The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 23, 1939, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1939
jwrwim hm,mrr "flirxswara iamwwhwu wtum .hi iiii ii iiii iiw h
An all too short year draws to
its final days... and the scene
shows a strange lack of candy
passings and cigar treats, as Chi
Omega Edie Houston and Kappa
6ig Gordon Haney were the only
ones who gave sweets last night,
and a Sunday candy-passing was
held at the Theta Senior breakfast
when Jean Cook and Dolt Bob ftby
who is out of school) passed the
candy... a new pin-hanging comes
to light as we find that Sigma
Nu Bill Ainley has given his white
star to Phyllis Ivers...a check
list of summer vacation plans
finds a trip to Europe in store for
Fiji's Phil Grant and John Kerl,
and DG Joan Beltzer, and her
Kappa Sig brother, Jim...
New officers of Sigma Eta Chi,
national Congregational sorority,
Include Florence Miller, president;
The Chesterfield glove, created by New York's
smart designer Merry Hull ...
Original and different too is chesterfield's
N way of combining the world's best tobaccos to bring
,v out the finer qualities of each. It's the Chesterfield way
N ,., and that's why Chesterfields arc milder than other
cigarettes. They also have a better taste and more
pleasing aroma.
Lorraine Sharrick, vice president;
Margaret Adams, recording secre
tary; Lorraine Schwedhelm, cor
responding secretary; Frances
Ramey, treasurer.
Last night at Carrie Bell Ray
mond hall a party was given for
Miss Clementine Newman, social
director, in honor of her approach
ing marriage. Madge Garnett and
Evelyn Elias chipped in with
household hint books and such.
Two vocal solos were sung by
Jean Fisher. Miss Newman was
presented with a sterling silver
steak set and a set of copper can
dlesticks. As we write this last column of
the year, we'd like to get briefly
sentimental about the whole thing.
If you've been the victims of this
vicious publicity, just remember
that it has not been intentionally
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Chesterfields really satisfy.
harmful, and the purpose of the
column has been to keep you
posted on campus news thru our
eyes from day to day, and not
strictly as a scandal column.
Every day this adage has come
to me,
"Little girl, be careful of your
For words are made of syllables,
And syllables, child, are made of
That Graduation Gift
The Graduation Gift is somewhat of a problem.
But iet us help. A gift from this store carries
with it the assurance of something worth while.
Gifts From $1.00 Up
1301 0 ST., LINCOLN"
The wind is frisky: You be
It's probably an impractical poem
for an old gossip, but if the wind
has got frisky with my words,
then excuse them, and thanks for
bearing thru it.
The Arkansas legislature has
passed a law requiring all of the
state's higher educational institu
tions to teach nature study and
Just Like
Sitting on
A Cake of Ice
That's the way it feels
these warm, sultry
days in the
Drop in to cure that
"let-down exam feel
ing". You've made the
Coffee Lounge your
headquarters this past
school year .... don't
forget we'll still be here
during exams and all
this summer . . .
We've enjoyed seeing
you and your friends in
the Coffee Lounge. . . .
"Rriigeralrd Air Conditioned"
for yomr cumrl
ll'l Uwwt Hrm Tomco Ok