! Wednesday, April 3, I94fl Reg'lar ol' grind . . Turns thoughts to time of summer parties, formals By Mary Jean McCarthy. as they announced their engagement the other Crosby fnrmnl As we get back into the swing day. everyone is looking forward to the FROM THE FAR EAST spring house parties and summer w.iahttnn tr, Theta 0rmnhWhittWmoronuStanrg HTpMntoantoeei;. th4 was stiU running smoothly GoldenPSPikey celebration" which a Lnf like the idea will take place in Omaha .near the Um Be Jjt f e the idea end of May. Many of the campus- - t . maybe just a "weak" end. Who too many. wno knows ? THE MOST ATTRACT I VE IT'S UN-BEARDABLE couple at the Policeman's ball, from all reports was Kappa Sue that is, when we consider the ap- Woodrurf and Phi Delt Jim Cain, pearance of many of the Sigma Knowing Jim and Sue, they must Nus who ate letting the long dark have really enjoyed it. whiskers grow for their Gold Rush party. Can't you just see them TONIGHT at their spring formal Saturday the lpha Phis will have an ex whisking along. Some of those change dinner with the DUs. present win ue ricsiu" f "j" Kappa Jeannctte Zimmerer; Wally Engdahl and DG Polly Perkins: Theta Aline Hosman and Bob Liv engood; and John Hill with Beth Howley. SOMETHINGS FISHY about the rumor of Betas Harry Rinder, Mac Howell, and Piker Davis who went all the way to Crete Sunday to fish and then didn't even see a lake until mid night, and finally when they did see one they didn't fish. Don't you think it s fishy ? ? ? COMING SOON will be the Beta Crud party which will take place on April 19. The Kappa Kongo on April 13th and the Kappa Sig pledge party on April 27. Leaders (Continued from page 1.) above all, for the fulfillment of ita purpose," He also pointed out that we grow up to our bigger moments in life, and that executiveships on the campus help to prepare one for greater responsibilities in the future. At noon yesterday there was an inter-organization council lunch eon in the Student Union for the presidents, past and present, of all women's organizations. The conference will close with a general meeting at 5 p. m. to day at which Kenneth Van Sant, director of the Student Union, will speak on the origin and facilities of the Student Union. There will be a discussion of the women's point system following Van Sant's address. During February, 1940, a West Virginia university librarian dis covered, in checking out a book, that it had been used last in May, 1901. Ohio State university students spend an average of 95 cents a month for soft drinks. Oh, Mr. Hitler, did you hear? The Naii-Amerkan bund has nothing on a new organization at the University of Cincinnati. Stu dents have formed a Scotch Amer ican bund, with members wearing identifying colors of burnt orange and green. When members meet, they raise their hands and say, "Hell, Adolph, what's the use!" Daring youth, don't you -think, with Mr. Dies investigation of everything and everybody that as sumes a foreign name! Debate- (Continued from page 1.) Hugh Stuart, Harold Alexis. Intercollegiate debaters judge. Speaking will be for six and four minutes for all engaged. Judges will be inter-collegiate debaters at Nebraska for the last few years. One judge will be used in all de bates until the final round, when three will be used. No team will be eliminated until it has debated on both sides of the question. Crime (Continued from page 1.) he said, "it isn't until a ma works with his hands that h makes progress. Manual labor ia the basis of civilization." At the close of his lecture, Dr. Hooton illustrated the historical sequence of race typea by the us of slides. His illustrations included pictures of people typical of the British Isles, Nordic types, and Trench and German types. His last picture was of the "Angel," recently publicized French wres tler, explaining that the gigantic size of the "Angel's" head, hands, and feet were caused by a disturb ance of the pituitary gland. Dr. Hooton was brought here from Harvard by the convocations committee and the Student Union. After his convocation yesterday he was honored at an informal luncheon given by Dr. J. O. Hertz ler and the department of sociol ogy faculty, to which faculty member and administration offi cers vfi invited, immediately following the forum which he con mined ..i ine aitcnioon, lie board- led a train for Albuquerque, New ! Mexico, where he will lecture. ELECTIONS took place at the Gamma Phi house and the new officers are Peggy West, president; Marion Bradstreet. vice president; Betty Fosberg. recording secretary, and Irene Hollenback, treasurer. At the Delt house Gordon Jones stepped into the shoes of presi dent; Bob McCampbell, vice presi dent, and Ed Dosek, guide. BREAKING RECORDS are the Thetas who have called at all of the sorority and frater nity houses with a specially made record Inviting all to their Music Party Friday night. Eleanor El liot will be there with Roger Gary. Sig Alph, Ruth McMillan with Don Schultz, Kappa Sig; and Louise Leffler with DU Bill Nie hus. PINNINGS STILL OCCUR and the newest to fall in line are Tri Delt Cay Dcurmeyer and Beta Ted Welton. and Kappa Mary Ella Bennett with Sigma Nu Jim Kir kendall. who have decided to start all over. CONFUCIUS SAY when spring comes, a young man's fancy turns to baseball and other sorts of pitching. Woo woo! THAT LONG LAST love.' will be climaxed on June 23 by the wedding of DG alum Kay Huwaldt and Beta alum "King The "Educated" Band of mm Lunoeford teaches Nebraska a new style in swing. Listen to smooth and sweet melody , me Ooliseum V 1 t D 1 THE HITLER BOMB'S Was the Munich beer hall bomb -dJ Reich army general. - REAL VICTIM DEMAREE BESS (by wireless from Geneva) women w TOO BAD that Yullao.xne AU given in marriage w dou . f BtfUck Chinatown knew of he, to . or unot her The Marriage Month by s.oney herschel small r 't THE MAN WHO IS KING in his spare time) . Tl)- . t.,0 T. McCutcheon, famous Ch.'ea Trl car- iHygP ' m Qaa Vn John T toonist, rules hi Treasure Island near Nassau, flies his own flag, color. AND a new romance of the back country by Vereen Bell, Liniolhe wSJn-B; short storiesby Doug WelnandllarryKlinrgjarnys- Tery serial by Mignon G. Eberbjrt (Inaman'8ip);IlaytnondMoley onBusinessiniheWoodshed; unuMr J Sawlxe Surrender AU in this week's Post-now on Ba.e. $150 III CASH PRIZES for tf Confucius" saymgsl For complete details, ask this new8iper for the Contest Pamphlet. Your entry may win the $100 first prize, or one of the 116 other cash prizes in this Saturday Evening Tost content for college students. ACT HOW! CONTEST CLOtCI APRH. 51 A New Comedy of Big Game Fishing in Movieland This way to Hollywood, where wild sea waves dash high (in the studio tank) and fighting monsters of the deep (rubber models) are artfully reeled in by "one of the most beau tiful women available today"! This week's Tost brings you the rollick ing, romantic, ridiculous adventures of Crunch and Dea. In four parts. "SaltWater Da ffyy 11 lilt r