SIX DAILY NEBIUSKAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1939 Harriet' Pugslcy to head honorary Communist zealot blesses ! booknook with literatur Pi Lambda Theta elects Engineers stage annual field day Convocation, outing on Friday's slate climaxed by banquet A full day's schedule of ac tivities will mark the annual field day, ' sponsored each sprint? by the engineering col lege to be held Friday when that college will stage a convoca tion, an outing and a banquet for engineering students. Keatuic of the convocation will be a sound film dealing with the subject of aviation. The picture will be shown in the Union ball room at 11 o'clock, Friday. All classes in the engineering college will be dismissed from 11 o'clock on. Annual outing, which is a part of the tradition of field day, will begin at noon when engineering students will assemble at Muny Park, 22nd and J, for lunch. Fol lowing lunch a softball game i nd the professor's bull session, ;'ea tures of the field day tradition Will be held. The 27th annual engineer's ba quet will be the feature of the evening's program. L. J. Marti, Lincoln attorney, will be the prin cipal speaker at the banquet, fie will speak on the topic "The Trials of a Professional Man." L. W. Iluilbut will act as toastmaster at the banquet which will be held at 3:30 o'clock in the Union. F'tl j tings (Continued from Page 1.) pend of $75. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Clark, University of Nebraska graduates, h;.? established a perpetual S'jho';:' -ship of $r0 in honor of the la to Jik'..;o Jefferson H. Broady. Jud.c LYoady was at one time instructor ;it the university and a prominent Nebraska attorney. The $20 ri-e.-iiiUdii Prize en dowed by V.V.Mor J. Nickel of the class of 1013 will go to that stu dent who has overcome the great est difficulties in completing the first year of university work. Scholastic requirements An applicant for any but the fiv.-iiman awjid must have com pleted 24 hour during the preced in;; yc;ir, receiving commendable grad'-s in all courses. Any credit bel'jw pasMii" must carry a satis factory explanation. Though any students above freshman standing will be con.sid-e-n d fir the awards, preference will be iven in order of clas cs from senior down. Any recipient who fails to carry twelve hours durir.g the semester for which the seN ilar: hip is given, will lose the right to the fund. Rockcfciier- Evidently feeling that the Union booknook lacked the cos mopolitan character and universal appeal that it should have, some ardent intellectualist has recently blessed the brousing room with the April issue of the "Young Communist Review." Within its gray and green cover picturing the usual American cou ple walking across the hillside are mild attacks on Hitler and others of that stripe, a potshot or two at the American parties, a tribute to a fellow communist youth who died as leader of the Abraham Lincoln brigade in Spain, conven tion publicity, several love pats for Stalin and the soviet big broth ers, and an article boosting the capitalistic World's Fair in New lork while landing gentle body blows to the management's mid riff for its "discriminatory labor policy" and its welcoming of the iriendly exhibitions from Italy and Japan. The solid American background (Continued from Page 1.) ning. All 7 departments in the en gineering college are cooperating to put on the most pretentious open house exhibit ever under taken. Some of the other feature dis plays will inciude such sights as a musical bubble fountain, which Is being constructed by the elec trical engineers. The electrical engineering titudenta will al.;o demonstrate inverted speech an 1 the cooking of food on a frying pan floating in mid-air. Foundry to operate at full blast The university's Iron foundry wi'l be operating at full blast dur ing the open house celebration Here students will be able to see the making of castings similar to the ones from which the median leal engineering students f jshioncd their seale working model of a steam locomotive. Exhibits by the chemical engi neers will include a moving dio rama of on iron foundry illustrat ing the processes in the refining of iron ore from the tune the ma teilal leaves the mines until it la turned out of the factory, a fin ished product. Military engineers are preparing an exhibit of model military bridges. Agricultural engineers will feature an electric brooder which will care for a family of live chickens, and the architectural en gineers will present a design for mo lern living:. Following their usual custom epch of the seven engineering ue paitments have Installed window displays. In . downtown Hiores Guides t "HI be on hand the night rrf .the exhibit to point out and cx plain a 11 phases of tho relebratlon. of the members of the "Young Communist League" which period ically gathers together these scrapes of mild sarcasm, bits of sincere concern for the felfare of the masses and Negroes, and much of the familiar trivality of youth, and publishes it in a magazine, is clearly revealed by a glance at the contents page. If thers is anything in a name the editor might strike deep terror in fascist hearts with his "handle," Joseph Starobin, but over two-thirds of the authors are plain, everyday Englishmen or Germans that can not boast even a pinkish name. Franklin, Green, Ross, Winston, Williams, Robinson and so they run with only an occasional Vrbel, Anton, Graubard or Cardozo. And this last has the healthy American air that only a justice on the Su preme Court can give a name. One article proposes that the Y. C. L. (Young Communist league) revamp its declaration of principles in the direction of a clear, outspoken and short state ment so that "members" would not need to confess with embar rassment that they had "hardly looked at the constitution for ages." Governor "Butcher Boy." Fred Fine accuses American political zoology with a major error in his fragment, "The Ele phant Forgets to Remember." In it a "fair-haired boy of the steel, packing, and railroad interests that promised all things to all men" is tailed "Butcher Boy," even tho his state difnifies him with the title of governor. His statements are pictured as "hon eyed hypocrises. Fascists are "gnawing holes" as all rats are wont to do in their spare time and the Trotskites are found, without the aid of facteriologists or even a microscope, to be mic robes. Fine hopes that the people have been "immunized" against See COMMUNIST page 7. Adams, Steamer, Piatt Harriet Ann Pugsley will head Pi Lambda' Theta, Teacher's Col lege honorary for seniors, thl next year. Margaret Adams will serve as vice-president, Celia Steamer as secretary and Fran ces Piatt as reporter following their election Tuesday. Plans were made at the meeting to entertain Mrs. Ethel Mabie Falk, editor of the honorary's na tional publication, who will visit in Lincoln May 10. Miss Hazel Davis of Teachers college elemen tary department was named dele gate to the Palo Alto, Calif., meet ing of the group's national council early this August. s DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE A Good Teacher Afearr" 1918 1931 Come In and See V 43 Stnart Building go. ; i b k a Get into the fun and sun spirit found in the sunny land of California! Wear the carefree clothes that ere created hy Hollywood designers to give you com fori, yet make you look as snappy on a picnic as when you dress for a dinner date! l OR SI N Ul TO SUN DOWN if you're holiday-Ins tlie whole day, choose a I PC. PLAY SLIT the hra an. I shorts for tennis, or sun tannin:;, the shirt ami skirt added if you want to po coking. .I.)! and up. 'TACK TO Till FARM to pive you a "little pirl from tlie farm" look, you'll want a pair of OVERALLS (hut much more heromiiip than the hired hand's). 2.:o and MIX YMIt OWN if you're cry outdoor minded, you'll want extra pairs of hliorts, sport hlouscs and slacks. You can huy them to match or in Mrikinp contrast. hpurtimear Nremi llixir 1 SHOES for play Choose "Coolie Sandals", in pay California colors in sturdy duckxkin or hurko. Dutch heels ami flats. s4, s5, $6 Wumru'k Mint Srcund riiwr.