest' to their hearts over for a bit of dinner. Some of the couples will be DG Pat Pat terson and Floyd Irving; Theta Jean Reed with Don Moore; Kap pa Jean Cullinan and Jim Evinger, and Beth Howley with Rex 'of picture fame' Crews. SOME ARE WONDERING why the mentioning of a certain Phi Psi. namely Tom Grimes, makes Alec Ann Arthaud's heart flutter here and there. A few of the girls are going to issue a warn ing signal to him too for they say he has already captured many of the coeds' hearts. GOLF AND TENNIS are popping into view with these beautiful spring mornings. A group of 'de boys' were out early in the morn yesterday to play a few holes of golf. In the party were SAM Art Hill, DU Leonard Dunker, and Betas Dick De Brown, Bob Aden, Chick Rice, Ron Brod rick and Alius Mathis. The vig orous game of tennis persuaded Kappas Marcille Poppe and Peg Elsor. to --'rise with the sun.' 'A FLAIR FOR LIVING and the warmth of personality makes a coed popular." That's what some noted someone said. That's probably why you see Pi Phi Shirley Scott with Beta Bill Huffman so often; also the reason for Eville Younger asking Betty Burgess, Kappa, for dates! and that switch causes DU Bob Green to ask Theta Aline Hosman to go places. OUR FAVORITE culinary impresario is 'Juke' Byers, who, yesterday, hired the staff he made us coke and cone tasting and testing inspectors. WHY DO THIS to us? That's what the Betas want to know. First, it was some one chopping down their trees, anu now their furniture has dis appeared. Someone just walked in and out with the interior pieces. A long comfortable looking couch was seen on the Union steps and the Tri Delts are using the fellahs new porch furniture. The Thl Mus, too, were honored with an extra chair or two. The thieves just left their loot in various obvious places. May we suggest that the Betas try chains they use them in some places. Presbyterians elect officers, pick committees Officers for the next year were elected at the Presbyterian stu dent fellowship annual banquet held Friday evening, at which Dr. Francis L. Bouquet, professor in the Omaha theological seminary, spoke on "Treasure Island." Officers elected at the meeting, presided over by Lloyd Jeffrey, were Stanley i'yner, president; James Newcomer, vice president; Marie Louise Drake, secretary; and Richard oJhnson, treasurer. Committee members selected were Betty Gene Long, student center; Jay Norris, -spiritual life; Fletcher Conn, religious agencies; Gerry Smith, social recreation; Kieth McCall, publicity; Jane Bird, friendship; Bill McDonald, study and discussion; and Dick Johnson, stewardship. Profs judge contests Prof. Earnest Harrison ap peared as a judge at Madison, S. Dak., Thursday to Saturday. Prof. Herbert Schmidt appeared as a judge for the district music con test at Fremont, Neb., Friday. for HAPPY GIRLS Who Are Flashing Diamond Rings We Are II TOPS II for Wedding Announcements Printed or Fngratwl Pointers ofuce suPPubt tNOftnyti at MAGEE'S !::::: 4 AJJA U ) SLACKS i always in season with places to go with things to do that bring sunshine into your life. So venture forth to South Bend, Crete and your favorite haunts and be distinc tively chic in clothes like these casual, superb designed to help you travel, loaf, play, be gay in the infallible, smart, MAGEE'S way. 95 $95 . and Look over our bright list of sport togs wide waist bands, zipper plackets every color of the rainbow plaid tops and self tops inner and outer blouses in Realspun and Per mitt comfortably well cut and tailored. Our entire new col lections will delight your fash ion soul, ensure vour ward- .v robe's prestige all summer Tsr long. Sizes 12 to 20 rr Reider gives concert Henry Reider of the museum staff gave a lecture and short con cert on his bonaphone at an Irv ing junior high school convocation last week. Orf ield publishes article Professor L. B. Orfield of the college of law is author of a paper "The Norris-LaGuardia Act" which appears in the current issue . of the Nebraska Law Bulletin. You'll COTTON to These Summer Fun Fashions From Our Sunshine Shop & II v.. h - JO f L. r ! ! I; x f J J ll L ...... Rh hi i"V LOT VV, They're such fascinating new styles . . . prettier and In a greater variety than ever before. They're all beautifully tailored too . . . and whatever your choice of cotton you'll surely find It . . . chambray, gingham . . . seersucker . . They're keyed to the young American de mand for clever detail, ffne tailoring, sleek and casual styling. 1 V" 3 5 ii J They're So Modestly Priced Too 395 to a.95 You'll Wont To Fill Your Whole Closet To The Brim Third Floor. n THIRD FLOOR i.. w ...... ;jLi- . :flJf. nvii im v,