4 The DAILY NEBIUSKAN Thursday, October 19. 1939 T1 l l !i the EDITORS M oriel Mitrton Margolin Drama Elizabeth Clark Radio Mary Kerrigan Music Hugh Wilkins Entertainment . . . RADIO . . . 'Dead Enders' guests of Kate Smith, Firday Youth takes over the air tomor row... The "Dead End Kids" of tender years, but tough as they come, hijack the guest spot on the "Kate Smith Hour" over KFAB imwiiiiiBiM'l u iwiMiawpwuiw liiiinimniHlil II - III i&S HELEN MENKEN star of "Second Husband." at 7 p. m Reduced to a quartet for this broadcast by other en gagements, the gang appears in the poetic drama, "They Fly Through the Air with the Greatest of East," by Norman Corwin . . . Helen Menken is in her third year as star of "Second Husband" to be heard over KFAB Tuesday nights at 6:30.... Miss Menken came to radio after a long stage experience . . . She is equally skilled in modern comedy and Shake speare... In "Second Husband" she is "Brenda Cummings," a young widow with two children who remarried . . . Highlights for Saturday. ."Gang Busters'" provides a dramatic ve hicle for the initial fall program at 7 p. m It is the story of a gang, operating in Boston, which chose dramatically to strike at theaters when film hits were cre ating silver streams pouring into the box offices, using a line in a film as a signal to begin a care fully planned robbery... Wayne King is slaetd for a hearty welcome back to the air lanes after a year's absence. . .The Starts TODAY!! VYADDYA SAY LI-'. 1 ItFZ. 'V mt , mm y. It's an old Balinese custom hi ft , J folks . . . and you haven't - i f - .K, realy lived 1111 yu trr lt s -k jLJ ' Madeleine and Fred do It! JT ' fyP M my;1 Movie Clock Nebraska "Honeymoon I n Bali," 1:00, 3:08, 5:16, 7:2, 9:32. Varsity "They Shall Have Music,- 1:20, 3:20, 5:25, 7:25, 9:30. Stuart "Fast and Furious," 1:51, 3:54, 557, 800, 10:00. Lincoln "All Quiet on the Western Front," 1:00, 3:14, 5:28, 7:42, 9:56. Kiva "Yes My Darling Daughter," 1:00, 3:50, 7:00, 9:55. "The Kid from Kokomo," 2:15, 5:25, 8:15. Liberty "The Man They Couldn't Hang," 1:00, 2:49, 4:38, 6:27, 8;16, 10:05. DANCE SPOTS . . . Name bands play weekend swing music Pinky Tomlin, well known or chestra leader and author of such song hits as "The Object of Everybody's Affections," comes to King's ballroom Friday night. Pinky and his orchestra have just completed a six months engage ment at the Biltmore Bowl in Los Angeles, and for ten months were featured with Eddie Cantor on the Texaco radio program, over a nation-wide hook up. The same night at the Turn pike, Lawrence Welk will swing out with his "champagne music." Fresh from bookings at the Edge water Beach hotel in Chicago and at the Chicago theater, Welk and ;iis orchestra will furnish a real treat to Lincolnites. Saturday evening in the Union ballroom Fizz Powell and his pop ular seven-piece local "jam" or chestra gives students a chance to express their jitterbugging in stinct. "Fizz" promises "a square deal in music" to those attending the Union's Saturday night dance. "Waltz King" premiers at Saturday night. . . 7:30 For the benefit of dancers and those stay-at-homes who enjoy a little swing over the weekend . . . Friday night bands: Eddy Duchin 9:30; Shep Fields, 10:45; Wayne King, 11: Leighton Noble, 11:30;. For Saturday night: Harry James 10:45; Wayne King, 11; Jack Jenny, 11:30... WE ALL PITCH, . . . MOVIES... Heifetz stars at Varsity n music show Music takes the entertainment spotlight this week as the Lincoln theatres open a week of new en tertainment features today and to morrow. United Artists's long awaited story of music and opportunity on New York's east side brings Jas cha Heifeitz and his violin to the screen in "They Shall Have Mu sic" opening today at the Varsity. "Honeymoon in Bali," the first of the Fred MacMurray and Made line Carroll romantic comedies to be released since last season's 'Cafe Society," opens today at the Stuart. 'Boy meets girl' popular. Tho they are all built on the same familiar theme of 'boy meets girl,' each picture in the MacMur- Joel MrTrr aod Andrea Ijeedf watrh their dreama nn true la "They titmU Have Manic" playlaf at the Watty. ray-Carroll cycle has attracted more popularity, and "Honeymoon in Bali" is no exception. Two arias by Allan Jones, woven into the background of the story serve to lift this picture above its prede cessors . With war news taking the main Ana Noaihrra aad Fraarnnt Tmm atop for a mnirnt ml rrfWtWm la "tmmt and rartoaa" at tae Klaart. position in almost every edition, the first of the revived war pic tures to reach Linroln, "All Quiet on the Western Front," haa been KING'S BALLROOM FrL, Oct. 2 in Person AND HIS OHIHESTHA IMmi lrim mo. rlllrmtrr rum I, I m. rl U ! aHaarh an Trtu Radla M. fralurrd la I mnUmn alrlarr. Adtanrr Urkrt. U at fUwrwIld Flor.l C... Kl Ra. 13th St. lor tale IfJt. Tonite at King's DON KELLY And llif II riirn Adm. 25c i ft t 'ib', V"" iJV, sN. I) ' J r fawM 1 I u ' tr aT T A Orchestra to play for teachers' meet The university orchestra, con ducted by Don A. Lentz, will play at the Nebraska State Teachers association district meeting Oct. 29 in the coliseum. Mr. Lentz will playing to good crowds all week. The uncensored version of the pic ture, showing all of the filth and horror of modern warfare, is play ing at the Lincoln. 'Mazie ' successor at Stuart. Another mystery comedy film, a sequel to "Mazie," is now playing at the Stuart. "Fast and Furious," starring Ann Southern and Fran chot Tone, is a murder story set against the background of a sea side vacation resort. Miss South ern plays the part of Tone's wife who helps her husband solve a murder in which he is implicated. "The Old Maid," the vehicle which may win Bette Davis an other academy award, has been held over for another week. It moves to the Liberty today. Tomorrow two of last season's bigger pictures will be brought back to the Kiva when "Love Af fair" with Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne, and "Blockade" with Henry Fonda and Madeleine Carroll opens for one week. AGAIN JllSL VARSITY Leads the Parade Presenting an entertain ment MADE TO OR DER FOR THE EN TIRE FAMILY! Sister, Brother, Father, Mother. You'll all rave about Joel McCREA Andrea LEEDS Gene REYNOLDS and Jascha HEIFETZ World Farnou Violinist in "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" Starts TODAYI if -' r MalliK . A V. train ' , rKKio I i,' v I J Allrr ! 'f'A P. m. I ; 1447 r Hi. J '-aatfcajfc .. . i AT Sfc " appear as flute soloist with orchestra. The following program will be presented: Symphony Na. I a I Mfciori Trbal- kownkl. Andant: Allrim cob ankn. Andante rantahlle. Valae. Andant nutextono : AUrara vlvwt, Ponn for flul and orchrotra, UriftM. FRIDAY1 Al Tlnlj Ai Toilay'i Newtl Mat ISc . tor 'BLOCKADE' with Madeline CarroU Henry Fonda Im farrllto lAt tlmr today "Yea. My War- llnt DauKhtcr" (MM Kid from Kokomo" NATURALLY! . . . All Lincoln Asks That It Be For Um Ftrat Time the Wi ilea Ijiya Hare Wamaa'a Heart af Heart and Kind In. There a Hlory To ll Thrill the Heart af i the Harld! j W Zue Altla'a t'amnaa . : - i nlnr Play fmm the i5 : v Nel by fcdltft it- - U I, . . nV Bette Miriam DAVIS HOPKINS IIII Oil) MAN) with GEO.BRENT OONLO Cltf I4NI BBT1.UHJItt tMXHOk JAMM TKr-IKMM)N EXTRA! ' Coming! A I I m a u ' ,1 B..tir.;.j nV-d H9,al! j. a MELOD 1 rtKKhi I MASTE MATINKE 1 fre I 20C I MILT 1 . I HEARTH 1 25c Also 3 I.ATKHT CM)K ( ARTOON 5 j "LITTLE " BROTHER RAT" I it AND Something New I A BAND PARADE IN COLOR Another Big Saturday Nite SNEAKER PREVIEW! Join the FUNI ATTEND THE NEW EXTKA! Tt flarlta aoi Hil Orcbeiilra WeTelty In clr LaFcat Ktwt Coming Saf. George Ti Dona Get the Habit Dance at rf's Always a Seat for 25c NEBRASKA OI&EfRTO