Tuesday. October 17. 1939. The DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 ehvjartzEcopff mmmsx TP -P k-v!.. Mil W J W - tg 11 Aft H 13 v m to in eapt am Elusion aSm Baylor (tussle Bears to present tough team in game with N. U. Saturday BY JOHN M'DKRMOTT. Sam Schwartzkopf, senior tac kle from Lincoln was named to lead the Huskers against the Bay lor Bruins, in the second home game of the year next Saturday. Sam majored two years ago, and injuries kept him on the sidel i n e s most of last season, as he won a minor award last year. The Hus kers confined their activ i t y last night to vi e w i ng the Iowa-State pic tures. The Scarlet then went outdoors garbed in S. SCHWARTZKOPf Journal A Star. sweats shirts and took a light drill In passing against Baylor forma tions. No change has been made in the first team lineup, remain ing as it was against the Cyclones last wek. Minor injuries were sustained by three of the Huskers, Bus Knight has a sore shoulder, Her mie Rohrig has a bad leg, and George Seemann's knee was giv ing him trouble. All three took part in the workout and it is ex pected that they will be in top form for the game Saturday. Beat Arkansas. The Baylor Bears won their opening Southwest conference I Arkansas last v Saturday at ! Waco, Tex. Al- itho the Bears entered the game the un derdog they outdowned the Porkers, 15-3, and managed to break up the J Arkansas pass- ing game. Bay 1 lor has a great forward wall m this year and have been giv ing their backs support. The Bears their first three games hot after a victory Six threat, the Aken. 215 Milburn Knight, ex-NU wrestler diesaftcrmishap Milburn Knight, star 118 pound wrestler here three years ago, died in a Fremont hospital Sat urday night after a railroad ac cident late Friday. Knight, a Union Pacific employe, lost both legs in the accident. He and his brother Jim Knight, came to Nebraska U. from Abra ham Lincoln high school in Coun cil Bluffs. Milburn attended school here two years, winning a major letter in wrestling his sophomore year when he was sec ond high scorer on the team, with brother Jim coming in first to beat him. Milburn was unde feated in dual competition that year. Jim Knight, one of the greatest wrestlers in Husker his tory, was graduated last year. -ijj ij LI r.UHK.F. KMl.HT Journal Star. plenty of nave won and will be over the Big Cornhuekera. Len pound running guard, Bob Taylor, 190 lb. right guard, and Bob Nelson, touted as the leading center in the Southwest, were the standouts against the Razorbacks. Jack Wilson, sophomore left halfback, and Jim Witt, junior right half, were the offensive aces for the Bears. Each counted a touchdown to put the Bruins out in front. Bears Tough. A. J. Lewandowski scouted the game for the Huskers and claims that they will be one plenty tough team to beat. The Huskers will have a long workout today and will continue tomorrow and Thursday in an attempt to remedy the many mistakes that were com mitted at Ames Saturday. ' Baylor has a large team this season, boasting a 41 man squad that is rated as huge and tough, so the Huskers have another tough week-end ahead of them. Aerials which have been sparing ly used in the last two tussels are expected to be uncorked in an attempt to stem the first South western representative to play on the Husker lot for some time. Newkirk calls golf candidates Golf coach Ed Newkirk has is sued a call to all candidates for both the varsity and freshman football teams to report at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon for a meet ing in the coliseum. Newkirk urges any man in terested In freshman or varsity golf to attend the get-together, at which a definite meeting time for all candidates will be made. Barb l-M results Barb intramural results of last week were. Commanders 12. John son Hall 0 in League 1. Jugger nauts 12. 330 Club 0, and Pal Club 1. ACBC 0 in League 2. In League 3, Hitler's Playboys, 13, Hoosier Hot Shots 0. Husker gymnasts open official drill Monday Prospects bright with four lettermen back Official practice for the Husker gymnastics team opened Mon day, although a large number of candidates have been reporting to Coach Charley Miller for pre season drills ever since the begin ning of school. Four lettermen, the most any Husker team has had returning since the sport was started here five years ago, are reporting. Roy Proffitt, two year letterman, and ace of the team last year, Gay Cadwell, another two year veteran, and Jake Geier and Stan South wick, both of whom lettered for the first time last year, are the veterans. Ray Griffen, who lost out last year because of an early season injury, is also back. Johnson looks good. New mateial is headed by Guy Johnson, a fine prospect, who was all-university champion last year. The other most promising new men are Ken McAferty, Harold Buxton and Abe Grossman. K9 i 11 "I hold all the cards "When I have something to lmy or sell I know the otitis nre all in my favor if I adver tise in the low eost Daily Nehraskan Classified Als. I use them every time I want to get surefire results!" Coach Miller has asked that any freshman or upperclassman inter ested in the sport, no matter whether he thinks he is varsity material or not, report for prac tice. The turnout at this time is already larger than any the school has ever had. Other men who have been re porting are Robert Anderson, Harry Rinder, Floyd Howard, Lee Glissman, R. E. Samuelson, Taul Bolstad, Charles Smrkovsky, John Kuppinger and Ray Rolland. Luke helping. Pete Kreischer, letterman of two years ago; Bill Luke, wres tling star for three years, and the returning lettermen are helping Miller with the new men this fall. The practice schedule has been changed, with workouts being held from 3 until 6 instead of from 4:30 until 6 in order to prevent crowd ing on the coliseum stage, where the team practices. This year's schedule has not been arranged as yet, since the Huskers who compete with Big Ten and Big Seven teams in the absence of Big Six competition, have to wait until those first two leagues make out their schedules. However, meets are certain with Minnesota and Iowa, with whom the Huskers have home and home agreements. To enter AAU regional. They will enter the Rocky Moun tain AAU meet again, having won it four out of the last five years, and will also probably face Colo rado U. and Greeley Teachers in dual meets. Coach Miller hopes to take a team east to meet Chicago U. and Illinois, but the Huskers will not face Gustavus Adolphus or Carleton, last year's foes. More interest than ever is being shown in the team this year, and Miller attributes it to the exhibi tions his men give between halves of basketball games. New stunts are being worked on for presen tation this winter. m it ! by June Bierbower All of a sudden this Baylor game, which Biff Jones scheduled two years ago to take Iowa's place for one season on the Husker schedule has assumed quite a bit of importance. Baylor won their first two games against easy com petition, and with none too im pressive scores, but Saturday they walloped an Arkansas team which had beaten Texas Christian. The Huskers beat Minnesota, but a none-too-good showing against Iowa State will take Ne braska down in the eyes of the guys who make predictions about such things as football games, and all in all, what would have looked like, on paper, a fairly easy game for Nebraska now is wide-open affair because of the Bears' win over Arkansas. Baylor's end W. J. Wimpee is studying for the ministry... Baylor is a Baptist school... When it comes to ail-American picking this boy Tom Harmon of Michigan will have to be seen ...Harmon, the Bill DeCorre vont of high school football three years ago at Gary, In diana, is proving he was no flash In the high school pan... He scored exactly 27 points against Iowa Saturday. . .and as you remember the score of the Iowa-Michigan game was 27-7, Michigan. A knee injury which Elmer Hackney suffered in the first four minutes of the K-State game against Colorado, will keep Hack out of the lineup for at least two weeks, according to Coach Wes Fry, and if the Oberlin Ogre is out that long it looks as though K-State will have to give up about all the hope they ever had about figuring in the Big Six title race because Saturday they play Mis souri, and the next week end they face the Huskers. Hackney suf fered torn ligaments in his right knee, and there were some reports after the game that he would be out for the season. . Our nomination or the na tion's number 1 team, or at least as a candidate for that title, is Texas A. A M....the Aggies rolled up 33 points in the first half against Villanova, then let the easterners get 7 in the sec ond half .. .Villanova hadn't lost a game in more than two years ...and we see our Fightin' Irish won another one on a place kick, this time an extra point instead of a field goal... they had some of that luck of old Erin to go with their fight Sat urday, too, when Jack Sanders missed his placekick for what would have been the tying point of the game in the last minute of play. N. U. thankful to plane pilot for Seemann George Seemann, Husker end who captained Nebraska to victory over Minnesota, and who starred against Iowa State Saturday, might never have played the past two years of - years football for the Huskers had it not been for Harry Van Liew, United Air Lines pilot. Van Liew was spending his vacation at Lake Okoboji, where Seemann spends his sum m e r s. George was determined to quit school he had finished h i s sophomore year and take up flying. Van Liew talked him into finishine his education before becoming a pilot, so Sccman, after staying out a year to rest an injured knee, came back last fall and stepped into a regular's position, and be came a star. Captain Van Liew, a football player when he attended college, GEORGE SEEMANN Jouro&l A 8Ur. Phi Gams lose to Delts, 7 to 4 by Hart Hart. Yesterday's feature touchball game saw the downfall of the Phi Gams, league 4 leader, as the DTD outfit eked out a victory, 7-4. Kappa Sigma finally pulled out of the loss column by defeating Zeta Zeta Tau, 12-0. The contest between Acacia and the ATOs was postponed. In league 1 the Betas whipped the Sig Alphs, 1-0, in an overtime game. Theta Xi won over Alpha Sigma Phi, 2-0, on a safety. The AGR-Phi Sigma Kappa fray was also postponed. League 2's Phi Psis poured on the steam to overwhelm Delta Up silon. In another overtime game SAM edged Delta Theta Phi, 1-0. Sigma Nu forfeited to Pi Kappa Alpha. The Sig Ep-Phi Delt affair, only league 3 contest scheduled, was postponed until tonight on ac count of darkness. said in New York Monday that he felt the least he deserved from Nebraska was the famous iron "N" given to N club members.. Despite its present low stand ing, the University of Chicago grid team has won more Big Ten championships than any other team. NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 2-7193 TYPEWRITERS f.r SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. IS N. lite St. LINCOLN. N't BR, t-S157 WANT ADS LOST Statistics in Editratton and Psy chology by Garrett. Call 3-6778. LOST Delta Biirma PI fraternity pin Prt day ntKht. Krward. Call 9-3206. KING'S BALLROOM Mr ins onciiESTUM FRIDAY, OCT. 20 Direct from 6 months at Biltmore Bowl Los Angles. 10 months with Eddie Can tor on Texico Radio show, coast to coast network. Fea tured in 20 motion pictures. Advance tale ., 75c Door tale 93c Tn Inrladea) Tickets on sale at ROSEWELL FLORAL CO. 124 So. 13th 81