L rum .iiiii m m i l .in, i HUMmpi ITWw.')i"" rv- m - : v r .y .... .....J . x-...' 1 1 i'v 4 (, C. .11 if 1 I ' I i I - f 1 Cf J. .... ' 1 I " " ft Dressing-up Draws a Laugh A Wabash College professor has just pulled a fast one about the appearance of a Wab caveman who wore a suit to this class in the newly-erected vjoodricn nail Open-air Study in the Southland Examination time is near at hand at the University of Tulsa, and freshman Maxie Miller, Delta Delta Delta pledge, relaxes on the front lawn before beginning her cram session. pto by Mouc . I , Knrling S V 1 i A Dasketfull of Letters for the South Pole Members of the crew of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition's mammoth snow cruiser are foing to have lots of fun during their spare time while in the South Pole region, hey have a bushel-basket of letters written to them by Kent State University women. 1. in f fry 1 a: : 1 -'iJJ h .V i .r , S .X In 1 -7 n ) $10C0 for a New Cocoa Product Harry Freur.d (left), College of the City of New York, receives the prize-money check he won for developing a method of making plastics out of cocoa beans. Acme Sctiot PaWtcrfioM Offkai It! FVti lolldlnl, Mbwftolll, MlmmoU. NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE INC 410 Mxfcton A vM, Nw ftV 400 No. Michifwi Ave, Chictje Sotteti Sm FrancHco Lei Anjttw 4,000 Spectators for a Fraternity Football Game That's the unusual record set at the University of Florida for the annual grid contest between Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta. They have a 99-year contract to play .annually. Money collected is used for charity.