It Tlic DAILY NERTtASKAN Thursday. November 2. 1939 ' .. . & I'MTORS Moviea Morton Margolin Drama MUalieth Clark Itadin Mary Kerrigan Music ujji H ilhins Bernie's program scores again . . . Entertainment . . . MUSIC Homecoming party brings Rhoades Dare Haun at Union Saturday; Frost at Kings Maitoni at Turnpike Dusty Rhoades, popular vocalist and entertainer, brings his own band to Lincoln next weekio uir irish the music for the Corn Cob and Tassel homecoming danre. During the last two years Dusty and his orchestra, which records for both Victor and Columbia, have played hit engagements wherever they have been booked. Those attending the homecoming dance, which will be held November 11 in the student union, are sure to give their endorsement to the popular leader, who earned his remitntinn dnrin? his eieht years as a soloist with the S. S. Ted Fio-Rito, Ted Weems' orchestra and the band on the S. S, Levia than. First timer This coming week end the Turn pike will bring a new orchestra to Lincoln. Johnny Maitoni and his 12 piece band will furnish mu sic at the "pike" next Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. This band is enroute to the Rain bow ballroom in Denver after playing a successful season in Ohio. Jack Frost is another new TODAY! CLIFFORD ODETS' Moody. .7 HI LOVES LORN A I Famous stage success now filmed into one of the most mrrrtn evnerl- F " v. , ences of the yea Barbara STANWYCK William MENJOU Roxy . . . HI WANTS THI .BOY TO WIN I GOLDEN 11 f . 1 1,1,1 ' Anno . SHI LOVES IIOOIII 1 - . N"" ? ill Movie clock N e b ras k a "The Roaring Twenties," 1:00, 3:14, 5:20, 7:34, 9.48. Lincoln "The Day the Book ies Wept," 2:21, 4:55, 7:29, 10:03. "On Trial," 1:07, 3:41, 6:15, 8:49. Varsity -"Golden Boy," 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20, 9:25. Stuart "Nurse Edith Ca vell," 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 9:53. Kiva "Wuthering Heights," 2:40, 6:10, 9:20. "There's That Woman Again," 1:25,4:50,8:00. orchestra leader who plays in Lin coln next Saturday. Playing at King's, Frost and his orchestra are fresh from bookings in Louis ville and Chicago ballrooms. Next Wednesday King's ballroom brings Dick Miller and his 12 piece band back to Lincoln. This Louisiana dance orchestra made a hit at the Ag College dance last Friday. Tomorrow night Dave Haun and his local musicians play for the dance in the Student Union ball room. Gene Peiper plays again at the Pla-Mor on Saturday and Sun day. jrom lard to verse CORN CRIB COEDS The little coeds who eat in the Crib, Come to the door and how they can fib. "I'll sit with my four friends over there," So a waiter kindly brings them a chair. They finally are seated and give tneir order, And then commence to scan the border. They see a booth across the aisle, They're up in a jiffy and in they pile. After they'd promised to sit with a friend, They break their promise and really offend. Now I say dear girls, isn't it very unKina, To break a contract that really should hind. When finally settled, why not be content. And share the booths like a Duke of Kent. A Waiter. University of Wyoming stu dents last year spent $64,500 in membership dues in student or ganizations. S23.373.75 was for national dues, pins and initiation fees. CAN YOU IIAIWK? If net, learn now. Hrglnnlnf, torlal dancing tlat alarti Salnrday Evening, Not. 4. From 7:. HI to M V. M. CUARAMFK YOl! TO DAM.K IN 6 MASONS (Special Rate to Stndentu) HIVING KUKLIiW a0 1210 P St. L'TMV:. Phone 2-1616 l.ndi TOMTE! "HTTHKRINO 1IKIGIITS" There'! That Woman Again' : TOMORROWI The atory uf a i nuard and four v h I t f trathrm hat arnt him Into i thouaand nrrlli to Melt redemp tion! "FOUR FEATHERS'' IN TECHNICOLOR with Ralph RICHARDSON C. Aubrey SMITH 'I'lu.r. om,,h" Sherlda. In "WINTPT CARNIVAL" "'hnrd carlann KIVA n i 3 MOVIES... Adapted plays monopolize movie menu Most recent trend to take Holly wood by .storm in the selection of its story material has been the adaptation of recent Broadway hits More and more the stories for the big pictures are not or- iginating on studio row oui on Broadway. Newest film of this type to open in Lincoln is based on Clifford Drt's "Golden Bov." opening to day at the Varsity, which was pro duced last year by the Group Theatre. Other recent pictures io follow this trend were "The Wom en," and "The Old Maid." - Twn outstanding results of the general housecleaning undertaken Jor lYnnrr will try tn mk jron luli In "Thf lny thf Kmiklr W-t". Olfnlng today l thf Lincoln. hv the film industry a few weeks am nr thp reduction of staffs and a rigid censorship on the conduct of stars wniie away irom tne studios. All excess employees nave been cut from the studio payrolls, and much waste ana duplication has been done awav with. Censorship of the private lives of stars will probably ena tne pe riod during wnicn tney were no torious for their side show habits of dress. Studio rules recently published ban sioucn jacKeis, sandals and slacks. In the words of one studio "A reasonable deco rum of dress is demanded. If, as Frank Fogarty, commis sioner of the Omaha chamber of commerce, told business adminis tration students the other nieht. the business men build cities, it is a few famous individuals who make the cities well known. For examnle. who ever heard of Clare more, Okla. until the late Will See MOVIES, Page 5. TODAY! MTARRINO 101 lltfA V YOUNG NIVEH ',V -I i -v 1 -yy,:;;' t. . It Movei To The r LIBERTY! a"' 'Z M i Hunh HERBERT Blllle BURKE t i"T; s7 8P0T ON 13TH ST ): if y prnci u 1 . I I ir: t ' didri i t taKe Ben bernie lo ng to sign the Bailey Sisters, inn. anH Sm. after ha heard th em at the Palmer House in Chi- t RADIO... Operatic premiere goes on air Today is the world premiere of "Blenncrhassett," radio opera written by Vittorio Giannini, 1932 Prix de Rome winner, on commis sion for CBS. . . . It's at 9 p. m. over KFAB. . . . Philip Ansel Roll wrote the libretto which deals with an incident based on the famous conspiracy of Aaron Burr who formed his plot at Blenncr hassett Island in Ohio River. . . . Also today. . . . Two eighth anniversaries are celebrated when "Myrt and Marge" comes on at 9:15 a. m. and "Vox Pop" is broadcast at 6:30. . . . ''Myrt and Marge" began their radio career in Chicago Nov. 2, 1931. . . . Only three of the orig inal cast Myrt (Myrtle Vail). Marge (Donna Damerel) and Clarence (Ray Hedge) are now heard in the serial. . . , Eight years ago in Houston, Texas, Parks Johnson gave his first "Vox Pop" broadcast as n new idea in interviewing passers by on their opinions about any thing ana everyming. ... lie ana Wally Butterworth observe the anniversary in typical fashion with a broadcast from New York's Hotel McAlpin's lobby. . . . "Drums Alone the Mohawk." new technicolor production star ring Claudette Colbert and Ilfnry Fonda, will be previewed by Kute Smith and her variety hour troup ers tomorrow evening ai . . . . The two stars will be heard in the radio premiere. . . . The program, except for Abbott and Costello who are piped in New York, orig- : a t ii. mates in iiouywooo. . . , Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Paul Whiteman, Lanny Ross and Edith Meiser grace the CBS pro gram tomorrow afternoon at 3, celebrating Girl Scout Week. . . . Mrs. Roosevelt, member of the Girl Scout national board of direc tors, traveler and author, is prin- IN PERSON MRS. Franklin D. Roosevelt Friday Evening November 3 Special Slmlvnt Iteterrvtl Serlion litkvt Admission . upon prfsrntatlon Idrnliflration Card. On kalr now Hludrnt In in n Olfirf l.lmilrd numbrr available. mmmjL .v. . .vi. A. cago last spring. They are feat ured regularly vmn ine -oia maestro's" orchestra Sundays a 4:30 p. m. You answer, he pays i Swinging the schoolbell, Jim Me Williams steps to the "Ask -It-Basket" microphone and calls his "children" to order. Four "lucky" contestants, chosen from the studio audience, face Jim's barrage of questions and compete for awards every Thursday at 7 p. in. cipal speaker. . . . Whiteman, dean of American band leaders, is or chestra guest conductor. . . . Lanny will sing several selections. . . . Miss Meiser, one of radio's best known script writers, presides at the broadcast. . . . "Columbia's American School of the Air" 1939-40 session is less than a month old, but educators and students from all parts of the country are turning to their pens to tell Sterling Fisher, director, of See RADIO, Page 3. JV to DAVE HAUN'S Orchestra 9 to 12 FRIDAY, Nov. 3 IOC Person : f I I STUDENT UNION