Sunday, February 11, 1940 Mc Merit gets 30 points; MU loses 45-28 Oklahoma remains in first place; Huskers drop to last in Big Six Nebraska's c a g e r a suffered their sixth loss in a row Friday night as Jim McNatt set a new conference scoring record -of 30 points while the Sooners were thumping the crippled Huskers at Norman, 45-28. Forty-seven hundred Sooner fans saw McNatt, who played only 32 minutes, hit 14 of 21 shots at the basket, and pot 2 of 3 free throws. Coach Bruce Drake used 12 players as the Sooners won their sixth consecutive Big Six triumph, to put them in sole command of first place at present, since Mis souri has won one less game. In last place. The defeat dropped the Huskers into the bottom of the conference standings, as Iowa State won its first conference game, beating Kansas State. The Cyclones have lost only four times, as against the Huskers' six defeats. The Sooners never were in dan ger, stepping out to a 21-12 mar gin at halftime, and increasing it in the second period. McNatt was withdrawn immediately after his last basket, which enabled him to break his own conference record of 29 points, which he set last year. McNatt hot. McNatt was practically the en tire Sooner offense, scoring more points than the Huskers himself. Herb Scheffler got 7, and Marvin Mesch, who started the game de spite reports he might not play, got two fielders. Irv Yaffe was the leading Ne braska scorer, tossing in three fielders and four gift tosses for ten points. Bud Tallman and Al Randall scored six points apiece. The Huskers' next trame is with Kansas State here Tuesday night. Nebraska fff ft f! Oklahoma Vaf fe f 3 4 21 McNatt f Hay f 1 0 Oifarlilef Livingston f 0 0 0 Bentley f Tallman f 2 2 lSpcenlef Randall e 2 2 lSchef(lero Thcrlcn c 0 0 Oi Kord c Held K 0 2 3! Mcseh g rioetzo K 0 121 .ollncr K P'cailhley g 0 1 2 SnodRrass r Richards g I Taylor g Roor g is ft f 14 2 2 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total! 8 12 111 Totala 18 9 17 Ecore at half: Oklahoma 21, Nebraska 12- Free throws missed: Nebraska, Tallman 3, Kandall 3. Held 2. t'.netze 2, Hay, IMteaithley. Oklahoma, McNatt, Scheffler, Mesrh. Taylor. Officials: Huck Hyatt, Pittsburgh, and John Lance, Pittsburg Teachers. Farm House beats AGR's in 36-16 game Farm House led by only 15 to 8 at the half, but the winners found their batting eye in the sec- ( ond stanza and pulled ahead 24 to 10 at the end of the third quarter. Preston was high man of the day with 6 point. Coley, AGR guard, stood out for the losers. Farm House will play Nebras ka's yearlings in a curtain-raiser to the Kansas State-Nebraska game Tuesday night. Farm House, led by Center Pres ton and Forward Knoflicek, won over Alpha Gamma Rho, 36 to 16, yesterday afternoon in a fiercely contested battle for the Ag Col lege championship. The farmers will receive the trophy presented each year to the victor. Jean Wolf visits rifles chapters Jean Wolf, Lincoln senior and national commander of Pershing Rifles, is on a trip of inspection of Pershing Rifles chapters in south ern colleges. Leaving Lincoln Feb. 3, Wolf has visited universities In Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Word received from New Orleans indicates that he has been well received and that he has experienced the famous southern hospitality. Wolf will return to Nebraska early next week. Oldfother takes trip Dr. C. H. Oldfather, dean of the college of arts and sciences, will leave Lincoln Tuesday for an In spection trip for the North Central association of colleges and second ary schools. He will inspect the college of Our Lady of Cincinnati, and the state teachers colleges at Winona, Bemidjl, and St. Cloud, WeDomeini tlhi damp KU Sophs shine in fracksfers' first meet Ed Weir's indoor track team, manned by a crew of brilliant newcomers, won all but two first places as they walloped Kansas last night 68'&-35a. First it was young Harold Brooks, Gothenburg soph, who broke both the university indoor and outdoor marks in the mile as he passed and easily beat Ray Harris of Kansas on the last lap to win in 4:22.1. Fred Matteson held the old Indoor mark of 4:30.8 set in 1937, and he and Willie Andrews did 4:22.9 outdoors the same year. Littler wins. Red Littler, the Mitchell comet, also found the Improved Husker track to his liking as he broke Bob Simmons' old Nebraska in door 440 record with a 50.1 quar ter after winning the 60 yard dash in 6.4. Simmons, whose old Ne braska record was 50.4, had pre viously run an exhibition quarter in 49.5, tho. His time was better than was made in the Millrose quarter, from which he had turned down an invitation because of law exams. Don Morris, Scottsbluff freshman, who was given a 22 yard handicap against Simmons, turned in 52.6. Bill Smutz, lanky Pawnee City sophomore, was the meet's high point man with 18 markers as he took both hurdle races and the broad jump and placed second in the high jump. His times were 7.8 in the 60 vard highs, and 7.1 in the lows. He got 22-1 Vi in the broad jump. Harold Hunt, North Platte, took the pole vault at 12-8, and then went on to clear 13-1, with room to spare, but failed in his efforts to make 13-5 H which would have set a new Nebraska indoor record. Dale Nannen, new man from College View, took the high jump at 5-10 in the absence of Big Six champion Bob Stoland, who is tem porarily ineligible at KU. The other Husker soph to tally a first place was Loup City's Bill Cook, who won the 2-mile in 10:15.8. Wibbels Wins. Ed Wibbels, despite a sore wrist, led the Huskers in a sweep of the shot, as he got 48-2. Ray Prochas ka and Henry Rohn followed him. Kansas won its only individual victory as Don Thompson came thru in the half mile to win in 2:04.2. Bill Hargiss' relay team with Scott, Foy, Eberhart and Greene running, beat the Huskers in the final event in. 3:31.6. The Kansans, hampered by Inadequate indoor track facilities at Law rence, showed their lack of prac tice. Piatt writes article "S u p e r v i s ed Correspondence Study" is the title of an article by Earl T. Piatt of the Extension division, which is published in the current number of the Nebraska Educational Journal. CLASSIFIED 1 1 I 4 a n v t i f vn mft LOST Brown billfold In Union. Donald Vetter, (-3631. Keward. Serving SiudenU for 22 Years DurJ:? Optical Co. 13rt Na 15th tet TYPEWRITERS for SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. Mt n. mh st. LINCOLN, NtBE. t-SUI The DAILY NEBRASKAN ini blank NU as Huskers7 road trip ends Illinois' strong wrestling team won were Ed McConnell, 128 whitewashed Nebraska 28-0 yes- pounds; Newton Copple, 145; Dale terday as the Huskers suffered Ruser, 165; all first year men. The their second loss in their three summaries: road starts. The Ulini won six de cisions, while Petry threw McCon nell and Sikich threw Seemann in the 128 pound and heavyweight divisions, respectively. Next meet for the Huskers is against Minnesota here Tuesday night after the K-State basketball game. Win at Chicago The Huskers won their first meet of the season Friday night in dumping Chicago. 15-9. It was the Maroons' third loss in eight starts, and there were no falls, as the Huskers won five decisions to three. Milt Kuska and Georce Cockle won their second consecutive bouts in the 121 and 136 pound Classes , , , respectively. Other Huskers who Fitting Gifts to cloak your Giving. A spark of originality ... A Gift that personal ... A Gift that will satisfy her secret pas sion for the last word in fashion. ff k Hankies.... J ''little thing".. . jfjJjS J' but their beauty will com- . 4ftr' S pliment her good taste if' VI 25c to $3.50 ti v-rfJ"-"''" K? , -ISWk Imp her lovely give Vt ,Wy M Ffct--wi t& her distinctive compacts. f 4": jff Lovely Chilloa Host -.1 Our Purses ore style right Y always please ii They vand so well selected. They K T""Y rtis M McCallum. Tou Just l are Sure o please her. ? Jf , j&j3r know she wears them" fV $1.95 to $17.50 f$ frt'tff?i XV 85c to $1.85 f$& Costume Jewelry Is a "must" ?Ui. V J$r he loves to receive truly yf? ff unusually priced $i,o$-50 H f ffm Make .wee, her prlvat. jf Jf world with exotic French. Inf v"! Ifi L l rfosw- nj g. Perfume, by lelong. Guer- X HTj?'tJ V 'WTK Jrl Q krin, Faberge, ChuneU Worth (f AY f "Y jV .Sj FREE GiI Wrapping On All vf t wrestlers 121: Kudka (N decisloned YounR. 128: McDonnld (N) decisloned Pyle. 138: Cockle (N) decisloned Zafros. 145: Copple N) decisloned Thomas. 155: Stone (C) won decision over Tomes, Thomas. 165: Ruser (N) decisloned Ivy. 175: Moore (C decisloned Mulllken. Heavywelsht : Weiss (C) decisloned See mann. Lose to Spartans Nebraska wrestlers lost their n,tiai road triP start aa they bowed to Michigan State at East Lansing, 22-9. Only junior Milt Kuska and sonhomore Geore-e Cockle won their matches, Michi gan State won falls in the 126 and 175 pound divisions, and decisions in the remaining bouts. Sum- nianes , ?21 Pound class: Kuska (N), decisloned Johnson (MS. i26 pound da.: Mernii ms threw mc- sentiment (or Valentine FREE CUt Wrapping On AH Merchandise Purchased for Valentine. Coming l-M week lists games only Thursday night Beta Theta Pi's win over Phi Gamma Delta, 20 to 18 in League 4 of "A" fraternity basketball fea tured the second round of intra mural play last week. Stan Huff man's basket in an extra period gave the Beta's their margin. Only intramural games sched uled next week are Thursday in Leagues 1, 2, and 3 of "A" bas ketball, with eight scheduled in all. The AGR's play Chi Phi, The Kappa Sigma meet Sigma Alpha Mu, and the Phi Psi's play Alpha Sigma Phi In League 1. League 2 games are Acacia-Delta Tau Delta; Phi Sigma Kappa, Zeta Beta Tau, ATO-Beta Sigma Psi. League 3 games are Pi Kappa Alpha-Phi Dclt; Delta Upsilon, Farm House. Newkirk colls golfers Ed Newkirk, golf coach, wishes all aspiring frosh and varsity golf team members to meet in the Coliseum at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon. Connell (N), 3:40. 138 pound class: Cockle (N) decisloned BlRelow (MS). 145 pound class: Martin (MS) decisloned Copple (N). 155 pound class: RlgKB (MS) decisloned Tomes (N). Ifi5 pound class: Brown (MS) decisloned 175 pound class: Hutson (MS) threw Mulllken N), 7:16. Ruser (N). Heavywc:Kht: Darrow (MS) decisloned Seemann (N). The Ohio State university has 60 fraternities and 20 soroiities. Feb. 14, 1940 ft C Accessories 3 tpkfor Valentine tff 5.s MSt fif Mil