a y JO i i V ' ' - - " "S.' :. -- . T. ""'.' . V ' v. . ' . ,J ' I Vv - v . A f y Li I 1 i; 3 " 111 f 1 X i ?:raY "ii:. '-.c.v.v. n ,i"..- ,tt. .Zs- - - J I J if... y i .:;v.; u v :- if 1 Faculty Members "in the Groove" . . . featured a recent Saturday night varieties show at Iowa State Teachers College. Here's Dr. H. A. Riebe of the department of educa tion doing a hot lick on the trumpet. College d9 foo by Wood Di9fl Photo by l-Uilhcock ... r , - v V r . . A ; . i v r . Umif ;l t 1 1L iL Tf 1 i r-' : 3 ...V,''- 7 i"- Protection Dr. R. H. Bullard, Ho bart College professor of chemistry and discover er of chemical com pounds for virtual com plete protection against mustard gas, adjusts a mask on a student as he makes further tests in his laboratory. Acm 200 Years . . . is the time it will take to complete an experiment being started here at Notre Dame University by Robert Irvin. Six cultures of bac teria have just been placed in this cornerstone to de termine how long microbes can exist outside of bodies. I if , i ; vj J " A Real Authority Judged the Beauty Contest Alec Templeton Drew a Record Crowd Helen Silver was a runner-up in the "most . . . when he appeared at Christian College, and seats for his performance were at a premium, ucted at the college last year. Unusual College Pres. J. C. Miller had to do a lot of begging before he could persuade these student is that men compete for honors, too. salesgirls he should get the last ticket. . at Brooklyn College, for Helen Silver was a runner-up in the "most beautiful competition conducted feature of Brooklyn s contest