The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday. October 19. 1939
Vocational Training in Liberal Arts
The University Junior Divi
sion plan recommended last
week by the Senate committee
had two important aspects:
First, was the idea that the
plan would institute here a
the colleges of liberal arts.
Necessity is the reason for
the beginning existance of
such vocational guidance.
The fact that the education
or training, as some would
completely new system of ad- prefer to say needed for a
large number of vocations
lies mainly in the various
fields of the established lib.
eral arts program is the reas
son for its placement there.
Among the vocations of
which this would be true
here, one could mention off
hand teaching, journalism, ,
public administration, social
service, personnel service,
chemistry, geology and a
host of others.
That conception will place
the liberal arts colleges m a
vising, counseling, and guiding
freshmen students to make
their college education of
greater value. Second, was
idea of including vocational
courses of one and two-year
curricula in our system of
higher education.
Altho the plan of organiza
tion for the Vniversity Junior
division seems somewhat com
plicated on paper, once the ma
chinery is set up, the new sys
tem of advising students of dif
ferent classified groups would
probably function rclativelv
smoothly. It is the vocational now nrdrr of lliinp-s and w ill r
aspect of the plan that will tend their service far bevond
raise the questions and prob- their earlier scope.. The' col-
lems. Altho little, if anything, 0t0S will be forced, undoubt-
has yet been said about it, this 0,jv to continue their tradi-
aspect is probably destined to tional cultural pvoeram for
be the most important single ihose students who still desire
item that will be talked about it, and at the same time formu-
and written about in years to late programs of preparation
corae- for vocations. Such programs
O will have to be composed, for
The idea of vocational edu- the most part, of courses al-
ralion in institutions of higher ready offered in the liberal-arts
learning has had a relatively colleges, with such modicum of
natural growth since the time new, semi-technical courses as
when mounting numbers of sin- may ho needed in each case,
dents with more varying apti- At any rale, lhe liberal arts
tudes thrust themselves upon colleges will probably keep the
1he colleges, and when eduea- preparation for these vocations
tors came to a realization that much more richly liberal than
the fundamental obligation of a if they were relegated to sepa-
university would always be schools more liberal than it
that of guiding young minds. has alreadv become in segre-
That growth which had
been mostly in the form of
ideas and theory is now com
ing into actual existence in
gated teachers' colleges, or seg
regated schools of business,
journalism, chemistry and others.
N. U.'s only newspaper and the
only agency founded on the
campus for dissemination of
printed news regarding the
affairs of the University of Ne
braska and it.s students. And as
Such it has a vital obligation to
report campus events as impar
tially and quickly as possible.
No one is more aware of the
difficulty of reporters of this
Staff. No one is more concerned
with the necessity for unbiased
presentation of the events and
A Declaration of Policy
more instilled than our edi.
tors with the spirit of main
taining high standards among
student and faculty readers.
And the spirit of serving the
University community with
news while it still is news has
always prevailed in our of
fices. No one is more idealistic than
our editors in maintaining that
college journalism is no fad or
produuet of adolescent frivol
ity, but an established insiitu
activities and even the conflicts tion with an enviable record of
which make up the daily exis- achievements.
tence of the Universitv com
No one, too, is more aw are of
the difficulty of reporting accu
rately upon subjects about
which the writers often feel
No single student group is
No one is more certain that
this paper is an asset to the
No one is more imbued than
our editors with the ideas that
the attempts of this paper
have, in general, been those of
cooperation with the adminis-
(Continued from age 4.)
the university art department, is
co-operating with the Union in
providing; pictures to be hung in
the building. About 20 paintings
at a time will be shown.
"In the east end of the main
corridor," Van Sant said yester
day, "each month will hang the
'picture of the month' selected by
Mr. Kirsch from the paintings in
the museum. On the other end of
the hall will be one of three
things, either the best photograph
by a indent filed in the art de
partment, an exemplary picture of
the current exhibit in the museum,
or the best student painting avail
able at the time."
"Both of those select exhibits
will be spotlighted," Van Sant
Beginning soon, students will
have an opportunity to watch art
department students paint, under
the supervision of Mr. Kirsch and
Miss Kady Faulkner, also an art
department faculty member, a
large, approximately 26 feet by
eight feet, painting of the I'nion
lounge. The work, according to
Van Sant, should take several
weeks to complete, and when fin
ished will be hung in the game
room on the second floor.
Jki DailyNedmskan
Otlidal Ntwspaptr 0 Mort Than 7.000 Studtntt
Office Union Building
Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal g-3333
Member Associated Collegiate Pres, 1939-40
Member Nebraska Prea Association. 1939-40
RnwniiHt for National Advertising by
420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.
Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco
Published Daily during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays,
vacations, and examination periods by students of the University of Nebraska,
under supervision of the Publications Board.
Subscription Rates are $U0 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year.
$4.50 Mailed. Siriglo copy, 5 Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the
postoffice In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March S, 1879, and at
special rale of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917.
Authorized January 20, 1922.
Managing Editors Merrill Englund. Richard deBrown
News Editors Norman Harris. Ed Wittenberg, Lucile
Thomas, Clyde Marti, Chris Peterson.
Sports Editor June Blerbower
Ag Campus Editor Rex Brown
Radio Editor Jon Pruden
Fashion Editor Margaret Krau
Assistant Business Managers Burton Thirl. Ed Segrist
Circulation Manager Lowell Michael
AI.I. DAI1.T ani(el editorials are the opinion of Ma editor. Their views
r opinion In no way reflect the attitude of the administration of the alverslly.
Univrritv of Nebraska Official Hullctin
Phone 2-7193
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
118 No. I'th St.
FOR SALE Kand electric rrnnr. rood
condition, new head, factory checked.
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transportation for another student. Will
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Nehraskxn office.
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Guarantee to Teach You I
1iST -A small, black, dupered nurse
from the IiAlLY office Tuesday. Taint
much, hut 1 mini my Identification rani
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tntnsfcri.l.le. finder in welcome to the
inrv witiiin. Nut Mr.. return
J .ii i
1 tickets to the Nr.BKAf K AN offloe
' Thomas.
The second meetiriP of the Vocational
Information Forum will be held today
st 7 p. m. in room 101 of Science?.
The topic of discussion will be -'Social
Work as a Vocation." The speakers hold
important positions in social work. They
are Miss Mildred Hiklin, Mate case work
supervisor. sta;e division of putlic assist
ance, state board of control : Mr. l'hillip
Vott. field supervisor, and Mr. Paul Jos
ephson. executive secretary, Omaha council
of S.K.ial Agencies.
v. vr. c. a.
The first report on the T. W. C. A.
membership drive was piven at a meet
ing on Fnday afternoon. There will be
a report on the dnve at 5 in KHen Smith
Freshman yell practice will be held today
at & p. m. in the I'nion. All frost) and
otbera are urced to attend.
The Women'a Thyaical Kducation club
ia sponsoring a series of six ballroom
dancing lessoni for hepinnera. The les
sons will he taupht by Miss Shirley Ken
nett, aance instructor in the department
of physical education for women.
Tickets for the aenea of aix lessons coat
7S cents and may be purchased at the door.
The lessons will he Riven on both campuses.
Lessons will berin:
Ac campus Thursday, Oct, lf, T
o'clock. Activities buildinc
Oity campus- Friday, Oct, 20, T o'clock,
"rant Vemonal.
Please present identification at door.
Lutheran students will meet with Rev.
H. Krck for the regular session of Gamma
IVlt Rit.le class at b P m. today In room
203 of the Temple htiildme. Topic of dis
cussion will be: The Christian attitude
toward sjieech. occupation, companionship
and amusement.
Second In the aenea of seminars apon-
sored t.y the mathematics department, will
he held today at 2 p. m. in room 302
of Mechanical Arts when Ir II. H Rock
speaks on "An sn ot Large Elastic
I'eformationa. "
The first meeting of the book review
hobt y frroup will he beld In the book nook
of the student I'tnon today at 7 o'clock.
Mrs Roy Oreen will discusa "What You
Read in 1 : " I-ocille Marker will pre
side. All Interested university worqyn are
urKd to attend.
Those Interested In a conversation de
velopment flub will meet tonirht at 7 in
tlte home economics parlors Tbia trroup
is aponsored by the creative activities
txMird At tbia meeung a elub will bt
formed and plana made for the year's
p roc rain. Freahmoa and apperclaasinea are
invited to attend.
There will he a ct,bard aod Blade
meetins; Umirtit at 7 M M tba Phi Pat
house. Cokmel Thtila win apeak on the re
lationship of tba R. O. T. C to Muonal
W. A. A. aaleacirla win meet todltrht
at 7 ta Grant Memorial. Thai la an Im
portant m retina, and ail prlris are urged
to attend.
The Association of Rocial Work stud en ta
will meet at 7.30 this evening in "parlor
Y of the Unii. Mrs Ha I tie Plum Wil
liams on "Peraiohl OtiservaUona of so
cial Work In Kngiand."
Ad old members of Taoknierettea are
to meet at b o'clock tonight In the W.A.A.
lounge. The meeting ts very important to
all members.
All sales girls that sell at the stadium
are to meet in the east gym tonirht at 7
o'clock. All of the girla are urged to be
Ag college T. W. C. A. vespers will
be held this noon in the home ec halls.
All women students on the as campus will
be welcome at the vesper service, which
begins at 12:20.
Second round deck tennia matches must
ba played before ( p. m. Friday.
T. V. C. A. TEA.
The campus T. W. C. A. will hold
tea for university women today from 3.30
to 4:t p. m. in Kllen Sanith.
Ag executh-e board will meet today at
7:15 In Ag hall. '
1r;ilion in its proWoms and poli
cies. They will never stand
idly by to watch this paper's
lreedom infringed or its inde
pendent service hazarded.
P' ' v
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