FKIDAY, APRIt 14, 1939 EIGHT DAILY NEDRASKAN Headline for today the choosing of the Pep Queen at the Corncob Tassel dance tonight ... all of the kiddies will be there to pick the Nebraska neophite with the most representative "zip" . . . a SPRING Brings Unusual Attractions J to the V STURNPIKES ,Fri. & Sat., April 14 & 15 - O An- and his Great Victor-Brunswick & Bluebird Adm. Friday, 40c Each A Sunday, April 16 TIIDKJPIKT'C 1st Anniversary " 4 We Proudly Present i YX Frank X IdaileyI M and his famous ST0P & GO Rhythm t 6 Orchestra 5 Hours Dancing from 7 to 12 P. M. .55 Ea. from 7 to 8 P. M 75c Ea. After 8 P. M. 1.00 Ea. After 9. P. M. which shouldn't be hard, what with vacation just over and every mip all noimed UD . . . at the party you'll se Pi Phi Betty Roach and Bob nempnui, oig Alph; and Alpha Xi Delta Elea nor Collier with Wendell Nicker son, Acacia; and Kappa Mickey Morrow with Phi Psi Lee Liggett KnrimlAv niffht there will be house parties at Alpha XI Delta, Theta, and Alpna umicron n . . . at the AOPi party will be Waller Savidge and Elizabeth Smith; Rosemary McKnight and ATO Dana Cole; Evelyn Paepcr and Bob Voigt, ATO; Virginia Frank lin and Phi Psi Keith Sturdevant . . . at the Alpha Xi Delta party will be Annette Biernbaum and Carl Royer, Acacia; Alice Yaggie and Ben Marek from Omaha; Ruth Clark and Bob Griffin, Phi Psi; Genevieve Smith and Sigma Chi Fred Snyder ... at the Theta house party will be Billie Hegen berger with Jerry Spahn, Fiji; Betty Jean Peterson and Sigma Nu Frank Day; Jean Cook and ATO Bill Davis, while Peggy Cowan will be with ATO Chuck Davis; and Janet Smith with Phi Psi Carl Ousley . . . and this is also the week-end of Sicma Alpha Mu Days, which will consist of entertainment all week-end, m rliwiinp' smokers, a nartv. roller skating, and lots of fun . . . which will continue from today til Sun day . . . and even though Homer Lavowitz will be there with his shortest of short haircuts, he will have a date with Mickey Stein, who has the loneest bob of all the gals at the Sigma Delta Tau house . . . and we'd like to know what hannened to the rinc of Zeta Beta Tau Bob Silverman during vacation -as if SUT Lorraine Mevevson wouldn't know rumors have it that the ATO's and Phi Methodist groups hold party tonight Phi Tau Theta and Kappa Fhl, Methodist fraternity and sorority, will hold their annual spring party tonight in the Union X, Y and Z from 9 to 12 o'clock. Co-chairmen of the affair are Ruth Clark and Z. Ellis Dann. Dancing and games will furnish the evening's entertainment. 142-73s to win the event against Kansas. He's been getting publicity in press releases concerning the Kan sas Relays, and now Bill Moist, sports writer for the Iowa State Daily Student, devoted two long paragraphs to'Wibbels, in a sur vey concerning ace athletes who will appear at the Big Six track and field meet at Ames May 20 and 21. Gam's will have planned a big day for the 22nd, to oe caneci Fiji-Tau Tussle, and which will provide lots of fun for the lads . . and rumor also has it that the Kosmet Klub boys have found one magic lantern, but are still on tne look-out for a second . . . they are sending SOS's to everyone everywhere, for tne snow must have lamps to go on . . . KaDDa KaDDa Gamma province convention is being held this week end in Columbia, Missouri, and those who are attending are Eliza beth Hedge. Jean Newell. Har riet Cummer. Alice Blaufuss, Helen McPherson, and Marion Stenten. Delta Gamma convention for this nrnvinre is beine held now in Iowa City, Iowa. Several car-loads of girls have gone, among them Nan Talbot, Jane Cook, Jody Jones, Mary Margaret Maly, Maxine Kingsbury, and Harriet laioot. Georgetown university traces origin btick to the Jesuit school established in Maryland in 1634. Bicrbower - - (Continued from Page 7.) mile in history, having done 4 :05.4, which is two seconds slower than Glenn Cuningham's stint on the Dartmouth boards a year ago. Edsel Wibbels, Husker discus ace, is rapidly becoming one of the midwest's most heralded field stars, even tho he's only been in one varsity meet to date. Wibbels, who holds the national interscholastic discus record with a 154-9 toss, and who got six feet better than that last spring, did 600 Male Students "Where Are You Going to Take Your Date TONIGHT?" 600 Would Answer, "to the Corn Cob -Tassel Spring Dance" Featuring CARL COLBY AND HIS ORCHESTRA STUDENT HlilOi 60c Per Couple . . " :r S to Hv . J , '-v V - I i s ' A . : ' V- i fit i v 3 . ' .wi n ,5 .,.-i 7 c nesteriie. -'X , . . the RIGHT COMBINATION o world's best cigarette tobaccos ... they 're mkder wrf taste better Capyfifht 1939. Li(in lc Myem Tobacco Co. i4 (? AW !br World's Fair . . . Captain Nancy Lowry and her Guides will show millions their way around. And at the Fair. . . or wherever you go . . . Chesterfield's right combination of the, world's best cigarette tobaccos is showing millions the way to more smoking pleasure. JFhenyou try them you'll know why Chest' erfields give smokers just what they want in a cigarette, . . more refreshing mildness . . . better taste . . . more pleasing aroma. Til EY SATISFY n