5 l i -f ii i nrrinn Sunday, October 29, 1 939 Tlie DAILY NEBIUSKAN to toeie State 2S-9 (Continued from Page 1.) tcrccptcd Sicks' pass and after a beautiful downfield drive, went over from the two. lie missed the try from placement. In the same quarter, Eddie Schwartzkopf, Lincoln sophomore sprawled on Seelye's fumble on the Wildcat 24 and Butch Luther Bcampered over on the next play. Hopp again failed at placement. In the fourth quarter, Rohrig flung a high hard one to Bob DeFruiter who raced six yards to the corner of the end zone. Rohrig added Nebraska's first extra point. The timer had his gun in the air and most of the 15,000 spec tators here began filing for the exits when Kansas State staged a desperate rally that netted one touchdown. Seelye passed to Barnhardt from the Husker 13, Nichols, in the game's dying mo ments, missed the try for extra f point. -r A last minute passing attack I against a Husker team sprinkled with third stringers scored for the K-Staters. The Nebraskans got out of a hole after the Wildcats had a pass ruled complete be cause of interference on Duwe by Ken Simmons. Hermie Rohrig punted a 77 yarder from his 12 to the K-State 11. But Seelye tossed a long one to Peters for 38 yards, and on the next play the K-Staters recov ered after Bob DeFruiter fumbled a pass he had intercepted. Seelye tossed to Peters for five, then to Barnhard for the touchdown. The attempted kick by Nichols was wide, and the game ended soon afterward. . Rohrig got off two kicks of over 75 yards, as he, Luther, Hopp and DeFruiter were the best Husker backs. The forward wall turned in fine performance, especially in the second half. The alert Husker backs were covering most of the Wildcat passes until the final I march, allowing them a .500 av I erage on completions. Alfson, Ed A Schwartzkopf, Burruss, Abel h Preston, Seeman and Kahler were line standouts. Kent Duwe, soph fullback, was the big offensive noise for the Wildcats. Duwe was consistently plunging thru the Husker line for nice gains. Seelye was tossing fine passes, while Beezley, Weiner, Hamlin and Crumbaker looked good in the line. The K-Staters outgaincd N. U. statistically but couldn't cash in on their chances while Nebraska was hopping on every opportunity. Nebraska was rather badly out played in the statistics but played for the breaks and that was what paid off in touchdowns. Lineups and summary: Nebraska - Kan. Mini Sceniunn le Swunson R. Kahler It Welner R. Schwartzkopf . . . . Ig Beezley Hurruai e Hamlin Alfson tk Huff H. Schwartzkupf. .. .rt Huffman Ash burn re Crumbaker I'etsoh qh Brock KohrlK Ih Nlrmnn Luther rb Duwe Dobsnn (G. C. ) . . . . fl, Fnir Official: Referee, I)wlKht Ream. Wash burn; umpire, H. J. Firkins, Iowa State: llneiiman. Urady Sklllern, Oklahoma; field Judge, Parke Carroll. Kansai City U. Nebraska 0 12 7-25 K Stat A 0 3 0 6-9 Touchdown: Nebraska Rohrlir. Luther, DeFruiter, Hopp; Kansas State-Barnhardt. Try for point: Nebraska Rohrig (place kirk). Field goal: Kansai Stale-Brock (place- VI,-11 V-W Substitutions: Nebraska Ends. Preston. i.iiowick, K. rroennska; tackles: Herndon i)ehm, Muskln; guards: Munaky, llerr JWk m it i By June Bierbower The Huskers won again yester day, and once again the boys came back to their old opportunist hab its... they were outdowned, and outyarded both in the air and on the ground, but they let K-State make the mistakes, and then cashed in on them... like three years ago when the Huskers won 40-0 at Lincoln. . .that 80 yard punt return of Hermie Rohrig's was a beaut. . .Hermie had some wonderful blocking as he caught the ball on his own 20 toward the west sideline, then swung over to the east side and sprinted on to the goal. Sophomores were the boys who recovered those two fumbles that set up scores for the Huskers.. Eddie Schwartzkopf recovered Melvin Seelye's bobble on the re state 24, and Butch Luther scored the third touchdown on a reverse again... the boys just couldn't be away from those scoring reverses more than a week, and today's was the fourth reverse the Huskers had used t score. . .remember they skipped against Baylor... and Luther is now Husker high point scorer with 18 points, all three touchdowns having come on re verses. .. Kent Duwe, that fine sophomore plunger lived up to his reputation yesterday. . .on the K Staters march to a field goal he got 36 yards thru the line. Beta's win golf, tennis l-M titles Gopher game makes Cuban NU fan; writes for pep song Nebraska U's latest synthetic alumnus is from Habana, Cuba, in the form of one Luis Cereijo, who was so affected by the broadcast of Nebraska's victory over Minnesota, that he wrote a letter to the Nebraska athletic deDartmcnt. Beta Theta PI players won both The letter, which follows here, tells in itself more than a story the intramural tennis and golf could. Mr. Cereijo got the song for which he asked "Dear Old Ne championships last week as Beta braska U" from the athletic department. It's good to know that the " TT...1 1 1 J A. 11 i 1 . A. -f I players beat the Delts in the ten- ""Tv, S ? JZ S rat.es up mm iew in ere.jo s opinion, r, ' . , , a. , , with those of Northwestern, Yale, Notre Dame and Southern Cal, nis finals, and the Phi Delts in whlcn are thruout the country; golf finals. And if you are ever inclined to think the Huskers haven't any Leon Davis, Hastings red-head spirit well, just get out Cereijo's letter and read it. It follows: star, captained the Beta's through out the season as they beat Sigma Nu in the first round, Delta Up silon In the second round, the Sig Alphs in the semi-finals, and the Delts in the finals. Keith Howard played No. 2 for the team, and George Cockle was third man. Davis wins. Davis beat Ed Dosek and How ard beat Dick Gellatly in the first two matches of the finals, so the tussle between Cockle and Jack Cates of the Delts was called off after a set since the Beta's had the title cinched. The Delts beat Chi Phi in the first round, the Kappa Sigs in the second and Phi Sigma Kappa in the semi-finals. The Sig Alphs beat the Phi Sigs for third place. The golf team came through to a 7',i to l'2 win over the Phi Delts in the finals. Only three men needed to win for the Beta's, a fourth match being called off since the winners had an unsurmount able lead at the end of three matches. Wiedmann wins. Jack Wiedmann, the Beta's No, 1, beat Chuck Oldfather, Phi Delt, 2 to 1; Sid Held, Beta No. 3 won 3 points and lost none to Charley Harris, while Frank Vette won 2V and lost a half to Phil Anwyl. Jack Hyland, Beta No. 2, and Harmann Goetze, Phi Delt's second best, didn't play. The Beta s won their way to the finals by beating the ATO's, the Alpha Sigma Phi s, and the Sig Alphs. The Phi Delts had won from the Kappa Sigs, DU's and bigma Nu s. However, it was his fumble which was recovered by soph Ken bimmons which gave NU the op portunity for their fourth touch down . . . Rohrig passed to Knieht. then to DeFruiter for the last score ...it came after two minutes were gone in the fourth quarter, The other touchdown came when Hopp interested a pass early in the second half and got to the K State 40... He plunged over from the two with six and one-half min utes gone and then two minutes later the Huskers had recovered their other fumble and scored... that makes the second Saturday in a row Nebraska has scored two touchdowns in the third quarter in less than nine minutes. K-State is the first team to score against Nebraska on a pass ...Seelye passed to Bernhardt over the Husker goal . . . K-State gained 115 yards on passes, quite a few of them when the Huskers had reserves in the secondary... the backs in when K-State scored were third stringers with the ex ception of Hermie Rohrig... how mann, Abel, Stearns: centers: Ramey meier; quanerDacKS, Knignt, T, Thomp son, Porter; halfbacks: DeFruiter, Rohrig Bob Kahler; fullbacks. Rohn, Simmons Kansas State Ends: Barnhardt, Munxer, McUutchen, Peters; tackles: Raemar, Ie hord; guards: Huff, Nichols. Fairman Nlcmollrr; center: Hannah: quarterbacks Seelye, Sicks; halfbacks: Langvardt, Kirk Tlmmons; fullback: Wllklns. Officials: Referee, PwlEht Ream, Wash- hum; umpire, B. J. Firkins, Iowa State lineman, tirady Sklllern, Oklahoma; field JuriKc, Parke Carroll, Kansas City U. NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 2-7193 Serving Students for 22 Years Dunlap Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St. TYPEWRITERS for SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter .Co. ISO No. I.'th St. t-31.1? LINCOLN, NKHR. BALLROOM TAP GUARANTEE TO TEACH YOU PRIVATE LESSONS Bt APPOINTMENT Select Studies Luis Cereijo Padre Varela Street 917. Habana, Cuba. Havana, October 14th, 1939. Director of Athletics At Nebraska University Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear sir: Though I take the liberty of addressing you without mentioning your name I beg you to forgive me for it and when you do it I'll be satisfied. I write this letter to you with the purpose to obtain the college marches of Nebraska University especially "Dear Old Ne braska" for I am making a collection of the most famous Universi ties in U.S.A. and I have pointed Nebraska to join in my collection. I have already got to my collection "Go. U. Northwestern" from Northwestern U.; "Victory March" from Notre Dame; "Fight On" from Southern California U.; "Boola Boola" from Yale U. and I hope the next will be Nebraska college marches. I like very much football and in snort I like it the best. I en joyed last Saturday October 7th hearing through the C.B.S. how the "Cornhuskers" ot Nebraska defeated the always mighty and power- tui eleven ot Minnesota 6-0 oh boy! that game made a glorious day on Nebraska U. history. Yeah siree! to push a powerful team of big mastoaontes as mighty Minnesota back to crash and fall on bitter defeat is not an easy job, you have to fight each minute, each sec ond, eacn moment of game, fight hard even to have yourself be brought out of game on a stretcher because if you don't have your eyes wide opened a minute, there is the loss of your game! I am a boy twenty years old. I Dlaved foot-ball here with the friends around town and thouah I am not a critic. sDort-writer or else, I know the "Cornhuskers" of Nebraska had to fight hard every indues ot ine Tieia to lead tnis game to a final score of 6-0. That's why Nebraska ought to be proud of their "Cornhuskers". I hope I will get some others games of Nebraska and then I will pray for your victory. I anxious expect your kindly reply and let you know that here far away Nebraska University have the admiration of a tvui-Dau aamirer Affectionately yours, Luis Cereijo (Signed) ever, there's a guy named Paul Christman coming up Saturday, and the Huskers will do well to be on guard. . .Butch Luther, instead of running smoothly as in the first Luther, Weekes, Grace score as white f rosh dump Greenies Amen-coached squad piles up 2 touchdowns, goal over Mills boys in contest on new practice field With Dick Luther, Cambridge; four games, was rocking when he Ernie Weck of 0mah c t , carried the ball today... it makes . him much harder to stop... Luther and EuSene Grace, Neligh, doing did some fine ball carrying. . .and the scoring, the Amen coached Eddie Schwartzkopf was in there frosh defeated the green shirt again today. . .besides recovering freshman leam 17.0 Fri(, that fumble he was in on the play t 3 nract ca v everv time a K-K afpf """ xuu ima vuauuuu uie ios- was stopped. Nebraska ball starts at Ag Practice for Nebraska ball, first team sport for ag coeds, has been held every night this week at the ers in the tilt, which was played on the new practice field. The first scoring play in the game was a field goal, which Luther kicked early in the second quarter, booting the ball at a diffi cult angle from the 24 yard line, Luther rushes pass. Shortly after making the field student activities building with &oal- Luther rushed an attempted .rnnri nttAndanA nt Kiinh a.irn Pass by the green shirts, and Mrs. Jean Danielson. women's Johnny Goodsell, Omaha, recov- r,hvir.Qi .Hi.tii intnir.tr.r on red on the Green 11 yard stripe. ag campus, said yesterday. first touchdown of the game Monday, girls who have '"" 1IU',U P'y. in nttnnfieri nr lenst on of the which a placekick was faked; practices will be assigned to teams Bradley passing to Weekes to ana a tournament win re neia, " i" Mrs Danlelson nairl ns she an- "CK Wa3 good for the extra point. nounced the organization of the 1X1 ine U11 period, the Greens a? women's intramural sDorts tiro- m"de a bad pass from center, giv- gram. Any girls who wish to play in th Whites the ball on the but have not been to Dractice can Green 20. After several line attend either tonight or Friday smashes, Grace plunged over for evening between 5 and 6 at the activities building, Tournament games will be played between 5:15 and 6 Mon day and Tuesday evenings. The bulletin board in the building will carry team assignments and game schedules Monday, Tennis and ping pong tourna ments are also scheduled for the girls, with this evening the dead line for entering. There will be both begiMK-rs' and veterans' di vision!, the physical education in structor stated. ring pong tables and paddles are available in the activities building for the use of both men and women students, Mrs. Daniel son said the second touchdown. Luther con verted again. The Whites outclassed the Greens in every quarter and for most of three periods the ball was deep in the Green territory. The passing of Dale Bradley, former Bethany ace, was outstanding. The lineup and summary or the game: Whites Greens ".race le Kuthol Kordy It Hennings Roberts 1; Johannes Pa hi i c (C) Bauer Irick i R. Bradley Goodsell rt McNiitt Davles (C) re Inula Luther q' Mcthcny O. Bradley Ih Athcy Kroulk rh Thompson Kebal fb Find lay Score by periods: Whites 0 10 7 0 IT Creens 0 0 0 0 0 Touchdown: Grace, Weekes. Try for point: Luther 2 (I'laceklcks). Field goal: Luther Plai-eklck. Substitutions: Krlcke, Byler, Partington, Lemmerman, CleaveiiKer, Bonahoom, Han son, Marrow, Sheldon, Hood, M. Kuaka, Bryant, Brendal, Poe, Fisher, Taylor, Huffman, Nyden, Von Goeti, Kelly, Salis bury. Referee: Bill Pfelff, Nebraska. A total of $18,625 in gifts from twelve different sources was ac cepted by the University of Wis consin board of regents recently. Take R.O.T.C. pictures R. O. T. C. infantry and engineer units, will have their pictures taken for the Cornhusker this week. Tictures will be taken at the campus studio. Thursday. Nov. P. m. ; K, 4 p. H, 8 . m. ; I, 2: m. Friday, Nov. 3: 1., 11 a. m. Hiiturdny, Nov. 4: M, 9 a. m. Monday, Nov. 6: A, 11 a. in.; p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 7: C, 11 a. m. J p. m.; K, 4 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 8: F, t I, m, p. m. Knirlneers, Friday, Nov. 27: A, 11 a. ni.! B, D, a, "When I was a girl . . . "Everything was a lot more dif ficult. When we wanted to buy or sell something we had to hunt all over town to find a buyer or seller. We would just wear our selves out! But now everything is so different and easy. To get results, all students have to do is insert a low cost result-getting Daily Nebraska Classified Ad." And the cost is only 10c a line. LUELLA WILLIAMS 1S1 No. Ith i : ! i 1 1 i i Rf Inter for Classes