The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1939, Page THREE, Image 3

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WMcsitis flump CxKLP inch team
Poor Bcrnie Bierman is again
moaning about his Minnesota
footbnll team, Baying after last
week's scrimmage: "The squad
hasn't shown much football so
far." May 20 is the Gophers' an
nual open game, but according to
the Minnesota Daily, the coach
said he couldn't guarantee much
of a show unless his team takes
a very marked change for the bet
ter. The Golpheis will be green next
year, and Bierman claims none of
the newcomers except perhaps
Bruce Smith, star triple threat
back, have proved themselves to
be of Big Ten calibre. However,
the newcomers held the veterans
to a 7-7 tie in a game two weeks
Minnesota's spring practice, like
the Huskers', has been held back
by bad weather, which is prob
ably one reason for the "sloppy
ball handling, lack of downfield
blocking, and.... not too heads-up
ball carrying" which featured the
last game.
BUI Callihan, Husker fullback,,
came In for a hot time Tuesday
night at the N-club initiation. Bill
was working when he was to be
initiated as a sophomore, and had
never turned up at the Initiation
since then, so now, just as he's
getting ready to finish school, he
was Inducted into the club with
one of the best paddlings ever
given a Husker. Moral a stitch
in time save nine or a good pair
of pants.
The thrill what didn't come:
Yotirs truly had skipped home to
put on a coat because of the rain
in yesterday's track meet.... we
, hopped, skipped, ran and lunged
over to the shot circle only to
learn Elmer Hackney had just
pushed out his 53 feet 4Vi mark
in the shot, and we didn't get to
see it.... Jock Dodd will be the
18th man from Nebraska in at
tendance at the Drake Relays....
Ed Weir was undecided about
whether he'd take Dodd or Bob
Chatt, but named the Husker
gridder after the K-State meet in
which he finished third in the
Ralph Worden, conference div
ing champion, picked up a third
"A Good Trarhrr Afenrr"
1818 - 1938
Come In and See Us
64S Rtuart Rulldlnft
WsdcL Ov&A.!!
To Uie
The IMcture tvrry
red -blooded Amer
ican must lire . , .
"f'nnfrfinlnns yf
Nail bPlV
0 zrceV
Hackney heaves shot
53' 4H"; Simmons,
Wibbels lead Huskers
Nebraska team trails
thruout entire meet;
relay goes to K-State
Kansas State took an early lead
and ran over the Nebraska track
sters 77 to 54 here yesterday aft
ernoon as Elmer "One Man Gang"
Hackney lived up to his name and
heaved the shot 53 feet 4',i inches,
his best mark ever, and the best
mark in the county this year.
Hackney shot the pill the farth
est on his second preliminary
heave and then sat back to watch
the others fight It out for the re
maining places.
The Wildcats got off to their
early advantage by sweeping the
mile and the high hurdles. Ne
braska came back in the pole vault
with all three places.
Simmons Eases Thru.
Bob Simmons had little compe-
for the Huskers in the low
hurdles. . . . Reason Ward Haylett
didn't run Dick Toole in the 440
was that he was saving him for
the 100 and 220. . . . Strategy
worked, too, as the soph was first
in the 100, second in the 220. . . .
He In all probability wouldn't
have beaten Simmons In the 440.
Simmons, for the third time this
season, won both the 440 and the
lows for the Huskers ... he may
be a double champion in the Big
Six meet if he can beat out the
Omaha hurdle entries . . . Bob,
PBK of the Nebraska team, is en
tered In the Drake special 440.
Bill Vanderbilt, the K-State shot
putter who grabbed off a third In
the javelin, hadn't thrown the
soear in six years . . . Elmer
Hackney was entered in the dis
cuss, but that's about as far as it
went. . . . Elmer was having a
good time in the discus ring, one
of his throws going exactly 108
feet . .. they didn't bother to
measure the others.
Father O'Conner, prominent
spoils figiue around here, says
he's trying to get the girls' na
tional A. A. U. track meet at Lin
coln for a couple years hence. .
What would Fred Ware say to
that. . . . O'Conner, who played
football at Nebraska, was born on
the corner where the tennis courts
south of Bessey Hall are now .
he's one of the Huskers' most
faithful followers . . . maybe Fred
Ware would be interested in this,
too: A member of the K-State
track team (we won't, for fairly
obvious reasons, mention his
name) was a bit worried whether
or not he'd make it back to Man
hattan in time for a 9 o'clock
date last night.
V '.,.. "V,. J -A! 'V-'v
IIBettc IIDavis
ID Wk ctoiyw
BARGAIN . . . 20 . . . Noon to One
NOON , the 440 event as Toole,
top K-State quartermiler laid out
In favor of the 100 and 220 yard
dashes in which he placed first
and second respectively.
Paul Brown former quarter
miler of the Kansas came through
In the halfmile to give the winners
more points while Charles Mitchell
incorporated got first and second
in the two mile run with Delman
Moore being the only Husker to
Simmons came through again
this time to win the 220 yard low
hurdles with Ralph Worden sopho
more find from Alliance copping
third place.
Llovd Wright shared dash hon
ors with Toole of K-State, as he
captured second place in the 100
and first in the 220. Mehaffey or
the visitors captured first spot in
the high jump with a leap or 5 feet
10 inches. Bud Tallman. Nebraska,
tied with Day for second place.
Ed Wibbels took first place in
the javelin with a heave of 187 feet
2 Inches and in the discus wmcn
he won with a distance of 140 feet
5! inches. Honors in the broad
jump went to Harwin Dawson,
whose trrittv third lap or me mue
relay, in which he picked up 30
yards on his opponent arter nav
insr to nick ud the baton, drew the
approbation of the crowd. Re
rn mil run- Flrnt. OlInKman (KS:
sproml, Mitchell (KS) ; third, IxMnnrt (K8).
Time 4:2B.B.
440 yard dflah: First, ' Slmmoni (N);
second. Olbson (KS); third, Robinson
(KS). :4..
100 ynni dnsh: First. Toole (KS): sec
ond, WrlKht (N); third, Dodd tn;.
Time :10.2.
120 vard high hurdles: First, Hotcn
klss (KS); second. D. Dodqer (KS);
third. T. noilce (KS). Time :in.n.
nan vnnl run; First. Frown (KS): sec
ond. HRymaker (KS); third Owen (N).
Time 1:M.7.
220 vsrd dash: First. WrlKht (N); sec
ond, Toole (KS); third, Akcrs, (KS).
Time :22.8.
Two mile mn: First, Mitchell (KS);
second, HlRh (KS); third, Moore (KS).
Time 9:38.1.
220 vurd low hurdles: First, Simmons
(N); second, P. Dorice (KS); third,
Worden (N). Time :24.H.
One mile relay: First, Kansas State;
second. Nebraska. Time 3:30.
Pole vault: First, Neumann (N). Tie
for second and third between locate (N)
and Scott (N). Helnht 12 feet 6' Inches.
Hiph Jump: First, Mehaffey (KS); tie
for second and third between N)
and Day (KS). Height 5 feet 10 Inches.
Javhn: First. Wibbels (N): second,
McCutcheon (K8); third, Vanderbilt (KS).
Distance 187 feet 2 inches.
Shot put : First, Hackney (KS): second,
Mills (N): third, vanderbilt (KS). ins
tance Mfeet 44 Inches.
Discus: First. Wibbels (N). second
Mills (N); third Droite (KS). Distance
140 feet f Inches.
Broad Jump: First, Dawson (N): second
Hotchkiss (KS); third, Smutz (KS). Dis
tance 2i lect T mcnes.
missed the chance of a life time
too for the Fuller Brush company
took an option on the winner.
By this time I was very un
spirited so I decided to take on a
spirit or two at "Buffalo Bills." In
an hour or two, I was the acme of
spirituality. Walking down the
main "drag," I came upon a cop
in cowboy's clothing. How was I
to know. I slapped him on the
back and he slapped me in the
"jug." So here I am.
Don't forget the 25 bucks!
Phi Tou Thera elects
Reqier new president
Methodist men elected Willis
Regier president of Phi Tau Theta
fraternity Monday night at the
Wesley Foundation. CJement I.m
erson was elected vice president,
Al Davis, recording secretary,
David Webb, corresponding secre
tary, Don Morris, treasurer and
Leuoy Seaver, chaplain.
Retiring Tresident Clyde Klea
ger presided over the election. The
new officers will be installed at
the Phi Tau Theta banquet to be
held May 12.
5 Barbers
to Serve You
New Deal
Barber Shop
1306 0 St. 35C
K-Stafc star
2 X
t f i
I - J.
Pictured above Is Kansas
State's Elmer Hackney, whose
53-4J2 heave of the shot yes
terday bettered his old confer
ence mark of 51-11. Hackney's
toss is the best made by any
collegian since Sam Francis got
52-5V? In the 1936 national col
legiates. 18 Huskers
go to Drake
Simmons, Wibbels,
Mills leod NU
Eighteen tracksters and the
coaching staff leave this after
noon for Des Moines, la., where
they will enter the Drake Relays,
which will draw track stars from
all over the nation.
Nebraska's hopes lie mainly in
the 100, 220 and 440 yard dashes
and the weight events. Lloyd
Wright and Bob Simmons carry
the Husker colors in the dashes
while Bob Mills and Edsel Wibbels
will shoulder the weight chances
Mills' hopes for a win took nn up
ward bound yesterday when F.lmer
Hackney, Kansas State star an
nounced that he was passing up
the Drake meet in favor of the
Colorado Relays.
Grote stars.
Another example of the po
tency of Nebraska's freshman
track material was exhibited
Tuesday when Herb Grote, former
Benson high star, threw the jav
elin 210 feet in a frosh meet.
These men are making the
Drake trip: Harwin Dawson, Bob
Simmons, Lloyd Wright, Paul
r i3LO
Antique Finish
With Modern Style
and plenty
built-in Comfort
Hand work in generous amount "goes Into thce
shoes. In everything but price, they're custom
made, . , , Smartly styled, in "antique firujh
leather, over one of die best-looking, best-fitting
lasts we've seen in a long time. Come in today and
lip a pair on your feet.
GOLD'S Men't Store... 11th Street
Jem Beltzer
leads golfers
with 74 score
Mowbray gets 75,
Paul Jones has 77
in tryouts for meet
Jim Beltzcr, Grand Island.
turned In the lowest practice score
for the Iowa Slate meet this week
end, shooting a 74 at the Country
Club yesterday.
Bill Mowbray, captain of the
team, won on Helper's heels with
a 74, and Paul Jones got a 77.
bcores were good considering the
drizzly weather.
Millon beats Spomer.
In qualifying matches, Don Mil
lon finished one up on Wally
Spomer, and one up on Don An
derson. Anderson and Spomer
were tied today, and will finish
their 36 hole match Friday.
Iowa State, who burned up the
conference in pre-conference meet
play last year, but fell down in
the championships, is a strong
golf school, a new golf course re
cently having been added to the
Ames campus. Billy Hall, who fin
ished third in the Big Six cham
pionships last year, is captain of
the team.
National churchman
meets students tonight
Max Adams, national director of
university work in the Presby
terian church, will meet Nebraska
students tonight at the Presby
terian Student Fellowship dinner
to be held in Union Parlors A and
B at 6 o'clock.
Long popular at summer con
ference of university students,
Adams is in Lincoln for a confer
ence with the university pastors
and Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.
secretaries, with whom he will
meet Friday morning, leaving Fri
day afternoon. Tickets for the stu
dent dinner tonight are 35 cents.
Owen, E'lwood Pankonin, John
Brownlee, Al Kuper, Delman
Moore, Bud Tallman, Ralph Wor
den, Bob Mills, Edsel Wibbels,
Raymond Prochaska, Harold
Scott, Bob Neumann, Ted Legate,
LcRoy Walker, and Jack Dodd.
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