The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    IWeHnescfoy, MarcK 13, 1940
sm m i
By June Bierbower.
We'll go out on the limb today,
for want of something better to do
and do a little prognosticating
about the first round of Class A
games In the state basketball tour
nament. They are: Creighton Prep
over Hastings, Fremont over Nor
folk, Sidney over Nqrth Platte,
Jackson over Neb. City, Falls City
over Albion, Grand Island over
Scottsbluff, Lincoln over Schuyler,
and Omaha Benson a weak vote
over McCook.
Funniest thing that happened In
the draw was when Hastings drew
Prep. Hastings partisans had
thought there was something
stinky in Scandinavia in that Has
tings and Prep always met in
either the first or second rounds
didn't like the way the big wigs
were "feeding" Hastings to Prep.
So In this year's drawings, at
which any and all could be pres
ent, who should be drawn out as
Prep's opponent but Hastings.
Falls City, despite their loss to
Jackson, is set on winning again.
Jim Ramsey, the Richardson coun
ty sage, and quite a few others
are picking them, with Bob Hein
zelman back, they'll be sentiment
al favorites. Heinzelman didn't do
much against Jackson, as Jug
Brown had told him he'd jerk him
if he mixed it up. The Falls Citians
tho, finished the year in great
However, Falls City still has to
prove it's better than undefeated
Jackson, and if everything goes
well, that test will come in the
finals. Jackson's past due for a
championship, but if Creighton
Prep gets into the semifinals, the
Unl Place team will have to get
by them in a tough Friday night
game. Prep lost to Falls City by
just one point, so even discounting
any surprising outsiders, it's
pretty hard to pick a champion be-
lore the tournament start.
Things we didn't have room for
in yesterdy's track meet gabfest:
The Misseurlans d'etat appear
any too happy about the whole af
fair. . .so after the meet Saturday
nirht several of the Ruskera who
were looking over the town met a
group of the Tigers on the street
...said Huskers, not entirely
guUsleisly, sang "There is no
place like Nebraska" for their un
witting audience. . .the MUsowruuui
just tucked their chins in their
chests, looked straight ahead, and
walked on.
Fact that there wasnt a sen
ior on the Husker squad, and
that sophomores scored exactly
31 points for Nebraska Saturday
night didnt cheer up opposing
coaches. . .the four and sne-fifth
points scored by Juniors cams
on Ed Wlbbels second In the
tot, and Harold Scott's share of
a five-way tie for second, third
and fourth In the pole vautt...
Dean Higgens, Missouri's star
soph pole vaulter, who was just
about a cinch for second, reln
jured a bsd leg and withdrew at
12 feet... had he been second, It
would havs given Mlzzou 35",
poi nts . . . Scott's aha re would
have been 3-S Instead of 1 1-5,
so the Hutkers would have had
exactly 34 3-5... Do we hear a
"phew," in the crowd T... but on
the other hand. In the low hur
dies qualifying races In the
morning, Bob Kahler was rubbed
out... First three men In a heat
qualified for the semifinals, and
If Kahler wasn't one of the first
three finishers In his heat, we're
awfully wrong... of course, the
Judges were closer than we
were, but still...
(Continued From Page 1.)
studio with the new recording in
strument which is now a part of
the campus broadcasting equip
ment Notice of the record has been
Kent by Du Teau to 100 alumni
club officers, forty-four national
wme officers, the board of re
gents, the alumni association
board, and other interested groups
over the state.
Nebraska Typswriter Co.
US Ne. lk SI. -lM
come Friday
fo state meet
Fifteen high schools
entered in first
annual gym compet
More than 70 athletes from 15
schools will compete Friday after
noon in the first annual state high
school gymnastics meet under the
direction of Husker Coach Charley
The Nebraska coach, along with
his athletes, has been offering
clinics to coaches and teams who
have come to Lincoln for instruc
tion. Only about six teams were
expected for the first meet, so the
coliseum equipment will be rather
taxed with the large entry list.
All teams are entered in one
class, with Grand Island, Hastings
and Beatrice appearing to be the
leading entries.
Winner gets trophy.
The Nebraska High School Ath
letic association will give a trophy
to the winning school, while the
University will give medals to the
top five individuals in each event,
and to the top three all-around en
tries. The meet is to begin at 2 p. m.
and run until about 4:30. Husker
varsty team members will serve
as judges, and the ten events will
be run at once in order to finish in
one afternoon.
Teams entered are Holdrege,
Kearney, Grand Island, York, Mc
Cook, Riverview Consolidated of
HolmesvlUe, Norfolk, Fremont,
Columbus, Hastings, Curtis Ag
gies, Nelson, Beatrice, Omaha
Tech, Crete.
Entries of all teams except York
and Columbus are:
Roldrac Robert Berks, coach; Ray
Richard. Ed SUweU, Vernon Anderson.
VlrrU Krofca, Hero! Hawktnaon, Clair
Gttcbat, Kssaasth KaHay, Srdae Sam.
Kearney Saxr? RiasTuJd, coach ; Do ran
Bwaai, Daftert Kates I, Ivan Robinson,
Ralph Bands, Monaaa Walters.
Grand Island Roy Mandcry, eoach;
Ratasn Anuria, Bo Woe Loot Jasnsia,
Trm Tbortoa, Oen Daaa, Artlrar Ftea
rioksaa, Easjen Braroa. OarSea Haaefc,
Man i Beta?. Jar Waatacaartf, Clartoa
MHIar. Orral Llissai, Eawew JeckeU,
Rosalia Srttssna. Ray Co near, Dai Darar
saa. Oaorfa Jatasv. Do Cbapmaa, BoS
LavaUcar, BUI Marietta, JeeaaM Maasoat.
MeCook Ffcints Johastoa, eaaca; Gerald
Oiill, Ptilllp Jamas. Stanley Ludlow, Carl
Walters, Marvin Williams, Robert Williams.
Riverview Consolidated Holmesvlle
Walter Blandln, eoach; Wilbur Orr, Marl on
Krans, BUI
Norfolk Fred Eglay, eoach: Don Sly,
Wallace sillier, Emery Nordyke, George
Worksaaa, Lloyd Barnke, Darrel Wnnlrn.
Fremont Homer Hatcher, coach; Floyd
Boreherdtns;, Jerry Cornell, ' Joe Raalert,
Miles Seaarod.
Haatteo K marts Oammtace, eoark; Joe
FXere. Wlllard fetus. Robert Nawaaa,
William Oarratt, Dalaaar Friend. Ted lama.
Warraa Thayer, Oae Aabal, Robert B4m
maraaaa, Kay Bites.
Cartta ACT' Ckff Athhura, onach; Rod
Slaon, Oarotd Faar, Leonard Sptkar, Ual
Taylor, Frank Tuttle, Charles Btarteh.
Matvta Towns, Ralph Toleoa, Kaoxwtb
MoUoa- Doi. W. Otto, cos oh; Jos Adam
soa, Frank HeJaea, Ralph Fereaee, Ivan
Beatrlee Ed Rlctmbotham, coach; Rob
ert AMprman, Veraoa Becks, Wsyne Beck,
Wlllard Sittings, Carrion Cook. Don Horen,
Henry Hohbain. Daaa Jsmlrsoa, Dsls Jer
aaa. Junior Judd, Joe Layton, Don Lari
mers, Charles Plata, Leonard Schldler,
Philip BprsRue, Robart Blevena.
Omaha Technical R. L. Cams, coach;
Harold Burch, Dan-ell Hverhart, Vrrno.i
Conk, Richard Clark, Tsui Foced, I.lovd
Francis, Jos Janoasek, Horace Jensan,
Jsck Hlnes, Bob Leate, IUrold HcKlnnry,
Bob SnellinK, William Turner.
Crete Bob Olbb, eoach; Frank Kadlrc,
IMyssea Monroe, Lumir Frasek, Meriln
ONLY filter 6 baffle
interior and cellophane exte
rior, keep nicotine, juice, flake
out of mouth.
No breaking In.
No tongue bite!
Break up hot
moke, hence'
.... . . i
mild. nealthT
' '
telPV HP P '
Form House takes Class A
basketball crown; Sig Alphs
beat Delta Sigs for B title
Farm house brought the 1940
intramural championship to ag
college as they walloped the ATO s
easily, 31-13 in the championship
Fred Preston, varsity end, was
the leading scorer for the winners,
as he dumped in seven free throws
to go with his two field goals for
11 points. Guard Warren Gabel-
man made 7 for the winners, while
Eii McKee got six of the ATO's
Roy Petsch, Chuck Davis and
Don Matheny all made four fouls,
as the ATO's had 19 in all. Farm
House cashed in on but seven of
their free throws but they didn't
need the points anyway.
Farm House's only loss was a
16-15 decision to Delta Upsilon in
a league game earlier this season.
They beat the DTJ'a in a playoff
for their league title, though, and
beat the Beta's in the semifinals.
Farm H'se f? ft
Knoflicek f 2 1
Mayfield f 2 0
Davis f-K 0
Preston c 2 7
F'globon g 2 0
Gablcman (11
fl ATO
2 Basye f
2; Sheldon f
2 Petsch f
II McKee e
I Davis c
5 Metric ny g
ITohnson g
IHardlne. g
Jarpcr c
fK ft
1 0
9 101 Totals
6 3 It
WhiUaksr and Worrall, officials
Sigma Alpha Epsilon annexed
the class B intramural champion
ship last night by beating the
Delta Sigma Phi quintet, 16 to 15
in a hard fought -battle. The game
was close all the way through with
the Delta Sig's leading at one
time 4 to 2.
The Sig Alphs went through
Prof. Hicks says
no new PBK's
before vacation
Clifford M. Hicks, secretary of
Nebraska chapter of Phi Beta
Kappa, announced this week that
the announcement of the new
members of the chapter would not
be made prior to spring vacation.
An agreement has been made be
tween PM Beta Kappa and Sigma
Xi to announce the new members
of both societies at their annual
Joint dinner on Ifarch 29.
Fourteen seniors of the class of
1940 were elected to Phi Beta
Kappa early this year and their
names announced in December.
They were recently initiated at the
February meeting of the chapter.
(Continued From Page 1.)
woman? What is around the in
signia of the seal of the University
of Nebraska? Who made the
famous "cross of gold" speech?
and what famous British states
man and author died this year.
The winning teams of yesterday
will meet teams which won in the
preliminary rounds held Monday
in the semifinals next week. Mon
day's winners were Gamma Phi
Beta, Alpha XI Delta, Kappa
Sigma, Farm House, Alpha
Gamma Rho, and Delta Tau Delta.
SMOKING. "onet
this tourney with five straightt
victories and no defeats to mar
their record. Galyen looked best
for the Delta Sigs, while Wellinger
with five points was high scorer,
and Rohrig and Fate were out
standing defensively for the Sig
Betas win.
In the Class A consolation last
night the Betas defeated the
AGR's 14 to 13 in another close
game. Harper for the victors made
6 of the 14 points.
In the class B consolation game
Delta Thcta Phi overcame a strong
Phi Gam team to win 17 to 15 in
a closely matched contest. Bart
ley was high man for the winners
with 9 points and Don Pollock led
the losers with 8 tallies.
Casady wins
WAA prexy
Hortense Casady was triumph'
ant in the WAA presidential elec
tion yesterday while Elnora
Sprague, fellow candidate for
president, automatically becomes
vice-president, for the coming year.
Mary Ellen Robison, Gamma
Phi Beta, was elected secretary
and Jeanette Mickey, Tri Delta, Is
treasurer. The position of conces
sion manager is delegated to Mary
Roa borough, Theta.
Votes are cast in WAA elections
by Intramural representatives, and
by members of WAA Council and
Sports Board.
TTITlf spring eomei
W the wiV for tk
rw ... something
smart and yH prac
tical (or campus wear.
Nothing answers this
need a well as the suit.
169 'nd up
MANNISH type if
you like strictly
tailored garments . , .
dressmaker more femi
nine styles if you want
something soft and fit
ted. Mostly navy, in
twills and sofl. light
weight woolens. Sizes
12 to 20. Select yours
while choice in style
and fabric is complete.
Misses' aai Wemrn's Sail
8een4 Fleet.
w fl ii il l! i$ g ir a Si 16) i
High school
starts today
Prep plays Hastings
in opener; all three
classes go into action
The slate's high school basket
ball tournament gets under way
this afternoon as teams in three
classes go into action at 12:30 on
the varsity, freshman and stage
courts of the coliseum.
First Class A game is between
Creighton Prep and Hastings at
12:30, with the young Bluejays
favored to win. The first Class B
game is between Winnebago and
Humboldt, while Class C teams
playing will be Sacred Heart of
Norfolk and Thayer.
The A games are on the varsity
court, B games on the frosh court,
and C games on the stage court in
the first two rounds. In the semi
finals, A and B teams will play
on the main floor, and C teams
on the frosh floor, while all three
finals will be on the varsity floor.
Jackson faces Neb. City
Jackson, a seeded team plays
Nebraska City at 4 o'clock this
afternoon in Class A. Falls City,
another seeded team plays Albion
at 6:30 in tonight's first game,
while McCook, seeded in Falls
City's bracket, plays Omaha Ben
son. Jackson is undefeated in nine
teen games this year, while Mc
Cook has won twenty-one. Falls
City lost only to Jackson, while
Grand Island has been beaten only
by Fremont.
Cast for German play
will be announced soon
Cast and synopsis of the Ger
man play "Unter Vier Augen" will
be announced soon after sprint;
vacation, according to Miss Lydia
Wagner, director of the play and
Instructor in the German depart
ment It is to be presented April
18 at the Temple and will be the
first German play since the one
riven at Christmas time.
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