1 i 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 12, 1940 Announcement that ... Larry Clinton to swing out brings favorable comments By Agnes Waaek. The announcement that Larry Clinton and his band will play for the Student Union anniversary party has created more favorable comment on the campus than any other happening for many a moon . . . maybe this will give the glamor girls anc guys a chance to sup port something really big . . . When these cold, cold winds blow everyone seeks shelter and fun in the Corn Crib . . . anyway Kappa Sig Jack Clarke came in looking for fun and trouble. . . Men about town Dick Doty, Beta, and Frank Day, Sigma Nu, forgetting about the trialE and tribulations of law school ever a coke!? ... Pi Phi Grace Hill too excited about her trip back to Oklahoma ... Phi Delta Al Ashworth and Ben James frowning about something . . . this is probably the first time anyone has ever seen Ben in a serious mood . . . Tri Delta Mary Gayer waiting for Ditto Betty Ann Green to talk to Alpha Chi Connie Rath burn . . . DU's Milt Meyer and Ed Smith hurrying out of the Union . . . Everbody anxious to hear Her bie Kay Sunday night . . . and looking forward to happy week ending. . . PICNICS AND STUFF will be the theme of the Tri Delt house party, and some time has been spent on having appropriate decorations. Ruth Satterlee will be there with Leonard Dunker, DU, and Betty Adair with SAE Dick Strasser. ' This may surprise you but Mary Anna Cockle, of Chi Phi and Dartmouth fame will appear with Delt Bill Sawtell, better known as Beta "Doc" Elias' room mate. VISITING at the Delta Gamma house will be their national vice president, Miss Roberta Abernathy, from Colum bus, Ohio. Arriving Friday, she will be feted at a luncheon Satur day at the home of Mrs. Clarence Swanson. and Saturday night a formal dinner will be held at the chapter house in her honor. LIONS 'N' TIGERS n' everything will be on parade at the ktppa Kongo Friday night, and it promises to be one of the most unusual of house parties. The downFtairs will be decorated like a ben-boo hut, with banana and palm trees all 'round. Beware, though, frr you have to walk into lion's mouth to enter. Unusual combine. irns will be Mary Beeson and Phi Ptl Bob Guenzcl, Dorothy Koenie and Sigma Nu Jack Lee, Ann McLaughlin and ATO Bob Schlater; and Jean Culllnan and Phi Psi Mack Dow. HAPPY AS THE DAY IS LONG is Betty Ann Patton of the Tri Delt hcijf-e, who has found out that she is definitely allergic to the fur coat that she is getting tired of wearing. And then, too, one of her sorority sisters was very n.uch surprised the other night, when Acacia Elton Wiley called for Betty Ann instead of Pris Wicks, his used-to-be. THETAXIS will hold their spring party tomor row evening at Broadview. Ervin Haase will be there with Alpha Xi Delta Helen Jones, Dale An derson with Tri Delt Jean Lud- rr iiobe lornhusker UNDER JCHIlTimEl DIRECTION ft PHI DFJ.T4 TIIF.TA BANQl'LT Saturday PAI.I.A1IN pro(;rkssivi: wick, Jim Bucher with Phi Phi Susan Shaw, and Jim Claussen with Joanna Keller. RECENT ADDITION to the pledge class of AOPi is Kathryn Hanley. Kappa Delta also announces the pledging of Janet Kenny. AND CONFIDENTIALLY from what is supposed to be an authentic source, we learn that DU Bob Nelson and Tri Delta Olive Speith have been going steady since last Saturday night. Barbs to honor outstanding frosh A gold recognition key will be awarded at the Barb Spring ban quet May 10 to the barb freshman boy who has done the most out standing work in barb activities during the year. The key is being given by Long's Bookstore, and will become an annual award." One freshman will be chosen each year to receive the honor award by the presidents of the Barb Union and the Barb Council and Johnny Johnsen, manager of the book store. Bands (Continued from page 6.) at the Turnpike Sunday, Herbie Kay and his divers livers will keep the dancers jivin'. Herbie's bunch are going to give some of the local campus talent the op portunlty to groove some records with them. Everything is free, and the record will be given to the person making it, according to Junior Irving, who is in charge of receiving the applications. Lee Dixon is going to play at the Turnpike Friday and Satur day nights, and Freddie Edener will take over the Pla-Mor for this week-end. 5 f RESH.Mf ftr (L ' A V Mi yvv! St . f patter". Ann louise takes a d9liahtful dark rayon sheer, ,1 showers it with quantities of fresh while and what happens? ' Fashions os sweet and pretty os those May flowers the April , showers ore supposed to bring! i Fashions of "Wildfire" Rayon Sheer : I'PUter" - Dark slimness accented with a full-front skirt and " f ufflv collar, cuffs and pockets of white cotton eyelet batiste, i.'j ''Patter"- Nautical spirit In a while pique and val-type lace sailor collar , .. a wide set-in belt for midriff slimness. ; i N.tty an J BUk, Sizes 9 to lij Price: 10.95 & 12.95 V X Religious Welfare council elects Drew as prexy Robert E. Drew, Methodist stu dent pa3tor, was elected president for 1940-41 of the University Re ligious Welfare council at council meeting yesterday noon. Esther Stuermer, Baptist student repre sentative, was elected vice-president, and Esther Ostlund, YWCA secretary, was chosen secretary. Leading the new cabinet will be R. B. Henry as chairman of the survey committee. Forbes as fac ulty member, Dr. Gerald M. Ken dall as student pastor and Lowell Johnson as representative of the students were elected "sans port folio" to the survey committee, which chairmen of committees, to be elected, will join. Worth saving? Asking "Are Our Skins Worth Saving?" Dr. D. A. Worcester, re tiring president of the council, told the groups that "We must be able to give a moral reason for staying out of the war. But also, if we go in we must give a sound moral reason for going in. The important thing is not to let emo tiona run away with us. and to judge values sanely by their mer its." Book Nook buys 40 new volumes A student committee headed by Helen Claybaugh, Union board member, selected about 40 books for the Book Nook this year Chosen from lists of the best re leases of the year, the books in clude those issued by the Book of the Month club. Among these are "Northwest Passage" by Kenneth Roberts. "Trees" by Conrad Rich ter. "Native Son" by Richard Wright, "Modern American Paint ing" by Peyton Bos well. Soon to be added are Sir Neville Hender son's "Failure of a Mission" and Will Durant's "Life of Greece." 6 :!: They go ::i III iSsis ill 1fl III ::: - v II! f " 5 - "J1 jjj k-"' r l pi with my suit? ... we j I v yr often hear that plea. And j ill Cm,,,. now wc can offer you jh- furnishings to go with that new suit that are specially designed to "go together". In color sets to go with blue, green, grey or brown suits. Ask for CONTEMrO RELATED FASHIONS styled by Wilson Brothers. , . , exclusive with Magee's. THE OUTFIT -A broad cloth shirt, three ties and two pairs of sox $g85 (Items may be purchased separately if desired) Men's Furnishing First Floor ;ii I ::: i:i at MAUEE S tsssssHisEsniasnnjaiaiSBHsssg I together! YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT and this RELATED ENSEMBLE BY WILSON BROTHERS O SHIRTS O TIES O HANDKERCHIEFS O SOX O Styled and color harmonized to go with your spring suit- V M The new stripe fabrics in wor steds or new rough finishes in tweeds or shetlands. In new shades of blue, green, grey or brown. They're new I v-, .aim Kensington Blue Blood Suits $25 HOWE Of IfF- III LINCOLN Trsty Pastry Shdp kg. u 1 PAr. orr 4.