The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, March 13, 1940
Comes a time . .
When snow and tests turn
thougths to sunnier climes
By Agnes Wanek.
There comes a time when the
snow is on the ground, and a
young man's thoughts are south
ward bound. When you think about
it, a quick trip to Florida wouldn't
be hard to take at this point. This
is the time when you begin to envy
people like Ralph Bristol, Paul
Brown, and Bruce Duncan, who
managed to take a short trip to
Mexico City recently. But... day
dreams don't help, not with a cou
ple of six weeks tests ahead.
must be a part of Kappa Mary
Beeson's attraction, since she set
a new high Monday night when
ten Sigma Nus, no less, came to
the Kappa house to see her.
big weekend includes initiation
Saturday, alumni luncheon and a
fraternity banquet Saturday night
at the Cornhusker.
is the rumor that Pi Phi Virginia
Haney and Harold Schrag are go
ing steady every other night? This
fall Ginny was seen around with
Butch Luther, DU, who now has
his pin on Kappa Marion Bowers,
and the Beth Howley-Schrag com
bination was definitely on the up
swing. Tlje question now, is where
does all this leave Phi Delt Al
Ashworth who has gone with Vir
ginia for years and years.
between Max Wieland and A.O.
Pi Pat Rosenbaum is doing all
right these days, since it was not
so long ago that they first started
dating. They now have a standing
date for Saturday nights.
Bill Williams, Phi Delt, has an
nounced that he is going to have
his third date of the year... won
der who it'll be?. . .Congratula
tions to Beta Bruce Harper for his
appointment to Annapolis and also
Husker debaters
meet Wesleyan
Nebraska debaters will meet af
firmative and negative teams from
Wesleyan today at 4 at Wesleyan.
Another debate will be held Fri
day in the Union with Park col
lege of Chicago. Nebraska affirm
ative team will debate at 11 in
parlor X, and the negative at 1
p. m. in X. The subject for both
debates is "Resolved, that the
U. S. should maintain a strict pol
icy of military and economic iso
lation." Ben Novicoff and Howard Bes
sire will debate on the affirmative
side and Jack Stewart and Lloyd
Shubert on the negative side for
to Phi Gam Bob Davenport for his
appointment to West Point ... in
case you hadn't noticed, you're
seeing Sig Alph Burdette Wertman
and Thcta Marie Anderson to
gether a lot... Ditto Beta Harold
Howell and D.G. Betty Holtorf.
April fool's doy
is final deadline
for photo entries
(ACP) for college amateur pho
tographers, April 1 is more than a
day of pranks and practical jokes.
April 1 is also the final deadline
for mailing entries in the third
annual national collegiate photo
competition being conducted by
Collegiate Digest a contest that
is held annually to select pictures
for the rotogravure section's an
nual Salon Edition published each
To compete for national recog
nition and money prizes, all Ne
braska students are urged to send
in their entries immediately. Enter
your pictures in one of the fol
lowing divisions: still life, scenes,
candid, portraits or "college life."
Collegiate Digest announces that
there is no entry fee for the con
test, and that each student or
faculty photographer may send in
as many entries as he wishes.
Phi Sigma lota
stages contest
The second annual declamatory
contest for university French and
Spanish students will be held April
2. Sponsored by Phi Sigma Iota,
honorary language fraternity, the
contest will have several groups
in which all students are eligible
to compete.
The three groups are: One for
French 2 and Spanish 53 students,
one for students taking courses
beyond those in group 1 and below
courses numbered 101. Students
above 101 will be entered in group
3. Six prizes, consisting of French
and Spanish novels, will be
Yesterday waa the deadline for
the entries which the contestants
could choose from a list sponsors
had posted in the department
Donald and Maurine Nordlund,
brother and sister, earned perfect
grades at Midland College last semester.
Vocational series
features Schemel
for fourth talk
Miss Lucille Schemel, teacher of
English and history at Whittier
Junior High, will speak to univer
sity women tomorrow at 4 p. m.
in Ellen Smith. Her subject will
be "Advantages and Disadvant
ages of Teaching; Preparation for
and Varieties of Specialization."
This is the fourth talk on the
present vocational series being
sponsored by the AWS board and
the office of the dean of women.
Miss Schemel, recently re-elected
president of the Lincoln Teach
ers association, is an active parti
cipant in the work being done to
further the teacher's retirement
legislation. She has taught in all
erades and has done demonstra
tion work in the university; facts
contributing to her versatility and
well-rounded teaching accomplishments.
(Continued From Page 1.)
verv convincing: throughout most
of the play, although in spots he
evinced a little discomfort at be
ing pushed into the role of a suc
cessful retired automobile mag
The rest of the cast was aptly
elected by the director, H. Alice
Howell. Doris Poellet. as Edith
Cortwright, the woman who un
derstood and loved Sam Dods
worth was nerfectlv suited to ber
part, and with her portrayal of a
weet and mature woman proved
a perfect foil for the childish, vain
Story pleases audience.
The audience roared at the typl
cal American, A. B. Hurd, sketched
as only the vituneric Lewia can
Smythe Davis both looked and
acted the part of the philandering
Frenchman. Arnold Israel, who
became Fran Dods worth's lover,
and Kurt von Obersdorf, played
by Max WWttaker, was as nearly
a German baron as any iMeDrasxan
with a mid-western drawl could be
Despite the thirteen set changes
required, the play moved along
rapidly and held the attention of
the audience throughout Setting
and lighting were entirely in keep
ing with the mood and the theme
of the production.
The Universitj of Nebraska
University Players
Dartmouth Undergraduate
Reports on American Assault
on Worlds Second Highest
Mountain Peak
Today's Pott records the assault on K-2
28,250 feat of rock, ice, storm and wind.
Four members of the party disappeared in
theflying mists of this unclimbed summitand
were never seen again ... An extraordinary
story of the Second American Karakoram
Expedition, told by George C. Sheldon, a
Dartmouth senior, one of the survivors.
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A LADY SPENDS THE NIGHT She was afraid be would
and afraid he wouldn't, and yet when they were trapped by a blizzard,
Mias Ruth prepared to defend her name and honor with every artifice
at her disposal. A abort story by M. ft. CHUTE.
RED RUFFING'S SECRET How does a guy with four toes missing,
and a pain in hi arm, pitch a 4-hit World Series game? The amazing
tory of the man who won 175 games for the Yanks. As Good As He Hat
To Be, by Stanley frank.
fc IS IT EASY TO DIE? When John Blagden awoke in a hospital bed
he felt pretty good. Then the doctor came in and casually sprang the sur
prise . . . The story of the hour which has do end. No Vititort, by STEPHEN
"I INTEND TO CE PRESIDENT" JfM. Who i.thu -tail.
tan, terrific'' Hoosier who plans to aeep into the White House by osmosis?
ALVA JOHNSTON gives you the high-light of that Indiana charmer who may
mias in 1940, but still has '44, '48 and '52 ahead.
. .. Hangman's Whip. With three women determined to possess
the same man, somebody engineers a hanging! Start the second of seven
Installments in the Poet tonight!
GERMANY'S GAME IN FIMLAND-Wby is Germany privately
gloating at the Finnish exposure of Russia's military and economic weak
nesses? From diplomatic reports of events in Moscow, the Post brings
you details of how Nazi Germany encouraged Russia end secretly aided
the Finns at th same time! BENARES: BESS.
ill skiffs a nur.i blossom
How one of Mr. Glen
cannon's finest alcoholic
inspirations turned the
S. S. Inchcliffe Castle
into a seagoing arbore
tum, a floating jungle.
Read The Rum Blouom.
7 ir'
By Sinclair Lewis
Dramatized by Sidney Howard
Tonight at 7:30
Temple Theatre
12th and B Sts.