Friday, November 21, 1939 The DAILY NEBRASKAN SEVEN Cornhuskers meet Sooners in game to determine second place holder; winner can tie for title if Missouri loses Huskers go against team they have been pointing for since season's start; Henry Rohn probably out Nebraska's Cornhuskers and shoulder. The Sooners second Oklahoma's Sooners come to the string backfield which has J. S. end of their 1939 football seasons Munsey, Marvin Whited, Johnny tomorrow afternoon as the two Martin and Jack Jacobs, drove to teams fight it out for second place the Sooner touchdown against the In the Big Six standings, and for Tigers and should see plenty of ac a possible share of the title. tion. Bill Jennings and Orville Seven seniors, three of them Matthews, star halfbacks, are etarters, will be finishing their ca- other Oklahoma threats, reers for Biff Jones. They are: Henry Rohn soph Husker full Jack Ashburn and Sam Schwartz- back who suffered a head injury kopf, co-captains; George Seeman, against Pitt, likewise will prob the other starter; Bill Herrmann, ably see the game from the bencn Bob Ramey, George Porter and Bob Ramey and Bus Knight were Ad Dobson are the other seniors. in sweat clothes last night as the The game, which a month ago Huskers worked on pass defense, was touted as the "big game" of and there is a question as to the conference season has lost wnether Ramey's injured knee will that meaning as both teams have be healed sufficiently for him to see much action tomorrow. Butch ft N GEORGE KNIGHT WALT 1. 1 llll ll. Lincoln Journal and Star. been beaten by the Tigers, but H.c nearly completed a game-win-there is still much at stake. nS Alton Coppage in the 0 : . - e final minutes but Paul Christman Point for Sooners. ,eaped hjgh to barely defect the The Huskers have been pointing ball and save the game for the for Oklahoma ever since the sea- Tigers. son started, and would like to give Nebraska will be outweighed in Biff Jones his first win at Nebras- the line, as the Sooner forward ka over an Oklahoma team. Jones, wan averages around ten pounds who coached at the Sooner school heavier to the man. Tackle Gil before coming here, tied the Okla- Duggan weighs 211 and Guard homans two years ago, and lost Manley and Tackle Bowers are rLyeor' u-, v. 212 Pounders. Smallest man in the - The Sooners, meanwhile will be hnc is Centcr Speegle at 176 out to make up for their defeat at em1g Shirk an j , h m the hands of Missouri last Satur- and 190 respectively, and Guard day. and the 13 seniors on the StevCnson weighs in at 1S5 team who were freshmen under Oklahoma is given a slight pre Biff Jones, are anxious for a vie- e ed b d t Q tory over their old coach They tne Sooneg h have never beaten the Huskers on fcraska fc u , boast Nebraska soil and are anxious to ,.. Y.tIO, , , b,k the iinv- btrong reserves and a galaxy of Seymour out. A .'.,- 1 . M.Yn AIUUIUIHK IU WUIU 1IUII1 VJJWrt- homa Sevmour is out of the because of a brain concussion suf- fered last Saturday. He will prob- ably be replaced by John Martin or Eyron Potter, a big fullback transfer who is playing his first oiui last year ai h.iamma. Favor may be out because Of a head injury, and C ark was ham- I wiDOllv.i ,iM, . . pered at Missouri With a bad 'Y advisors give talks Four faculty men discuss group's duties Members of the university Y. M. C. A. faculty advisory board made short, informal talks last night following the annual "Y" membership supper held in lemple, discussing what they con sidered important functions of the organization. Dr. W. R. Bailer of the teachers college, chairman of the board served, presided. Prof. C. H. Patterson of the philosophy department stated that one aim of the organization should be that of keeping ever distinct the line between Christian ways and un-Christlan practices, adding that in his opinion the "Y" was accomplishing this aim to a fairly successful degree. Dr. B. C. Hendricks, chemistry department, told the forty new and old members present at the gathering that two Important fea tures of the "Y" functioning were the encouragement of a non -sectarian attitude and of a broad out look on life. Prof. C. E. Rosenquist, adviser for the ag rampua "Y," pointed out that the organization should be, and is, a pioneer, stating that the ag campus group furnished the material now being used by the college in its orientation and epeaking courses. Prof. L. A. Bingham, electrical engineering, declared that another leading service performed by the association is that of providing clean fellowship. During the In formal discussion the group Luther was back in his old half back post after favoring a bad ankle most of the week. The Sooners are aiming at Ne braska's vulnerable pass defense which has been weak all year. However, they realize Nebraska has been beaten but once and tied once, so are concentrating on de fense against the powerful Husk er scoring thrusts. Jacobs stars. Jacobs, a sophomore and an In dian, played only 18 minutes against the Tigers, but won ac claim from eastern sports writers covering the game as he completed five of twelve passes for 63 yards including Oklahomas touchdown. fast 200-pound tackles. Probable starting lineups: Nrl.riska smnnn Oklahoma Shirk Pucffan 51anley pcnhlJiarrtzkopf hwartzkopr (co-capt.) KiRht hpp Fpecsle Stevenson Bov.eri Favor Clark Fr.mri Jenninci Officials: Referee. Pwlirht Ream. Wnnh. P"- u,rar'!rev.h " PP' e Brown; field J'HlKe. Jack North. Highland Park; head linesman. John Waldorf, Misouri. Union honors grid seniors Seven get recognition at dance tomorrow Recognition for the efforts of the seven graduating senior mem bers of the team will be given by the Union Saturday night when the seven are introduced at the dance to be held after the Okla homa game. The seven, Jack Ashburn, George Seeman, Sam Schwartz kopf, Bob Ramey, Adna Dobson, George Porter, and Bill Herrmann, will be presented by one of the cheerleaders at 10:30 p. m. Because of the repeated com plaints that the crowds were too large whenever the Unioa brought a big orchestra, the ticket sales to Saturday's party will be limited. Val Grayson and his orchestra will play at the dance. The orchestra is being brought to the Union from Chicago. After the Saturday's engagement here, the orchestra will go to Detroit. The dance will begin at 9 p. m. Admission will be 50 centa a per son. briefly considered the advisability of attempting pioneer work in the field of men's housing. Geology visitors John lnkster . '27 and Edward Vandenburg of Scottsbluff were recent visitors in the department of geology. lnkster Is on the ataff of the Shell Petroleum corporation at Wichita, Kas. By June Bierbower. This, day of days, is one of great importance. As you may have noticed, we've devoted a lit tle space to the fact that tomor row seven Husker seniors will be playing their last game for the Huskers. Well, today yours truly is, for the last time in her career, pick ing the outcome of a Husker game. For next year is i'J40, anu by that time the cold, cold world will have gotten us either tnrougn graduation or fatigue. So we're promising sometmng extra special this time. Last Fri day night we had a dream. It was that Nebraska beat Pittsburgh 21- 13. It was pretty close at that, so perhaps if you're laying bets you'd better wait and ask us sat urday morning. Our dream the night before the Minnesota game was that the Huskers would beat the Gophers but lose to Missouri. Those are the only two prognosticating dreams we've had, but they come out to pretty near a 1.000 per centage. But to the business at hand. Nebraska has a tough game ahead, but they know it, having pointed for the Sooners since the season was young. Nebraska has a weak pass defene, but they and everyone else know it. Oklahoma can be beaten, as Missouri proved in the mud Saturday, when the Tigers, who depended on passing, were naturally the team the mud would hamper most. Of course, the Sooners don't want to lose. But we're picking Nebraska maybe by those seven points they didn t get against Pitt The Huskers are going out there to explode for Biff Jones and Ne braska, and we feel they're going 10 lane tne oiu ball game. One of the greatest hie:h school athletes in Nebraska historv Dlavs nis last prep school game tonight. . . . hes Howard DeBus, Lincoln high ace, who will square off against Grand Island. ... if any or you read our column yesterday, you saw two items both of which seemed to say the same thing except for the fact the first one said it in less words. . . . they were both about Nebraska and Oklahoma. . . . the last one was the one we wrote first, then dis carded in favor of the first one . . . but some enterprising soul seems to have liked the original diatribe, as there it was tacked on the end of yesterday's column . . . Kansas has a six-foot eiirht inch freshman basketball player . . . his name s John Hallbcrsr. . and you passing fans, don't for get, Herm Rohrig has completed zi or 41 tor z(j3 yards. i' Wlufi better dressed? A liberal portion of hand kerchief la your breast pocket (ire you a final touch of imartnes. Coma In today and get sonic handsome Arrow handker rhlefg for a little a 2 Sc. And wear one always. 71 XI. ,v cliloriai!ij By June Bierbower. Once every ye:ir the job of writing an editorial a football editorial is dished out to the sports editor. Today, before the last game of the 1939 season, and before the last collegiate ap pearance of seven of the team ittle reminder to the football Tliis is it: The Nebraska n'oud, above all, that the boys ield are Nebraska boys almost playing, not minor-league professional ball, but who do so simply because they love the game. And we are proud of your arther in the football world this irethren were hoping, and both cen beaten in one year for the Last Friday's tragedy naturally snuffed out any celebra tion of that victory over Pitt. every last Nebraska student morning, too was proud to be And that's another thing times, especially when you're here's not a lot of fiery spirit probably read about the holidays, the bonfires, the ceremonies, the speeches they re having over are winning. Yes, the Hawkeyes are fine But student morale was pretty they weren't. Nebraska didn't Nebraska students and citizens team. And they're still doing it demonstrative about it at times. team, even though they don t shout it out to the slues. They like it when you win, yes and, more wnen you lose. Atter all any There wasn t any "lire sentiment after you lost to Missouri. That loss hurt every Ne braska student just like it hurt you. But neither of us quit. So to the coaching staff and the team especially the sen iors. We want you to whip Oklahoma even worse than you think. There's nothing more we can say to you about the game except to ask you to remember, as you take the field tomor row afternoon, "We'll all stick er." If you win, we'll celebrate but if you don't we're still proud of you. You have Arrow to be thankful for! SURE you're a smoothie and rate the generous welcome home, but Arrow claims a small measure of credit for the build-up. Thank Arrow for 1. The famous Arrow col lars on your shirts. 2. The Mitoga cut shaped to your torso. 3. Sanforized-shrunk (fab ric shrinkage less than 1) means a perman ent fit. 4. Anchored buttons that never pull off. 5. Exclusive patterns and high count fabrics. ARROW SHIRTS COLLARS . . . TIES . . . HANDKERCHIEFS . . . UNDERWEAR pealiin members, we're addressing a team. campus is proud of you. "We are representing us on the football without exception, who are fine record. Nebraska has come year than even the optimisftc Pittsburgh and Minnesota have first time in history. But, Huskers, you know that Saturday night and Monday a Cornhusker. Cornhusker spirit. I know, some not playing a big name team, noticeable around here. You've at Iowa because the Hawkeyes and dandy they're winning. low over there last year when win much last year, either, but alike stuck by their football even though they're not very They're thinking about their important they stick with you one can love a winner. the coach and bench the team together in all kinds of wer "i- 6. Authentic university styles. Before leaving the cam pus stock up on some new Arrows and set the home town agog. $2 up. I TO BP?