The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1939, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Friday, November 2f, 1939
the women
D. U. Hollywood party tops
busy week-end schedule
Movie sets, cameramen and
(spotlights will create atmosphere
for the Hollywood party which the
Delta Upsilon pledges arc giving
for the actives Saturday night.
The hosts are keeping the nature
of the sets secret, hut they claim
that love scenes will be filmed at
the party. D. U.'s and their dates
will go dressed as anybody from
Mickey Mouse to Harpo Marx.
have been sent by the Alpha Chi
Omega pledges as invitations to
their snow frolic for the actives
Saturday evening. Some of the
dates are: Betty Ellen Kuhns and
Bob Houtchens, Sigma Chi; Kay
Bullock and Bill McConnell, D. U.;
and Mary Lee Adams and Jack
Scott, Sigma Nu.
. Saturday night will be the Delta
Gammas at their open house
party. Mary Elizabeth Stewart
will be there with Phi Psi Jack
Morrow and Ann Thomas with A.
T. O. Chuck Davies.
The Kappa actives will entertain
their pledges at an open house
party Saturday night. The party
will have a prison theme with
bars, policemen and prison in
mates as props. Some of the dates
are: Mary Jean McCarthy and
Bob Lederly, A. T. O.; Marjorie
Melville and Derrill Harlan, Phi
Gam alum; Peggy Elson and Bob
Wherry, D. U.; and Winifred Mar
tyn and Jerry Spahn, Phi Gam.
is the combined Raymond-Love
hall house party Saturday night
in the Raymond ballroom. Some
of the residents and their dates
are: Pat Sternberg and Sigma Chi
Leonard Peltier, Hazel Kelley and
John Bestor, Pat Lockard and
Phi Psi Gordon Johnston, Pat
O'Connor and Sigma Nu Bob Day,
Grace Leaders and Phi Delt Phil
Anwyl, and Frances Drenguis and
Bernard McKean.
will be held at the Sigma Chi
house tonight. Members will have
a parade, complete with a caliope
and decorated cars, when they
pick up their dates. Frank Cou
fal will be with Kappa Jeanne
Newell, Grant Thomas with Theta
Pat Woods and Jack Moore with
Pi Phi Mary Kay Wiles.
Just to be different the Sigma
Alpha Mus are having a themeless
house party tomorrow night. It
ought to be fun!
Thi Sigma Kappa pledges will
entertain the actives tomorrow
night. The party will reflect
Thanksgiving. Dates are: Neil
Morrow and AOPi Margaret Ce
kal, Dallas Knoll and Ann Shea,
Warren Schroeder and Pat War
rens, Dick LaMar and Chi O Mar
ilyn Maxcy. Incidentally, Dick has
just hung his pin on Marilyn!
A Military Brawl will be the
theme of the Alpha Xi Delta house
party, also tomorrow. Invitations
were swords made of silver paper.
candy and cigar passing took
place Monday night when Gord
Worley did the honors at the Theta
Xi house and Dorothy Allen, Chi
O at the University of Maine,
passed the sweets there. They
met this summer while he wa3
there working in a summer resort.
Bus Tiemont, Sigma Nu, and
Mary Vogcl, Theta, passed the ci
gars and candy Monday. Phi Gam
Ray Crancer passed the cigars to
his brothers in honor of Esther
after the game Saturday will be
held by A. O. Pi, Tri Delt, and Pi
More hour dances this weekend
include: Friday, Chi Phi-Kappa
Delta, and Saturday, Phi Psi
Kappa Delta, Kappa Sigma-Theta.
"Be a hobo for an evening" is
the theme of the Newman Club
party which will be held between
8 and 9:30 p. m. at the CYO hall
at 18th and J streets. All members
will trek down in hobo style and
a penalty awaits those who come
in modern dress.
Refreshments will be served In
"hobo style" with tin cups serving
for drinking implements. In addi
tion to refreshments games will be
held including a scavenger hunt,
with prizes going to the winners.
After the party there will be
a dance.
I stood and watched a college
senior try to peel an orange the
other day. He made an awful mess
of the endeavor. I finally con
eluded that no man was truly edu
cated until he knew how to skin
an orange. Here are a few ac
cepted methods.
careers are
opening up'
Governmental director
encourages women
wanting clerical jobs
Opportunities for career service
for women are increasing con
stantly, a study of government
compiled figures on employment
of women in clerical positions re
veals, according to Mrs. Adria C.
Beaver, director of studies of the
Washington school for secretaries.
United States census figures
are cited by Mrs. Beaver to show
that from 1920 to 1930, the period
when office machinery and equip
ment was coming into general use,
the number of clerical workers in
creased by nearly 30 percent while
the total population of the coun
try increased only about 16 percent.
Even more startling figures
cover the period from 1900 to 1930,
when the population gained about
61 percent with the number of
clerical workers increasing by
more than 300 percent.
They used to be men.
An interesting sidelight on the
particular appeal of office work to
women as a career is shown by the
percentage of stenographers and
typists who were women in 1870
as contrasted by the percentage
in 1930. Slightly less than 5 per
cent of the 1870 stenographers
were women, while in 1930 the
percentage was somewhat over 95.
Based on government statistics,
Mrs. Beaver, in a bulletin pre
pared for students of the school in
Washington and the companion
school in New York, predicts that
these opportunities will continue
to expand with the development
and improvement of office ma
chinery. For, according to the figures,
the greatest expansion in office
careers for women as well as men
has occurred during the period
when the modern office equipment
was being Invented and coming
into general use.
Mrs. Beaver also finds as a re
sult of her survey that the im
proved equipment of offices has
attracted in recent years a higher
type of employe. This improved
condition of the worker, she ex
plained, is unquestionably due to
the persons of higher education
who are being attracted to office
When it comes to jewelry,
well-dressed women pick
sentimental rings, lockets
After the Oklahoma Game
Featuring Blonde Jeanne YflrncII Vocalist
By Bette Rathburn.
Pearls ranging from one dainty
strand to any number are still
very popular for formal wear and
look stunning with most any color
or style of dress. Something dif
ferent in necklaces is a five strand
row of cleverly arranged cascading
pearls dropping from two golden
chains, which quiver with your
every movement.
Crested rings, bracelets and
lockets, which have sentimental as
well as ornamental value, will be
worn with formals this year as
And for the new heavier type of
lewelrv Gold outshines all else.
Wilma Comstock DG r.doi-ns her
simple maroon velvet formal with
a heavy elaborate gold necklace in
the center of which is a large tour-
qouise stone.
Pear shaped rhinestones.
A necklace of brilliant rhine
stones sets off a strapless white
evening gown. Tiny glittering
pear shaped rhinestones, beauti
fully arranged in four rows and
dangling from the smallest of sil
ver chains. With this is a brace
let to match.
For the new up-sweep in coif
fures, madamoiselle may wear a
rhinestone hair clip of Lillies of
the Valjey to sweep the curls up
from the temple.
Back to 'baby aprons.'
For the sophisticated black form
al, a gilt bib of many chains and
a cuff of chains for the wrist add
the finishing touch.
Another charming necklace Is
one of enameled gilt with jade and
onyx drops down the front.
Mary Louise Simpson, Pi Phi
pledge, wears a wide, heavy neck
lace of amber stones inlaid in
gold. The center is a cluster of
smaller stones grouped in a circle
with a background of gold.
Alpha Chi Marilynn Harper goes
a-glitter with a blue rhinestones
of tiny squares arranged in one
row with bracelet to match. The
necklace looks stunning with her
dark blue velveteen formal.
Jane Shire has a novel necklace
consisting of a tiny procelain in
pansy with a small diamond in the
center, with the locket part at
tached to a tiny black velvet ribbon.
K a star in the sta-
diiiiii wear the newest,
cleverest fashions, found
yOU'LL like these long
haired, warm mitts,
that a iv dramatic to wear
with your sport things.
Colors include green, gold, hrown,
wine and white. Do have a pair to
wear to the game!
Wonirn'i (lovr Mrerl floor,
that come just below your knees!
85c ra!r
Young as your grade
school fashions
smart for sports wear.
Of rihhed lisle, attrac
tive pattern.
HoiUery trtel f loor.